I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 365: : Prophecy Crown

The sudden appearance of the golden figure attracted the attention of everyone in the temple, and when connected to the golden figure in the prophecy of the previous prophecy, everyone shot.

The pros of the close-body system rushed up with energy, while the professionals of the spell-casting system gave themselves protection magic while retreating, and only then began to release offensive magic after finishing it.

As the target of the golden figure, Saier Cavendil raised his hand and helped the prophetic crown on his head. A white light shot out from above and swept around.

After doing this, Saier Cavendil turned and dived into the whirlpool.

The other end of the vortex is the star realm, and the star realm is the most unfriendly to the gods among the many planes. When the god’s body enters the star realm, it will be cut off from the believer, while the god’s clone enters the star realm. Will be cut off the divine power transmission channel with the body.

In addition, the Lord of Dawn fell into the star realm, and when he entered the star realm, he could contact his ancestors and use his ancestor's divine power to fight the enemy.

Seeing that Saier Cavendil was about to enter the whirlpool, Jiang Hao took out a branch and threw it at Saier Cavendil.

In the next instant, this branch was inserted into Saier Cavendil's chest, blooming with a strange brilliance.

A ray of white light fell from the top of the crown, resisting Kungunir's injury.

Seeing the golden figure that appeared in front of him, Saier Cavendil raised his hand and grabbed the crown of prophecy on his head, and threw it in at the whirlpool.

Losing the prophecy crown in the asylum match, El Cavendil's body suddenly disintegrated inch by inch.

"I can die, but the crown is predicted not to be lost."


The remaining part of El Cavendil's body exploded suddenly, and the golden theology became pitch black in the air, turning into a high-level devil phantom, leaping towards Jiang Hao with teeth and claws.

He sacrificed his blood to the higher devil in **** in exchange for the power of the higher devil to come.

Faced with the attack of the higher devil, Jiang Hao did not pay any attention to it. He moved to the front of the prophetic crown and stretched out his hand to grasp the prophetic crown.

At the same time, other attacks fell on him.

But whether it is the power of a high-level devil, the magic of the caster, or the weapon fist of a melee professional, it is no different from tickle to him.

No, it's still a bit different from tickling. The difference is that he feels tickling, but he doesn't feel it at all when being attacked by these people.

But when he was holding the crown of prophecy, the surging black light was released from the crystal crown, spreading along his palm, and gray flowers bloomed from his pores.

He was turned into a flower man in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, a human face outlined by lines emerged on the surface of the crown.

His eyes were in the color of broken gold that is unique to the gods, and he looked at Jiang Hao who was holding the crown, and his lips curled up with a smile.

"Tens of thousands of years."

"From the moment of prediction to today, I have waited for tens of thousands of years, and finally waited for the picture in the prophecy."

Seeing the face of a person on the crown of the prophecy, which had been handed down for so long, the Cavendil family's face was blank.

As the artifact of the family heritage, they can call out the projection of the artifact based on their own blood, and make predictions about some future.

This is also the reason why the Cavendil family can still be active on the mainland after losing the gods as a support.

But they never knew that there was a **** in the crown of prophecy in their family?

Some astute people turned around and fled the temple immediately after a moment of daze.

Although I don't know why there is a **** in the crown of my prophecy, but the other party has been hidden in the crown for tens of thousands of years without knowing it, and it must be unkind.

Coupled with this **** who came to **** the crown of prophecy, they can only wait for death to stay.

"A descendant of Loshanda."

A soft sigh came from the face of the line. Those who escaped from the temple, those who did not escape from the temple, the main plane and the planes of the void, and those who belonged to the descendants of Luoshanda, the Lord of Dawn, suddenly exploded one by one. .

Their souls and bodies exploded into ray of light together, then penetrated the temple, penetrated the plane, and all gathered on the surface of the prophetic crown, forming an extremely dazzling sun.

Then, the crown absorbed these rays of light like a whale swallowing sea water.

In an instant, an old man holding a silver-white crystal ball walked out of it.

The old man wore a simple white robe, his face was blurred, a pair of seemingly old hands were placed on the crystal ball, and countless pictures appeared in the crystal ball.

These pictures are constantly changing and flashing like animations on a TV. One of the pictures shows exactly what he looks like holding a crystal ball, and the crystal ball in the crystal ball shows the picture displayed by the crystal ball impressively. .

The old man sighed slightly when he came out.

"Tens of thousands of years of contact, my divine power has already penetrated the depths of your bloodline, and every descendant of the Lord of Dawn contains my divine power."

"These are blessings and curses that can kill you."

"The God of Prophecy?"

Jiang Hao saw this old man in white robe and immediately recognized his **** name.

"Hello, His Royal Highness Mount Drew, the **** of agriculture."

From the silver crystal ball in the hands of the God of Prophecy, strands of bluish-black air flow drilled down on Jiang Hao's body. Pairs of eyes emerged from Jiang Hao's body, densely packed, weird and terrifying.

"At the beginning, Luoshanda wanted to incarnate the scorching sun, hanging high above the main plane~www.NovelMTL.com~ in order to master the power of the sun and promote the **** of the sun to the 19th level of the gods."

"But he is not sure whether he can succeed, so he found me, hoping that I can make a prophecy for him, predict whether he can become the new sun god."

"Foretelling the future of a powerful divine power is also an extremely depleting divine power for me, so I chose a tricky method, which is to predict whether I can successfully predict whether the Lord of Dawn will be promoted to the **** level 19 sun god. "

"The final result is ‘Yes’, which shows that Roshanda has failed, because I cannot predict the great divine power of a **** at level 19."

"But by coincidence, when I stopped prophesying, I predicted that your presence appeared in my prophecy, a 19th-level **** of the sun."

"So I started planning all this."

"I told Roshanda that he could succeed this time, and when he fell, I hid in the crown of prophecy and gave myself to the Cavendil family."

"All the gods thought I was killed by Roshanda, but in fact, I was waiting for you."

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