I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 368: : Crimson Moon

The wheel of fortune creaked and made a rotten sound.

Perceiving the bad prophecy, the God immediately stopped taking over the kingdom of God and turned to suppress Jiang Hao’s thinking consciousness with all his strength, but just as he reacted, a crimson moon rose above the kingdom of God. stand up.

The moonlight mixed with silvery white and crimson was released from the moon, penetrated into the kingdom of God, and swayed down.

In the kingdom of God, the dense gray flowers changed drastically in the light, and these flowers bloomed suddenly, and a head of werewolf with fur all over jumped out of it.

These werewolves screamed at the crimson moon as soon as they appeared, and the flowers behind them withered in an instant.

Mother of Fallen Sex...

After seeing the crimson moon emerge, all the flowers of the abyss that he bloomed ‘fallen’ into believers of the other side, and gave birth to werewolves, the heart of the God of Prophecy was suddenly horrified.

The Fallen Mother is a powerful divine power of the 17th level of the gods. Its sovereign authority is ‘fallen’ and ‘werewolf’, and his titles are ‘creator of werewolves’ and ‘the source of the spontaneous fall of all things’.

And the mother of fallen **** is the incarnation of Lady Night.

As a great divine power, Lady Dark Night may not be the most powerful of all great divine powers, but she has been active since the first era, and is still active in the multiverse until now. He is definitely the most prestigious in the level 19 of the gods. That one.

Any creature or god, facing his incarnation, will feel shocked.

What frightened him even more was that he didn't even predict this possibility.

"But this is impossible. I have clearly predicted all possible futures. How can I not foresee this future?..."

"But now is not the time to delve into this."

With a thought of the God of Prophecy, the golden pupils were stained with pure black.

Suddenly, a large amount of black aura radiated from the body of'Jiang Hao', and gathered in the air into a huge evil snake with feathers all over it.

In order to obtain the power of the bottomless abyss and the nine levels of hell, He used the power of the prince of lies to deceive the abyss and the evil snake, causing them to mistakenly believe that they have fallen into the devil king and the devil king, thus gaining enough power to suppress a powerful **** the power of.

And now, he released the power he got from the evil snake, and returned the sovereignty of the power to the evil snake.

The evil snake opened its eyes and saw the mother of the fallen **** at the first glance, and the hollow pupils immediately burst out with a light of hatred.

It twisted, rushed forward, opened its mouth, and bit at the crimson moon in the sky.

Both ‘fallen’ and ‘darkness’ were supposed to be its power to dominate, but they were taken away by the lady of the night. Therefore, its hatred of the night is much higher than the others, second only to the good snake.

The evil snake swallowed the crimson moon, but the mixed moonlight of silver and crimson radiated through its body. Soon it bent down, opened its mouth and bit its tail, connecting its head and tail together. Form a closed loop, locking the moonlight in its own loop.

Seizing this opportunity, the God of Prophecy manipulated the hands of'Jiang Hao' to tightly grasp the crystal ball in front of him.

In a daze, Jiang Hao seemed to feel that he was facing a huge consciousness.

This consciousness is disorganized and chaotic. It does not even have the basic logic of being oneself as a life. It does not have the concept of'I', and there is no thinking of'who am I','where am I', or'what am I doing'. It is one A collection of pure consciousness mixed.

But it is so huge and vast, giving Jiang Hao a feeling that he is facing the vast starry sky.

Even the evil snake he had faced directly was not as good as this consciousness.

The moment he saw it, Jiang Hao understood what had happened.

The God of Prophecy communicated with the bottomless abyss and suppressed himself with the help of the huge consciousness of the bottomless abyss.

It seemed that Jiang Hao's existence was sensed, and this chaotic consciousness was creeping into time and space.

Black lines came across the void and entangled Jiang Hao. This extremely chaotic and terrifying consciousness came and fell on him.

The expression on his face was distorted uncontrollably, and dark colors permeated the golden pupils.

"Although this result is not in my prediction, from the final result, there is no difference."

The God of Prophecy slowly said that his face separated from Jiang Hao, and then the sacred essence of the gods quickly degenerated into the abyssal essence, and his identity became the demon lord at this moment.

At the same time, a virtual authority representing'chaos' emerged.

Fictitious authority is a unique thing in the bottomless abyss. Its effect is similar to that of gods, and it can exert power equivalent to that of gods.

The reason why the Demon Lord can contend against the gods, even if so many evil gods regard the abyss as their base camp, they and the original demons still occupy the mainstream, relying on these virtual powers.

But the power of the demon princes' virtual authority is limited to the bottomless abyss. Once the demon prince leaves the bottomless abyss, the power will be greatly reduced or even disappear.

Although this is not an abyss, it is invaded by the abyss consciousness, and it is not much different from the real abyss.

"Actually you are not degenerate at all."

Jiang Hao looked up at the God of Prophecy in front of him. He separated and his thoughts returned to normal. The erosion of the abyss on him was more a pollution of the divine essence, rather than suppression and invasion of consciousness.

"Your purpose is to steal the authority in my hand, and the devil lord has no way to control authority. This is determined by the nature of the abyss~www.NovelMTL.com~ the essence of the nine hells, the evil snake, and the essence of the evil snake The ancient gods, so this determines that the devil monarchs can try to grasp the authority and promote the gods.

But the Bottomless Abyss is different. The Bottomless Abyss is extremely chaotic, infinitely distorted, without the slightest sense of reason, and only has the purest instinct of consciousness. Therefore, as the darlings of the abyss, the demon princes are also extremely chaotic.

The nature of the chaos determines that the demon princes cannot hold authority.

"The divine power of the prince of lies can deceive the abyss, when it mistakes me for falling." The God of Prophecy said with a triumphant smile: "Compared with the evil snake, the disorderly consciousness of the abyss is more likely to be deceived by lies."

"Now I am the demon lord who is equivalent to the powerful divine power plus the'prophecy' power in my own hands, and you are eroded by the abyss consciousness, and you can't exert the power that the powerful divine power should have.

"So my chances of winning are bigger."

The virtual authority on his forehead flickered.


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