I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 370: : Thirteen years

"Thank you for your help."

In the luxurious palace built with mithril, gold essence and various precious gems, Jiang Hao dressed in gorgeous noble robes, holding a goblet, and said to Lady Dark Night and Corey Long.

Everything in this palace flowed out can make the mage's eyes hot and drive the dragon crazy, even if the goblet used to hold wine falls on the main plane, it can also arouse the pursuit of the great nobles.

But for the three sitting, these materials are just a pile of supernatural powers. As long as they are willing, they themselves can use supernatural power to transform the same gorgeous palace, but no one will waste supernatural power to transform a pile of supernatural powers. Ornaments that are useless to the gods.

"If it were not for the help of the two, I am afraid it would be difficult for me to escape the erosion of the God of Prophecy this time."

The God of Prophecy has planned for tens of thousands of years and has repeatedly perfected the plan. Every response of his own is in the prophecy of the God of Prophecy, and has made corresponding preparations.

It can be said that the **** of prophecy is the most difficult **** he has encountered since he crossed into another world.

What makes him wonder is that since the God of Prophecy can predict that he will touch the crown of prophecy with his palm tens of thousands of years later, and predict every subsequent movement of himself, why hasn't he predicted that he will use the wheel of fortune?

This is like a car owner determined to collect all the vehicles in the world. His garage contains Ferrari 250GTO, Rolls-Royce Silver Charm, and gold sports car, but not a Chery QQ, which is incomprehensible.

Suppressing the mixed thoughts in his heart, Jiang Hao said softly, “In return for this help, I don’t know where the two of you can help me.”

This time they helped themselves and paid back the rewards, and they can only continue to call them to help next time they are in danger.

It’s not difficult to help again.

Hearing Jiang Hao's words, the elven **** Ke Ruilong thought for a while and said:

"In return for this help, I hope His Royal Highness can open the agricultural druid to the elves as professionals."

Agricultural Druid?

Jiang Hao's thoughts turned like lightning, and he soon wanted to understand Corey's intentions.

He was paving the way for the elves after he left.

Regardless of the civilization, agriculture is the foundation of the foundation. It may not be the most concerned and valued, but it is definitely the most important. Without steam, without the Internet, it can be tolerated, but without food, without food I am afraid that the people will rebel.

Once the elves are transferred to agricultural druids, human forces will treat the elves favorably for their own food production.

After understanding this, Jiang Hao nodded and said, "Although the agricultural druid is mistaken for a spellcasting profession by many people, it is essentially a priest. All spells rely on divine power to release, but I can allow some elves. Borrow my divine power to release divine arts without believing in me, but this is only limited to some lower-level divine arts."

"That's enough." Keruilong smiled and thanked.

With the agricultural druid, he doesn't have to worry about the elves being exterminated.

The night lady, who has always been as quiet as the night, said after the Elf Lord Corey, "I want two requests,"

"One is that my ontology is trying to master the ‘Creator’. I hope that the description of the creator in the church books under you and your theological members will be changed to ‘Ms. Night’s Shar is the creator of the multiverse.’"

Change church books?

Hearing this request, Jiang Hao was shocked for a while, then nodded in response, "I will, Your Highness."

"As for the second request, before my request is spoken, I want to ask you a question."

"How long will you have to master the'destiny'."

Destiny... Sure enough, after using the wheel of fortune, the fluctuations from destiny will be directly noticed by the gods, which will make them associate... Jiang Hao thought, drank a sip of red wine and directly admitted,

"After the God of Prophecy falls, I will use his remaining power to pretend to be the God of Destiny and prepare me to master my destiny."

The reason for admitting, on the one hand, is that Ms. Dark Night has speculation about this, denying that it is not good to reduce his credibility and leave a lying impression. After all, his secret control of fate is not really without trace Yes, I really have to look it up carefully, I can definitely find out.

On the other hand, it is showing its own value and intending to form an ally with them.

Whether it is Lady Dark Night or the Elf Lord Corylon, it can be regarded as a great divine power. For them, the powerful divine power of a **** at level 16 is not worthy of attention, but mastering fate is different, and mastering the authority of'destiny' Later, he will leap to become the great divine power of God level 19, and the destiny of the destiny, even if it is in the great divine power, is the existence at the top.

And once you form an alliance with them, you can frighten those eager enemies, and let them seriously judge whether they are blocking the birth of a destiny master or standing on the sidelines, or helping a destiny master and gaining his friendship.

Of course, the reason why he said it openly is related to the fact that Ms. Dark has begun to grasp the authority of the ‘Creator’ and the world tree Laksil of the Elf Lord Corylon has left the kingdom of the elves and gods, and is about to set sail to leave the multiverse.

"Master of destiny."

Hearing his confession, Ke Ruilong, the elven lord god, sighed. He was also a foreign god. He stopped at the elven lord of **** level 18, and the other party was ready to attack the fate of **** level 19 in less than a hundred years.

It's really better than God, angry and dead.

But he did not arouse the desire to seize this authority.

Firstly, he and Ms. Heiye had an agreement to hand over his authority, the "elven creator" to Ms. Heiye~www.NovelMTL.com~ After losing this authority, his **** level would fall, and there was no guarantee of success. Secondly, his body Has entered a state of deep sleep, preparing to travel through the chaos, forcibly awakening will cause a certain amount of trauma to consciousness.

"As for the specific time."

Jiang Hao suddenly remembered what the God of Prophecy had said to him.

According to the God of Prophecy, that point in time was the point in time when he changed his honorable name to the sun god, that is to say, at that time, he had been successfully promoted to a great divine power.

What will happen if I postpone the power of destiny? Will there be promotion failures? I'd better not change this future. After all, this is the only future known to be beneficial to me... It's just this fateful feeling, which is really terrible.

Jiang Hao settled down and said slowly,

"It's about 13 years. After 13 years, I will be able to control my destiny."

Ms. Night nodded, "My second request is to help me stabilize my faith when I leave this point in time."

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