I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 367: :prophecy

Hearing the words of the God of Prophecy, Jiang Hao's eyes sank.

The God of Prophecy actually predicted this scene tens of thousands of years ago and set the stage.

Although he is far superior to the **** of prophecy in the level of gods, judging from the general vigilance of gods, the **** who dominates prophecy may have prophesied countless times, and only after he has a certain victory in his heart, he will set This trap.

So after turning his eyes, he cut off the connection between this clone and the ontology.

Losing a clone will make him lose a lot of divine power.

Conquering supernatural power, which is precious to other gods, is not precious to him. In theory, his supernatural power, who has the entire Blue Star faith, is the most abundant divine power among all the gods in the entire alien world.

It is very worthwhile to get yourself out of the trap of the God of Prophecy at the cost of losing a little divine power.

The golden light in Jiang Hao's eyes dimmed, and the divine power that was originally divine and dazzling began to compress to a point, and then burst open suddenly.

Although he had planned to give up this clone, he still had to strike a blow at the God of Prophecy.

The golden light burst out from his body, and instantly enveloped the **** of prophecy in front of him, and then the golden light spread, covering the temple, the Hespard Islands and the nearby waters.

"The worst of the 61,000 futures I predicted has appeared. Sure enough, even me, I can't escape the law of Lady Doom."

"But why do you think I would sneak attack first before telling you so much? This is the future I'm defending against."

The God of Prophecy held the crystal ball, and his figure quickly disappeared transparently.

In the next instant, everything that was shrouded in golden light disappeared.

The temple disappeared, the Hespard Islands, part of the sea area also disappeared, as if a thin piece of paper was cut off with scissors.

A vast cavity appeared in the endless sea of ​​the main plane, and the crashing sea began to fill the cavity according to the laws of nature, forming a huge deep-sea waterfall.

In the sea, a legendary naga stared at the spectacle in front of him dumbfounded, and the cold sweat on his forehead ran down.

He was almost wiped out just now.

The main plane is too dangerous, I'll go to other planes in the void.

Naga took out a scroll, tore it open with both hands, opened a door to other planes in front of her, and got in.

In the void outside the territory, the goddess of the sea Amboli cast his gaze down, and the golden pupils lit up, reflecting all the seas of the main plane into it, and then revealed a look of doubt.

"The God of Prophecy?"

"Didn't he fall?"

Suddenly, he saw a naga who had just left the main plane, whose divine power turned into a big hand covered with golden scales, and captured this naga into his own kingdom.

"Tell me what happened just now."


In the Kingdom of God, Jiang Hao, who had just severed the connection between himself and the clone, discovered a serious problem.

On the surface of his body, a bunch of gray flowers grew unexpectedly, and these flowers bloomed, revealing the faces of the gods of prophecy.

Streaks of blue and black air currents radiated from his body, falling on the **** seat and the surrounding land, dyeing these in different colors.

Immediately afterwards, these faces gathered together, forming another face on his face.

His thoughts suddenly became blurred, and the cognition that he was the God of Prophecy appeared in his mind inexplicably, creating a violent conflict with his existing cognition.

At the same time, another face of ‘him’ said,

"What do you think is the power I use to suppress your thinking and pollute your consciousness? That is the unique power in the rift of blood, the power of the abyss and **** after a long entanglement."

"It follows the subtle connection between the clone and the ontology to pollute your essence, and at the same time it can help me bypass your kingdom of God and directly erode your consciousness."

"In order to obtain this power, I personally went to the star realm and made a deal with the Prince of Lies. With his power, I deceived the will of the abyss and the sleeping snake, making them mistakenly believe that I have fallen into the abyss (hell). Become an abyssal lord (devil lord), and then draw from them this power that is huge enough to suppress the mighty divine power."

‘Jiang Hao’ emptied his hands, and a silver-white crystal ball emerged. The corner of his mouth, who had already controlled part of Jiang Hao’s body, sketched a triumphant smile.

"Sixty-one thousand futures, sixty-one thousand plans, no matter what choice you make, I have a way to deal with it."

"So stop resisting, the future Highness of the sun **** Mountain Drew, as long as you give up resisting, after I fully grasp your'sun' authority, I will resurrect you from the star realm and return you to the main plane. Continue to be your god."

"The sun god?"

Jiang Hao's perception of himself became more and more blurred. He looked at the crystal ball in his hand with a puzzled expression.

'Jiang Hao' released his hand from the crystal ball and gently rubbed his chin, his smile deepened, "Yes, the sun god."

"Perhaps you didn't realize that you would become the sun god, but the fate is so wonderful. It's just that you at the **** level 16 will be promoted to the **** level 19 sun **** at the turn of the Fifth and Sixth Era."

"Although I cannot directly predict the great divine power of a **** at level 19, I have repeatedly predicted the future at this point in time~www.NovelMTL.com~ I am sure that you will be promoted to a **** at level 16 in thirteen years. God has a great divine power at level 19, and your title has officially changed from the **** of agriculture to the **** of the sun.

After Jiang Hao quietly listened to the words of the God of Prophecy, his expression became more and more weird.

He was quite sure that he did not attempt to control the power of the ‘sun’, but the other party now said that he had become the sun god. The only explanation was that he had disguised himself as the sun **** after he had the authority of ‘destiny’.

"Actually, I am also doing good for you, you don't even know what will be waiting for you once you are promoted to the sun god."

Hearing this, Jiang Hao gave up resistance.

The God of Prophecy seized the opportunity to take over the kingdom of God, and the whole kingdom bloomed with gray flowers in an instant.

While Jiang Hao took advantage of the **** of prophecy to take over the kingdom of God and relax his suppression, he flipped his right hand and took out the wheel of fortune.

"As an ally of Lady Night, the **** of agriculture Shandru has always been concerned by Lady Night, so when he is eroded by the God of Prophecy, the arrival of Lady Night is reasonable."

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