I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 363: : The blind spot of omniscience

Fighting for the same authority with other gods is only dangerous, not profitable? This is why most of the gods outside the multiverse came to this universe from the Second Age?

At that time, the order was just established, most of the planes were still desolate, and the gods did not rise. As the foundation of the gods, they are still unowned. They can come at will without worrying about conflicts with the local gods. , Thus falling into the dispute of authority...

And when the Third Age, Fourth Age, and Fifth Age, the gods rise, and the glory of the gods in the void shines on the planes, the foreign gods have hardly seen the reappearance.

Jiang Hao thought silently in his heart, and said,

"As far as I know, at the beginning of the Second Era, quite a few gods came from outside the universe, but by the Fifth Era, these gods almost all left, leaving only a few, such as you Such a god?"

Why would they choose to leave? Or why would you choose to stay?

Corellon smiled with the feminine face of non-male and non-female.

"This is because the purpose is different."

"Some gods entered this universe only to experience different landscapes and cultures. For him, this multiverse is just a scenic spot in his long journey. They stopped just to see different scenery. They were soon I will leave here and go to the new universe to see new scenery."

"And some gods came to the multiverse to go further, such as me, such as Paladin, the head of the good dragon, and Taksis, the queen of the dark dragon."

"The Paladins left here soon after discovering that they had no chance of promotion, and went to other universes to find new opportunities, and I was reluctant to create my own elves and wanted to watch the development of this multiverse from the perspective of a god. Progress, and see if you can retain what knowledge you have learned from the development of this universe."

"The final result did not disappoint me. The rise of the Nether Empire in the Third Age allowed me to see the brilliance of magic, and your arrival made me see the power of steam..."

"I want to take this knowledge back and combine magic, steam, and the psionic system we have. Maybe in the future the elves of the "Nation Heaven" can develop a void warship that can span the void."

Void battleship...what exactly did this elven lord predict, even the term Void Battleship came up, Jiang Hao muttered in his heart, and then asked about his purpose.

"Your Highness, you came to me to tell you that you are about to leave?"

"This is just one purpose."

Keruilong said with a smile, "The other purpose is to express my gratitude to you. After all, you brought the steam. Although I can take it without telling me, respecting knowledge is a virtue."

"Besides, I hope you can take care of the elves after I leave. Although the elves are now far away from the mainland, with the advent of the steam age, the sea will not be able to stop the footsteps of mankind. The elves live forever. The island is no longer a safe haven."

"In the future I foresee, the elves will clash with humans, because my divine power is not sufficient, I cannot foresee a more distant future, but even Anghras and Adelie still shelter the elves. , It will only be the elves who will lose in the end.

Jiang Hao nodded softly when he heard the words.

The main plane is now the general trend of human beings. This can be seen from how many main believers of gods are composed of humans. To some extent, humans have kidnapped the gods.

The conflict between elves and humans is not only the human beings themselves, but also the gods whose believers are mainly humans. Even if Anghris is a powerful divine power, even if there are several medium divine powers in the elves, there is absolutely no possibility of victory.

Corellon looked at him and said, "Of course, I will pay for it."

He paused and said, "The two most precious items on my body, one is the authority'elf creator'. This authority will be given to Lady Dark Night before I leave to help him promote to the creator, so I can't take it here you are."

"The other one is Lakhill, the World Tree. This is my tool for returning to the'Nation Tianyu'. Without it, I cannot cross the endless chaos and return to the'Nation Tianyu'. I also can't give it to you."

You tell me the authority and the world tree and tell me you can’t give it to me. You actually want to show off to me! Jiang Hao made a malicious guess in his heart.

There was a smile in Corellon’s gentle eyes.

"Ms. Night told me that you seem to be targeted by All-Knowing."

"All-knowing may not be the strongest deity among the great divine powers of God level 19, but he must be the most dangerous and difficult to deal with among all the great divine powers."

"Because He has omniscience and can know everything that happens in this universe."

"Maybe everything we are talking about is already known to him, and he is listening to everything I say to you with his ears upright."

"It's not difficult for him, and it doesn't even need to expend even a little bit of magic."

Jiang Hao made a gesture of listening.

Although Corellon's body and Lady Dark Night are both the great divine powers of God Level 19, Corellon possesses at least two universes of knowledge accumulation, and the breadth of knowledge far exceeds that of Lady Dark Night.

"To deal with omniscience, you can only start from the blind spot."

"For All Knowledge, the future is his blind spot."

"He knows the past and the present, but he can't foresee the future."

"This is his weakness and the key to your victory."

future? It seems that the blind zone of omniscience is not only about the future... Jiang Hao glanced at Keruilong in surprise~www.NovelMTL.com~ Maybe other gods would only tell the future when discussing the blind zone of omniscience, but Keruilong shouldn't.

Corellon continued without changing his face,

"The multiverse has never given birth to a **** who rules destiny. The closest thing to destiny is Taiji, the goddess of destiny."

"However, at the beginning of the Third Age, the goddess of fate Taiji was torn apart by the lady of the night, and the goddess of luck Tamora and the goddess of doom Bensaba were separated from his body."

"And then it was the God of Prophecy that was approaching to dominate the fate. He was killed by the Lord of Dawn in the Fourth Age. The **** born from the body of the ancient sun **** made his body into a prophetic crown and stayed there. The Cavendil family."

"You can take away the crown of prophecy and use it to fight omniscience."

"Thank you for your advice."

Jiang Hao thanked him. After the Elf Lord God figure disappeared gradually, he sat on the **** seat and thought for a while, then separated a clone and left his **** kingdom.

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