I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 369: : Prophecy again

Jiang Hao suddenly felt that his thoughts were messed up, and countless thoughts were flying around, as if countless personalities came out with different thoughts at the same time.

who I am?

I'm Sandro? No, I’m Jiang Hao. No, I’m the Lord God of Heaven’s Lord, I’m the All-Knowing and Almighty God, and I’m the Great Lord Pangu who pioneered the world.

Where am I? I am in the abyss, no, I am in the kingdom of God.

What am i doing? I want to sleep, no, I want to play the **** of prophecy, right or wrong, I want to open up the universe, I want to be the **** of creation.

Jiang Hao tried hard to restrain his own thoughts, but often restrained one thought, and another thought came out immediately. For a while, he suffered from multiple schizophrenia, and he stood still and didn't know what he was going to do.

Seeing this scene, the corners of the God of Prophecy's mouth curled up, and smooth squid tentacles stretched out from his body, and thrust in towards Jiang Hao.

But the next moment, a flash of axe light slashed out of Jiang Hao's body, cutting off all the tentacles that stretched past.


Seeing that Jiang Hao, who was in a state of chaos, could still fight back against him, the God of Prophecy was a little confused for a while.

In front of him, a Pangu with a dragon head and a snake body was separated from Jiang Hao's body.

Immediately afterwards, the emperor Wa with a human head and a snake body was separated from Jiang Hao's body, the unspeakable God who looked like light and not light, could not see any form and substance, and separated the sky wearing a white robe. The main **** of the imperial court separated the water Nunn flowing in the chaos, separated the chaos core that was infinitely twisted, without the slightest wisdom, and only the purest instinct...

Densely dense clones appeared in the kingdom of God.

There are hundreds of them.


Seeing these avatars of Jiang Hao, the God of Prophecy immediately understood.

The **** of agriculture actually rejected his chaotic thoughts in the form of a clone. In this way, no matter how many thoughts and personalities he brought to him with the power of chaos, he could guarantee that he would not affected.

It just made him feel strange, what are these things like Pangu, God, Asathos, Nunn, and Wa emperor?

It seems to be some kind of **** higher than the god's level 19.

But is there such a **** in the multiverse?

"But no matter what these are, you do it, but you give me a chance."


He used his authority again, but this time the target was not Jiang Hao, but the clone separated by Jiang Hao.

The virtual authority of the **** of prophecy played a role, and the clones that were supposed to be completely manipulated by the main body began to appear in different chaos, and some clones even launched attacks on Jiang Hao's main body.

Among these clones, some raised their axe and struck Jiang Hao with an axe. Some thoughts caused a change in the dark, and some opened their mouths and said,'I said there should be light', and the world is bright. Up.

Immediately afterwards, the God of Prophecy launched the prophecy, foreseeing the angle of these attacks, and then his hands turned into slippery tentacles, passing through the gap between the attack and the attack.

As a normal god, the clone separated at this time must be only the lowest-level projection clone. After all, the projection clone is low in strength, can accommodate chaotic personality, and consumes almost nothing, let alone a few hundred, even if it is. Separating thousands or tens of thousands of them will cause the power loss of the body to be negligible.

Therefore, He did not expect these clones to be able to severely damage Jiang Hao.

He really depends on himself.

But at this moment, there was a soft sigh,

"God of prophecy, you like flowering so much, why not be a flower farmer?"

The tentacles that the God of Prophecy stretched over suddenly stopped.

The attacks of those clones also stopped.

He and Jiang Hao's clones put everything down in a daze, transformed into a small shovel and irrigation tools, and began to plant flowers on the ground.

After using his authority to interfere with the God of Prophecy, Jiang Hao flipped his left palm and took out the wheel of fortune again.

"As a good friend of the elven lord Corylon, when the mountain Drew, the **** of agriculture, mentioned his name, it was a reasonable development to attract Corylon to come."

A touch of emerald green suddenly appeared in the space around Jiang Hao, and in a blink of an eye, the emerald green grew into a lush forest.

Behind him, a huge shadow of the world tree emerged.

The size of this world tree is far larger than his country, even larger than the average plane. Its roots disappear from the void and go deep into the chaos, drawing on the power of chaos and transforming it into earth, water, wind and fire. The four elements are consumed by the tree.

And the dense branches and leaves of the big tree are hung with bright red fruits. If you look closely, you can find that each of these fruits is a huge dimensional space.

World Tree Lakhill!

An artifact used by the elven **** Corellon to travel through chaos.

After the emergence of the World Tree, the fresh air full of nature dispelled the filthy and chaotic atmosphere of the abyss. After seeing the World Tree, the Will of the Abyss immediately gave up the erosion of Jiang Hao’s sacred essence and turned to the World Tree’s. On the phantom, following the connection between the phantom and the body, it eroded the World Tree.

In the eyes of the will of the abyss, a powerful divine power is far inferior to the world tree Lakhir.

The fall of the former will only add an extremely powerful demon prince to the bottomless abyss, but the fall of the latter will give the bottomless abyss the tools to corrode other universes.

As for the idea of ​​the **** of prophecy, when does the will of the abyss care about the idea of ​​a ‘demon lord’?

Its chaotic nature is doomed, it can only be used, not instructed.

Having lost the suppression of the will of the abyss, Jiang Hao exerted his full power in ‘agriculture’ to suppress the consciousness of the **** of prophecy.

Waves of ripples turbulent in the void ~www.NovelMTL.com~ The light in the eyes of the God of Prophecy diminished little by little, which made him make fewer and fewer actions other than digging, planting, and watering.

This is like an npc born with self-consciousness, even if it is intentionally not standing in place, but the underlying code that builds it determines that it can only stand there, mechanically doing repeated conversations with the player.

At the same time, outside the kingdom of God, Corellon stretched his long bow and shot an arrow at the God of Prophecy.


The green arrow was inserted into the chest of the God of Prophecy, and the divine power from Corylon exploded violently, an emerald green light rushed out, shattering his divine essence.

At this moment, the God of Prophecy stopped disguising.

Because the devil prince is dead, he is really dead, and dying as a god, there is still a chance of resurrection.

Looking at Jiang Hao, the Elf Lord God, and Lady Dark Night, the God of Prophecy made the last move before death.


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