I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 396: :Origin of Life

"The myth of Cthulhu?"

As soon as this word came out, it seemed to have magical powers, making the hall quiet in an instant, and all looking at the opening person.

Originally, Icelandic religious scholars and Hebrew religious scholars who were arguing whether this slate recorded the Rune script or the ten commandment tablet signed by God and the ancestors of Moses swallowed everything they had to say.

Dongying's experts instinctively hit the spirit, almost jumped up and escaped.

As a country that has suffered from the evil **** of Cthulhu, the five words of the Cthulhu myth are far more powerful than the deterrence of the ‘little boy’ atomic bomb in the hearts of Dongying people.

If anyone dared to recite a spell related to Cthulhu on Dongying Street, he could be carried into the hospital alive and he would be blessed by the Lord of Heaven.

Yemen's heart trembled and said quickly, "Are you sure? Are you sure this stone slab is related to the myth of Cthulhu?"

He had touched this slate for research.

Although various protective equipment was worn when contacting, it is well known that the protective equipment created by science and technology has a protective effect on the mysterious force approximately equal to zero.

The theologian who said that this slab was like an old key slab was Sophoniks, a young man.

Faced with the eyes of so many people, especially the master of many of these eyes is the predecessor of the theological world, he immediately felt tremendous pressure.

After being asked by Yemen, he said cautiously, "I can't be sure, but this slab does look like an old key slab in Cthulhu mythology."

Hearing this young man say that he was not sure, the Icelandic religious scholar who had shut up immediately started angrily. "Young man, this continent fell from Asgard and was protected by the **** of the forest. The continent protected by the divine power of Dahl and Valli, the **** of vengeance, is the new world predicted by the great **** Odin. How could there be anything related to the myth of Cthulhu on it?"

"Although everyone should speak freely here, at least you have to have some basis before speaking next time."

If you are irritated by the seniors in the industry, you will be irritated, but why are you an Icelander arrogant? Who doesn't know that Icelandic religious scholars are parallel imports? Before, no one in Iceland studied Norse mythology. It would be better to put the hat of a religious scientist on your head after the extraordinary people of Northern Europe appeared.

Sophoniks immediately dissatisfied and said, "The basis? Why is there no basis? As mentioned in the book "Upossara" written by Clark Ashton Smith, the old keystone records the wisdom of the gods. "

"It is the Chinese and foreign **** Ubosasra in the myth of Cthulhu who is responsible for guarding the old key slabs."

"In the myth of Cthulhu, the outer **** Uposasla is the prototype of all the creatures on our blue star. After he entered the blue star, his body secreted primitive single-celled organisms and urged them to evolve into other life forms. ."

"And this coincides with the Cambrian biological explosion mentioned by Darwin in "The Origin of Species."

"Assuming that the Cambrian biological explosion was really caused by the outer **** Ubosasra, then this stone slab that also came from the Cambrian and recorded mysterious texts is very likely to record the knowledge of the ancient gods, which has been countless The old key slab that people call the "Old God's Key"."

Hearing this, many people secretly approved what the young theologian had said.

Compared to the ‘stone slab recording the rune’s forcibly pulling the relationship’ and the ten commandment slab, which has no connection except for a slab, the old key slab guessed by this young man is more based.

And if this stone slab is really an old key stone slab, then the reason why humans can never find the forest **** Vidal, the vengeful **** Vali, and the traces of the new humans on this continent seems to have appeared.

It is very likely that they have been killed by the Cthulhu evil god.

Many people who think of this look at the Icelandic experts and professors with sympathy.

After the twilight of the gods, the political status of the Icelanders had already declined severely, and even the new world that appeared at their door was not preserved, and they had to work with other countries to develop this piece of land that should belong to the five Nordic countries.

If the last two gods of the Nordic gods had fallen, I'm afraid the Icelanders would return to their international status before the mysterious power came into existence.

Sophoniks hesitated after talking about his guesses, but thinking about these things even if they didn’t remind them, they could see them when they went back and flipped through the information, so they started to remind them, "Everyone, old key slate. Although it is related to the myth of Cthulhu, it does not have much to do with the evil **** Cthulhu."

"According to Mr. Carter in "The Papyrus of Dark Wisdom", the old key slab comes from the higher dimensional world of the old gods."

"It records the strange knowledge possessed by the gods before the creation of the world."

"In the legend, as long as you see and understand the knowledge contained in the old keystone, humans can become creatures that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the gods, possess incomparably powerful powers, and can easily change the operation and organizational structure of the celestial bodies of the universe."

Hearing what Sophoniks said, everyone's eyes were surprised.

As we all know, the old gods in the myth of Cthulhu refer to the gods on the blue star. If Sophoniks is true, then this old keystone is not a curse, but a huge treasure!

Some experts and professors immediately took out their mobile phones and tablets to log in to the undisclosed internal archives, trying to verify whether what Sophoniks said was true, while some people who came with special tasks took out their mobile phones to make a call The news that shocked the world was reported to my superiors~www.NovelMTL.com~ Yemen saw these actions and did not stop them. On the one hand, those people have filed for the record and are special envoys/agents of various countries with the title of expert professor. He was also calling his superiors at this time, asking for instructions.

"...Yes, yes, I will immediately organize personnel to transport the old key slabs back." Yemen put down the phone, clapped his hands, and brought everyone's attention to him.

"Everyone, the above order has already come down..."

"Our people will ship the old key slate back for everyone to study. Before the research results of the old key slate are made public, everyone needs to keep it secret.

"The communication tools in your hands will be temporarily confiscated. If you have to use the communication tools, you can apply to me."

"Of course, except you." Yemen said to those special envoys/agents who had just reported to their superiors. "You are going to help me protect the old key slabs this time to prevent those countries excluded from this joint operation from attacking the old key slates. Steal."

"Your boss will send you specific orders soon."

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