I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 374: : Walk with God for 13 years (4)

"Thank you for the story, uncle, goodbye uncle."

Adrian followed his parents, freed his other hand, and waved to Jiang Hao.

"Goodbye, Adrian, looking forward to you, just like you in the story, stand up and save the world." Jiang Hao put away the quill and notebook, and said to the boy with a smile.

"Little Adrian is very clingy. I really trouble you on this journey. I'm really sorry. This is a gift for you. Please accept it." Adrian's mother took out a piece apologetically. There was still big flesh with dark red blood stains on it.

This is the meat of Warcraft.

For people living near the Iberian Channel, it is a custom to eat raw meat of Warcraft without any treatment, and they believe that doing so can make their bodies stronger.

In fact, the humans near the Iberian Sea Route are indeed larger than those in other kingdoms.

"Thank you for the gift, Madam." Jiang Hao smiled and reached into his pocket, took out a silver-white silver coin, and slowly threw it into the air, "Fate will bless you, and good luck will be by your side. "

"The time is three years."

"Thank you for your blessing." Adrian's mother thought Jiang Hao was saying kind words. Although she didn't understand why the three-year limit was added, she still thanked her politely.

The siren of the steam train rang. This was the sound of the train about to start.

Adrian's parents hurriedly pulled Adrian out of the platform and walked to his house.

They are residents of this city called Uerli. The reason they came back by train from outside was because they took their children to their grandmother's house.

On the way home, countless acquaintances greeted them with a smile,

"The Adrians are back."

"Did you have fun outing?"

"Little Adrian, did your sister ask you to play."


All kinds of greetings and kind teasing came from neighbors and acquaintances.

"By the way, little Adrian, I have a new batch of Warcraft cubs here. Would you like to come and see? Maybe there is something you like."

When Adrian heard this, he suddenly remembered a description in the "Digimon Warcraft Edition" written by that uncle for himself: "The manager of the pet shop invited the little Adrian to the store to see the new Warcraft. Cub, in the pet shop, young Adrian met his partner, a chubby monster. ’

But, isn't it?

"Little Adrian." Adrian's father turned his head and said, "Would you like to see it?"


Adrian nodded quickly, curious.

Will it be true? Will I really go on adventures with little Alice and others, and save the world together?

The family of three who were going to go home immediately turned around and walked to the magic pet shop.

Adrian, who stepped into the store, immediately looked around looking for the familiar in that story. Soon, he saw a chubby monster with two long ears on his head and a pink complexion.

"Is there really a ball beast?"

"Ball beast?" The manager of the pet shop leading the way was shocked when he heard Adrian's words, and immediately said, "This name is pretty good, it's called Bump beast."

After speaking, he reached out and touched Adrian's head, and said with a smile, "It seems that little Adrian likes it very much. May I give it to you?"

Adrian didn't answer, he was startled and startled, and for a moment he was at a loss.


"Anyone who knows fate will eventually become the one who pushes it."

On the train, Jiang Hao turned his gaze back. What happened to the little boy gave him another layer of understanding of fate.

He wrote a fate for Adrian, and then showed it to Adrian, let him know this fate, but from the final result, it is precisely he knows this fate that will let this fate Show it out in a reasonable way.

After the train reached the terminal station, Jiang Hao walked out of the platform and walked through the strange city along the road beside the platform.

Because it was at night, there were not many people on the road. The sound of his footsteps passed on the quiet street, breaking the dead silence.

After walking for about tens of minutes, Jiang Hao saw the first person he saw in the city on the road.

A man with brown hair and brown eyes, rough skin, wrapped in a dark short-sleeved jacket, and cursing in his mouth.

"Hello, can you tell me where there are hotels that are still open?"

"The hotel? No, it disappeared half a year ago. You can find a place to sleep. Anyway, before the sun rises tomorrow morning, no one will see you sleeping on the ground embarrassedly." The man called himself to the stranger. Looks very impatient.

"It's because everyone is asleep, and you won't be woken up no matter how you call it, right?" Jiang Haoyi asked pointedly.

He felt something was wrong from the moment he stepped into this city.

Because it's so quiet.

Normally, it is impossible for a city to make no sound even in the silent night, but the city breaks this perception and is as quiet as a dead city with no one inhabited.

He relied on his divine intuition to perceive the situation in the city, and found that everyone in the city was asleep.

There is no curse, no withdrawal from the soul, just a simple fall asleep.

During sleep, their physical functions recovered well, so it didn't seem like they had suffered an accident.

The man glanced at him and sneered.

"Oh, outsider, you don't understand what it is at all, it is a gift from God, you actually regard it as sleeping."

"If it wasn't for me to be dragged by that **** **** who deserved to be taken by Gorilla Dog Day tonight~www.NovelMTL.com~ I would have gone to the world of my dreams to enjoy God’s grace now, **** bitch, smelly Bitch."

After speaking, before Jiang Hao could speak, the man hurriedly disappeared around the corner.

God's gift?

The world in the dream?

Create a world in your dream for others to have fun? Is he talking about dreams? That **** is the **** who rules the dream? Among the gods, when did a **** who dominate dreams appear... Jiang Hao was puzzled and frowned slightly. He took out a crystal ball and made a prediction.

Soon, a dream world about one-30,000th the size of the main plane emerged in the prophecy.

Dream world?

This **** created a world in a dream. Does he want to encroach on the authority of ‘creation’?

He hesitated, and finally decided to test this ‘dream world’ first.

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