I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 376: : Walk with God for 13 years (6)

"This was originally a desolate piece of land, let alone buildings, there is not even a single piece of grass." Although he was not happy at first, the man who claimed to be Cherdan finally ended up with Jiang Hao's friendly negotiation. Take up your responsibilities as a tour guide, calmly give a friendly explanation to outsiders.

He said proudly,

"Our residents of Holhorst built this place brick by brick with our own hands and sweat."

Jiang Hao nodded, and then looked at him with a smile, without revealing that this is a dream world, a dream world of ‘how I think, I realize it’.

Here, how can anyone create a city with his own hands?

Even if someone is willing to do this, it will not be a city person, and this kind of bizarre city cannot be created by human beings with their own hands.

At Jiang Hao’s smile, Cherdan couldn’t say anything anymore. He changed the subject, “In this world, people are almost omnipotent, but you have to pay attention to a few rules. Will be expelled from this world, and will disappear in the dream world, pay attention, it is the kind that disappears with you in reality."

"First, you can't hurt others in any way."

"Second, we cannot create huge disasters in the dream world."

"Third, you cannot try to summon creatures or clones or projections from other planes in the dream world."

"Fourth, you cannot recite the names of gods, no gods are allowed, not even the gods you believe in."


Not being able to hurt others is because you are afraid that mixing into a murderous frenzy will cause the people in your dream world to be slaughtered? "Can't create huge disasters in the dream world" should be to prevent the dream world from being destroyed. Although this is a dream world, theoretically it can be restored immediately after being destroyed, but it will definitely give others a bad experience.

As for the third and fourth, it is estimated that it is to prevent alien creatures and gods from discovering this world, and then become greedy? Does this mean that the person/god who created this dream is not strong enough to protect such a treasure? Jiang Hao listened to Cherdan's words and looked around thoughtfully

In his sight, these strange buildings and flowers have faded their different appearances and colors, revealing their essence, a void without any color and only a void.

It seemed that someone was watching him, and a pair of strange eyes opened quickly in the void.

It turned out to be a god... Seeing a touch of gold and divine power fluctuations in his eyes, Jiang Hao quickly closed his gaze back, pretending to be a normal outsider and chatting with Cherdan.

"Can you tell me where there is a place to sell wine?"

"I want to taste your drink."

"Drinks? Then you ask the right person." Cherdan seemed to think of something extremely pleasing, with a hint of excitement in his voice.

With a thought in his heart, the two disappeared from the street and appeared in a magnificent hall instead.

The floor of the hall is hot with gilt gold, the ceiling is hung with crystal lamps, and the corners of the walls are jewels that are bigger than the human head, reflecting a strange brilliance in the light.

Some dark-skinned men dressed in gorgeous robes held women of various characteristics in the hall, raised the goblet in their hands, and kept making banging sounds.

Everything seemed so feasting.

"Although in the dream world, everyone can build their own world at will, there are some things that people who have never seen it can't imagine."

"It's like this hall. Only Sir Wills Frey, who has been invited to a banquet hosted by King Ushuaia, can imagine it."

Cherdan said proudly.

Jiang Hao looked at the hall decorated with gold and gems and nodded, "If it is a gem dragon, I must really like this hall."

"There is something better." Cherdan smiled happily.

After speaking, he beckoned to a passing waiter.

Soon, the waiter with sharp ears and pure eyes came over.

He slipped his hand into the waiter’s clothes, and the waiter seemed to be accustomed to this kind of thing. Not only did he not resist, but he took advantage of the situation to cooperate with Cherdan, showing an expression of enjoyment.

Cerdan said with a smile while ruining the waiter, "Elves, many people have never seen a race in their entire lives. Even if they are fantasy, they can't imagine authentic elves, but Sir Wills Frey. It's different. He was once invited to a banquet of a certain earl, saw these beautiful elves, and copied these elves into this dream world."

"Outsiders, you can play with these elves, they will cooperate with you very much."

After speaking, he laughed dissolutely.

You may not believe it, let alone an elf, I have seen the creator of the elf... Jiang Hao glanced at Cerdan, imagined a glass of wine, drank it, and then he imagined that this glass is theoretically mellow The taste of the wine has a pungent taste, and when he was in the stomach, he imagined that the wine was sour.

The end result is that he feels sour.

In this dream world, everyone is omnipotent, and they can do it as long as they think, but because they are omnipotent, the next instruction will overwrite the previous instruction.

He stood in this magnificent hall, silently watching these people play.

Compared with the real world, this dream world is even better than heaven for these residents.

Here, it can satisfy all your **, what you can imagine and what you can't imagine, he can satisfy, you are almost equivalent to God.

But what is the purpose of that **** ~www.NovelMTL.com~ in creating this dream world?

Do you simply spread your faith and show your sense of existence, or are you trying to gain authority?

Why is his action so secretive again?

Except for the great divine powers who want to transcend the multiverse, normal gods wish that the more famous they are on the main plane, the better, so that they can attract believers and use the temptation of this dream world to believers, as long as he is willing to open up. For believers, it will take a few thousand years to become one of the gods with the largest number of believers on the main plane.

Jiang Hao smiled and watched the story of the high-flying feast staged in the hall, until the next morning when the sun rose, everyone was forced to leave the dream world.

Jiang Hao, who returned to reality, synchronized his thinking to the ontology, then took out the notebook and quill, and wrote on it.

"There is a magical dream world in Holhorst. Every night the residents of this city can enter this dream world by sleeping."

"Suddenly one day, a group of nightmare stared at this world..."

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