I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 395: : Old 钥

The headquarters of the New World United Nations Scientific Research Station in the New World, covering a vast area and building a sci-fi style base, a helicopter propellers blasted and landed vertically on the reserved space.

The heavy boots of the human being touched the black ground, making a sound of dong dong dong, and then stepped into the conference hall of the inspection station.

At this time, the conference hall was very noisy. The gathered staff, theologians, religious scientists, folklorists, and biologists whispered to each other, asking each other what happened and why they were suddenly asked to gather.

After the conference hall was full of people, an old man in his seventies, wearing a headset microphone, walked to the podium.

"My name is Yemen, and I am a Hebrew theologian..."

"I won't tell you any extra nonsense, let's get to the point directly."

He took out the remote control and pressed it a few times, and projected a group of pictures on the big screen behind him.

It was a magnificent stone slab that was seven or eight meters high. I don't know what kind of stone it was carved with. It was carved with a kind of hieroglyphs that people could not understand.

"This is what one of our expedition team discovered in a cold and humid cave on the New World..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted.

"Mr. Yemen, you should know that in the world of occultism, there are certain things that cannot be seen, heard, or thought about."

"Can I ask you not to put the pictures directly? You can use other pictures or text instead."

It was a theologian from Dongying who was speaking with his eyes closed tightly.

After being invaded by the evil **** Cthulfutan, the Dongying people's attitude towards occultism is full of caution and awe. They both want to embrace the mystery, but are also afraid of being hurt by the mystery.

This attitude has also affected academia.

Therefore, after releasing the picture in Yemen, he immediately interrupted Yemen aloud to remind everyone.

"Thanks to Mr. Yagawa Koichi for the reminder." Yemen glanced at the name on the badge of the other party, and said with a smile, "But please rest assured, Mr. Yagawa Koichi. After the picture is released, we are aware of the prototype of this picture and the people who have come into contact with it. People have done various inspections, and our trial-and-error personnel risked their lives to observe this group of pictures and release them only if there is no problem."

If it wasn't for the particular purpose of this time, he wouldn't want to release this group of pictures. After all, the mystery cannot be detected by scientific instruments. As for the trial and error personnel, it's okay... What if the mysterious power has a latency period.

Hearing what Yemen said, Hao Yagawa opened his eyes and immediately apologized, "I'm sorry, Yemeni, I am reckless, I am extremely sorry."

"Mr. Yagawa also spoke out of careful consideration. There is no need to apologize, but I did not tell everyone the situation in advance. I should apologize."

"No, Yemeni..."


Yemen and Koichi Yagawa spoke humbly to each other before returning to the topic, "After our identification, this stone slab was found to be from the Cambrian period 500 million years ago."

"Everyone, please pay attention."

Yemen marked a few words with red arrows on the picture, "These hieroglyphs I marked are exactly the same word, and there are many words similar to this situation on this stone slab. So we guessed that the words on this slab were probably carved out by some creatures themselves, and it was their words."

"The purpose of summoning everyone this time is also to gather the wisdom of everyone to find the creature that created this kind of writing and to translate the content of the writing on this slate."

The voice fell, and the entire conference room was silent.

Those theologians, religious scientists, folklorists, and biologists all look at me, I look at him, and don’t know what to say.

We are theologians/religiousists/folklorists/biologists, not linguists. Is it a bit embarrassing for us to translate the words on this slate?

Yemen said mildly, “I know everyone’s concerns, but please don’t treat this as a serious academic exchange meeting place. Please treat it as an art salon, a place where you can talk freely. You can say anything about it, even if it’s It's okay to be wrong."

Yemen looked at the following scenes where the students didn’t say a word when they were naming their names in class, and they started to provoke others. “As you all know, Darwin mentioned in "The Origin of Species" that the creatures on our Blue Star are about 500 million years old. The pre-Cambrian suddenly evolved on a large scale."

"Is it possible that some kind of intelligent creature suddenly appeared at that time, and they recorded their civilization with a slate?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a biologist retorted, "This is impossible."

"In the Cambrian biological explosion, invertebrates broke out, and those animals are far from wisdom, let alone invented words and used words to record their own civilization."

"Sir, invertebrates do not mean that there is no wisdom. In the mysterious world, creatures do not have wisdom only after a long period of evolution. It may also be seen by the gods and they will have wisdom and civilization."

A word from Yemen made the biologist not know what to say.

If we say that with the development of science and the deepening of human research on the geology and biology of blue stars, the arguments of Darwin's theory of evolution have been shaken, then the advent of God has completely denied Darwin's theory of evolution.

The view that man was created by God has become a generally accepted view in society and academia.

"Mr. Yemen, since this stone slab involves mystery, why must it be written by intelligent creatures? Why can't it be written by God?"

A theologian stood up and said, “In Norse mythology, humans generally believe that runes were only understood by my lord Odin when he hung himself upside down on the world tree for nine days and nine nights. However, it is also said that my lord Odin was Only after getting a stone slab engraved with Rune characters did I realize it."

"Maybe this slate is the legendary slate~www.NovelMTL.com~ and the text on it is the legendary Rune text."

After his words fell, another theologian immediately retorted, "'Odin, the great god, got a stone slab engraved with runes to realize that runes' this legend is not very credible. The reason is This legend is only passed down by part of the Icelandic population, and it is not recorded in "The Proverbs of an Expert"."

"Compared to your guess, I feel that this stone tablet is the one in the legend that our lord God signed the Ten Commandments with Moses and the Hebrew ancestors."

"This is the continent formed by the fall that fell from Asgard. How could the slabs excavated from here be the tablets of the Ten Commandments of God."

"There is no direct evidence that this continent is related to Asgard..."


Yemen watched the two theologians suddenly arguing. Just as they were about to dissuade them, they heard a weaker voice ringing in the conference hall.

"How do I see it, this is a bit like an old keystone in the myth of Cthulhu!"

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