I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 364: : Hespard Islands

The eastern part of the Hespard Islands.

Ryker Cavendil, who appeared in the humble temple before and persuaded Iyetta Cavendil to dedicate the power of'steam' to the family, wore a silver-white chain mail with complicated magic patterns engraved on it, pedaling. Walking towards a temple on the floor paved with bluestone.

Since the Lord of Dawn fell and the Lord of Dawn sent an oracle to clean up the Cavendil family, the Cavendil family moved the family to the Hespard Islands.

The Hespard Islands are far away from the mainland, with the violent climate on the ocean and the sea people who dominate the sea as a natural barrier, which can effectively resist the attack of the church of dawn.

"Strange, how come all the clansmen outside are suddenly summoned back? Is it because the people of the Dawn Church plan to concentrate on attacking the Hespard Islands?" As he was about to walk into the temple, Leker Cavendell whispered He said, and then walked in quickly.

The temple is not big, there are many people inside, but it doesn't give people a feeling of crowded weirdly.

Rickel Cavendil glanced around and found that the complexions on everyone's faces were heavy, and their complexions also sank.

Isn't it true that the people of the Church of Dawn are planning to concentrate on attacking the Hespard Islands?

Although the Cavendil family has existed since the Third Era, straddling two epochs without declining, and its profound background is incredible, but no matter how deep it is, it depends on who is compared.

Once compared with the Church of the True God, there is no true God behind the backing of the Goddess Family.

He glanced around, saw his friend, and immediately walked up and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter? What happened?"

His friend is a handsome young man in gray leather armor and a black single shirt.

Seeing that it was Laker Cavendil, the young man also lowered his voice and said the matter, "Last night the crown predicted that a huge disaster will befall the Hespard Islands recently."

A huge disaster?

Rickel Cavendil asked in a low voice, "What disaster? Did the prophecy crown predict the specific disaster?"

The young man shook his head slowly,

"The prophecy of the crown did not predict the specific disaster, but only saw a golden figure flashing away."

Rickel Cavendil's face sank like water.

As an extremely powerful prophecy artifact, the prophecy crown can be predicted even if it is a god, but now that it cannot predict disasters, it can only show one thing. There is a powerful existence that interferes with the prophecy of this artifact.

In addition, the golden figure has always been a symbol of the gods, and he suspected that the Lord of the Dawn was about to personally descend on the Hespard Islands, sweeping away the remnants of their old era.

If the family didn’t force Iyetta Cavendil to hand over the authority of “steam” and fully support Iyetta Cavendil to become the **** of steam and machinery, so that even if the Lord of Dawn descends, we can There is capital for confrontation... Rickel Cavendil sighed in his heart.

A true god, even if he can't fight the Lord of Dawn, he can still let them leave calmly and hide in places where other Lords of Dawn can't find it.

But it is a pity that the people in their family chose to ask Iyetta Cavendil to hand over the power of ‘steam’, and Iyetta Cavendil also chose to confront.

The end result is that the family lost the possibility of further progress, and Iyetta Cavendil fell directly.

when! when! when!

The bells of the temple rang melodiously, and the Cavendil patriarch Saiel Cavendil, who was standing in front of the altar praying, slowly turned around and spoke slowly.

"The crown of prophecy predicts that the Cavendil family is in danger."

"I need to use your power to hold a ceremony, pray to the Lord of Dawn, and obtain divine power as the energy source of the prophecy crown, make an accurate prediction of the future, and determine where the danger comes from in order to respond."

While talking, Saier Cavendill took out a crystal polished crown and placed it on his head.

The crown is not big, it just fits on the top of the head.

He put it on, and a faint white light flew out from the crown like a firefly, slowly rotating, forming a white band of light.

Pray to the Lord of Dawn...If the family had helped Yieta Cavendil to be promoted to the true god, how could he be so panicked today...Reckel Cavendil began to mutter in his heart, and his heart became more and more dissatisfied with the family.

But no matter how dissatisfied, he still passed on his own power as the patriarch said, and gathered the power of everyone to open the boundary between the main plane and the star realm, so that they could communicate with the Lord of Dawn.

Soon, a transparent vortex appeared in the sky, and a large amount of silver sea water belonging to the star realm spewed out from the vortex.

Everyone is bathed in ‘sea water’, but no one feels suffocated, but a strange, spiritually happy feeling.

Affected by the ‘sea water’, Rickel Cavendil became happy, as if he was doing something unsuitable for children, and a feeling of invigoration came from below.

But he didn't indulge in pleasure, but raised his hand when the pleasure happened and punched himself in the chest.

The silver-white metal gloves hit the chain mail of the same color, making a crisp ‘pop’.

With a pained look on Rickel Cavendil's face, he suppressed the feeling of pleasure.

He looked around and saw his tribe fighting against the pollution of the star realm by knocking on his head, putting up a protective cover, or releasing the charm of mankind to himself.

As a pure spiritual world~www.NovelMTL.com~, the astral world is full of inexplicable spiritual pollution. If you touch the astral world without any protection, you will be affected by the pollution at the slightest degree, and your personality will be deflected. Seemingly calm and rational lunatic.

"Praise you, my ancestors, the eternal sun, the great lord of dawn, you are the rising sun, the lord of hope..."

Saier Cavendil prayed in a low voice.

Under normal circumstances, the gods in the star realm cannot perceive beliefs from the outside world, but as the boundary between the main plane and the star realm is broken, the lines of faith are reconnected with the fallen Lord of Dawn.

Seizing this opportunity, Saier Cavendil told the Lord of Dawn in the form of prayer at an extremely fast speed, praying for his divine power to come.

The huge divine power was transmitted from the depths of the distant star realm and fell on the crown of prophecy.

This artifact made of crystal immediately emits a white light, and a picture emerges in the light.

However, at this moment, a golden figure emerged, reaching out to grab the prophetic crown.

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