I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 375: : Walk with God for 13 years (5)

He made this decision because "creating the world" is his next goal, and this **** who created a world in his dream can be said to be his potential competitor. He thinks it is to test the competitor. Very necessary thing.

However, he did not immediately enter the dream world, but first cut off the connection between his clone and the ontology, turning this clone into an independent individual.

The erosion of the God of Prophecy made him realize that using the clone to explore is not absolutely safe. In the alien world, there are some means that can be corroded along the connection between the clone and the ontology.

So he upgraded his means of exploration.

Both: cut off the connection between the main body and the clone.

The advantage of this is that the body is absolutely safe, and even the previous mixed power of abyss and **** cannot bypass the rules of the kingdom of God and directly corrode his body.

The disadvantage is that after the ontology and the clone are disconnected, the thinking of the clone and the ontology are no longer synchronized. In a sense, the clone and the ontology have fallen into two philosophical questions of whether I am still myself after experiencing different things Come.

And his solution to the philosophical problem of "Is the me at this moment the me of the last moment, and whether I am the next moment at this moment?" The solution to the philosophical problem is to synchronize the knowledge to the ontology after the clone has completed the predetermined plan and then dissipate the clone Drop.

After cutting off the connection with the main body, Jiang Hao looked around, chose a relatively clean ground and lay down, and then said to himself,

"good night!"

After entering the sleep state, Jiang Hao's divine intuition was touched, and he felt a gentle force blow from his consciousness.

He immediately disbanded all defenses and suppressed his resistance.

In the next moment, he'come' to a city completely different from the city before going to bed.

This city looks huge, bigger than all the cities on the Blue Star. At first glance, there is an illusion that the city is covering the sky.

The surrounding buildings are also very strange.

Some have an inverted pyramid structure, some have a suspended structure, and some are built directly on a huge tree. The value of the tree grows into the shape of a palace, which looks like entering a bizarre world.

After Jiang Hao looked around for a few moments, he saw a man with brown hair and brown eyes, rough skin, and a dark short-sleeved jacket.

It's the man before...

With a thought on his mind, he followed closely, and then followed all the way to the door of a semi-open house.

It is said to be semi-open because half of the house is painted in black and the other half is transparent. The two are mixed in a ratio of 73.

The man walked to the door of the house, raised his hand and clicked on the door.

Soon, the door was opened, and a man dressed in a simple linen robe, covered his face with a black cloth, his uncovered eyes looked like a pair of red gems.

After the man walked in, the seemingly empty house was filled with a bunch of women of various appearances and styles, and the man quickly got rid of the extra burden on himself, and became unsuitable for children with these women. Things.

He was dreaming a spring dream in his dream, but what made me sure is that this guy has exhibitionism... Jiang Hao narrowed his eyes, turned and moved forward a few steps, and moved his gaze away.

An hour later, Jiang Hao raised his eyebrows, turning his thoughts in his heart, and a silver lightning struck down from the blue sky.

There is no elemental fluctuations, no use of my own strength, just thinking in my heart, things happen, in the dream world, everyone is omnipotent? Jiang Hao thought thoughtfully.

When the lightning was about to strike the house, an invisible force emerged and bounced the lightning away.

protection mechanism? Is it the protection mechanism created by the owner of the house when he created the house, or is it the protection rule that comes with this dream world that is similar to not hurting others? Jiang Hao squinted his eyes, and suddenly a greater gust of wind and shower occurred out of thin air.

The gusty wind howled and the rain burst.

In this area, there was a huge contrast with the outside wind and sunny weather. The rain fell on the top of the house, making a crackling sound.

It's not the protection mechanism that comes with the house... Jiang Hao's heart moved, and the gust of wind and showers disappeared like they suddenly came, replaced by a ray of light.

A ray of light completely different from sunlight.

Its brightness is above normal sunlight, and it is refracted into the wooden bed of the house through the exposed part of the house. Gradually, the part irradiated by the light starts to become hot and hot.

He stood quietly, waiting for the temperature to reach the critical point and burn.

But he waited for more than ten minutes without waiting for the wooden bed to burn, and the part illuminated by the light remained below the critical point.

This dream world has a protection rule similar to that of not hurting others... Klein saw this scene, raised his eyebrows, walked forward, and tapped at the door of the house.

Boom, boom...

His percussion was not strong, only the point where his knuckles touched the wooden door, but under his will, the sound was accurately transmitted to the house and the man's ears.

"I'm knocking on Nima, knocking on the door after this is too late, why are you..."

Because something unsuitable for children was interrupted, the man’s angry voice took on his hometown’s unique tone. Then, the door of the house slammed open from the inside, and the angry man met Jiang Hao’s smiling face. , Surprised,

"It's you?"

"That outsider during the day! Why are you here?"

He was not surprised that this foreigner would come into this dream world, because anyone who fell asleep in Holhorst ~www.NovelMTL.com~ would enter this dream world in his sleep, no matter he was Outsiders are still locals.

But he was surprised that this person would actually find himself.

"Hello, I don't know the world. Can you show me around and explain to me by the way?" Jiang Hao asked politely.

"No." The man refused directly.

People in the dream world can realize everything they can think and think, almost omnipotent, but time cannot be changed, and they cannot be immersed forever in this world where they can do whatever they want by delaying the passage of time.

When the sun rises in reality, no matter what people in the dream world are doing and how long they stay here, they will be forced to wake up.

So he cherishes this kind of thing very much.

When Jiang Hao heard the words, his heart moved, and the house behind the man and the woman in the house disappeared.

"Now you can take me around, can you explain it to me by the way?"

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