I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 397: : Uposasla

The booming helicopter hovered high in the sky, and people in military uniforms sitting on the helicopter swept the people coming and going with binoculars vigilantly, carefully distinguishing suspicious existence.

Inside and outside the base of the United Nations Scientific Research Station in the New World, people wearing special combat uniforms have one post at three steps, one guard at five steps, and one check at ten steps.

In outer space, several military satellites adjusted their orbits and pointed their cameras here to check if there were suspicious aircraft and ships approaching.

For this piece of suspicion is the old key slate that records the knowledge of the old gods, governments of various countries have resorted to all means, using the most rigorous monitoring and defensive methods to deal with possible spies.

"Everyone, be gentle and pay attention to your feet."

A transport vehicle was parked in the base under the protection of a row of armored vehicles, and a dozen people carrying special boxes walked down from above cautiously.

Although this stone slab, which is suspected of being an old key stone slab, looks very **** the outside, as a stone slab that already existed during the Cambrian, who knows if it is only **** the outside, but broken when touched on the inside?

In fact, in order to be able to safely transport this slab to the base, they dug out the slab together with the soil under the slab and put it in a special box to ensure that it would not be damaged by humans.

Soon, the slate was transported to a dark and damp laboratory covered with muddy moss and vines.

In order to prevent the stone slab from being damaged after leaving the specific environment, the people at the United Nations Scientific Research Station in the New World specially created this perfect simulation of the cold and humid cave.

Although many experts and scholars feel that this is a little fuss, the slate is not a living thing and will not be affected by the environment. There is no need to deliberately simulate the environment of the cave.

But for high-level people, this kind of slate that records the knowledge of the old gods can't be treated with care.

"Thank you all here and those who silently cooperated with us. It is your efforts to bring this piece of slab that is of great significance to all mankind to the scientific research station. On behalf of all mankind, I thank you and thank you very much."

Yemen faced them with a serious look and bowed.

Those people immediately shook their heads and waved their hands, said some polite words to Yemen, and then slowly dispersed, leaving only some Cthulhu experts, paleontologists and linguists.

"This is the slate."

Yemen said solemnly to them, "Your task is to parse out the meaning of the words above."

"I know it's difficult. Faced with a kind of text that has never been seen before, it is as difficult to interpret its meaning without a reference."

"This slate is related to the future of all mankind. Once its content is parsed out, the progress of our humanity in science and technology and mysticism will surely usher in great strides forward, and this slate is resolved. All of you will also leave a strong mark in the history of mankind."

"So everything is up to you."

Yemen bowed solemnly, and then left the laboratory.

Not long after, he put on sterile protective clothing and appeared in a medical room, "How is the inspection?"

Since knowing that the stone slab is most likely the old key stone slab in the myth of Cthulhu, he has arranged for people to conduct an all-round inspection of the staff who have been in contact with the old key stone slab.

"From the examination, he is in good health and there is no problem." A doctor who also wears a sterile protective suit said with a notebook. "But you also know that Mr. Yemen, diseases in occultism use science There is no way to check it out."

Although helpless, I have to say that science's understanding of the occult is really too simple, no, it is not even simple, and modern medicine has not touched the side of the occult.

Yemen nodded. He also knew that science had little effect on occultism. This inspection was just a routine matter. What he really expected was a psychological inspection.

Of course, he would not say such words straightforwardly. He said some beautiful words and brought the examinee to a white room.

The room is not big, but it is white. Not only the walls are white, but the floor is so white that there are no gaps. It looks like you have come to a pure white world.

In this room, a psychiatrist and hypnotist had been waiting.

When he saw Yemen bringing people in, he smiled warmly and "sit"

"Andre, this is Mr. Jacob, a psychiatrist. He is here to do some psychological treatment for you. Don't resist."

Jacob looked at Andre and said with a smile, "Mr. Andre, do you want something to drink?"

"Uh...no, I'm not thirsty." Andre was a little bit cautious about being brought to the psychologist suddenly.

"Don't be nervous, I just simply help you to relax, don't treat him as a treatment, in fact, I have always felt that I am not a psychologist, but a chat partner."

Jacob jokingly said, "Actually, many people come to me just to chat with me, especially some women, who come to me every day and say that they are sick and want me to enlighten them, but I know that they are actually Greed my body."

Andre almost laughed when he heard Jacob say this to himself.

How could there be such a narcissistic person?

Seeing that the effect was very good, Jacob narcissistically said something narcissistic to Andre. Gradually, Andre no longer resisted him.

And Jacob also took the opportunity to return to the topic, "Well, Mr. Andre, let's go back to the topic, otherwise the Yemeni gentleman next to you will scold me. After all, I charge by the hour."

"Close your eyes first, relax your body, don't be nervous, my treatment is completely painless, so you don't have to worry that I will take the opportunity to let you pick up soap."

Andre laughed when he heard the words, and did what he said.

"You imagine the blue sky and white clouds."

"Yes, look at that day, it was very blue and blue, like the color of the ocean." Jacob walked up and gently pressed his finger on his eyelid~www.NovelMTL.com~ repeatedly hinted in a soft voice,

"That white cloud, like a marshmallow, tastes sweet..."

"You have eaten Baiyun now. Your stomach is full and you feel very comfortable. You want to find a place to rest and digest the food in your stomach..."

"You are lying on the white cloud now, very comfortable and comfortable, your eyes are slowly closed, slowly falling asleep..."

"Go to sleep... Go to sleep..."

Feeling that the eyeballs under his fingers were not squirming, Jacob was about to open his mouth to guide him. Suddenly, he felt the eyelids under the fingers move suddenly.

Andre opened his eyes, looked at Jacob shyly, and whispered, "Well, can I take your time before going to bed?"

"Of course." Jacob was not at all annoyed by the failure of hypnosis, and he readily agreed.

Andrei got Jacob’s permission, and his expression immediately lifted up, "I want to make peace with you, our heavenly father and creator Uposasra..."

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