I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 362: : Visit of the Elf Lord

On the sky of the main plane, kingdoms fell from the void outside the domain one after another, and the huge light source instantly attracted everyone's attention.

After discovering that this was the fall of the kingdom of the gods, each of them changed their faces, and at the same time they felt a great fear. They didn't understand what happened in the void outside the territory, and so many gods fell all at once.

After losing contact with the gods, the priests of the fallen gods, the orcs, dwarves, the dark elves and dragons of the underground world, and the remaining snake people all sat on the ground with despair and despair.

Their **** has fallen.

An atmosphere of fear and despair permeated the main plane.

Even the gods are no exceptions, one by one they have reduced the divine power bestowed on believers, allowing their divine power to maintain a more adequate posture, in order to fight against possible dangers.

Outside the void, Jiang Hao's kingdom of God ushered in a special visitor.

"Salute to you, Your Highness, the great Elf Lord Corylon."

Sitting in the seat of God, Jiang Hao looked at the man in front of him who was wearing golden chain armor, draped in a sky blue cloak, holding a one-person tall long bow, and a neutral-looking deity stood up and saluted him.

Although in the early days, he listed Corellon as an imaginary enemy because of the relationship between Lady Dark Night, but now the facts have proved that this **** is not his enemy.

"Salute to you, His Highness Drew, the sacred mountain of agriculture from outside the multiverse." Keruilong said with a smile.

Jiang Hao also laughed. Although Keruilong revealed that he was a foreign god, he was not surprised by it. It was like the sentence on the blue star, "Only a woman can tell who is the real slut." In the same way, Corylon, an outsider like him, can see that he is an outsider is a very reasonable thing.

After seeing the **** of agriculture laugh, the smile on Corellon’s face softened. He introduced himself,

"I come from the universe of'Kingdom Tianyu'. I am a clone of a god, and my body is the elf creator of **** level 19."

The creator of the elves... The power of the creator to divide and change downwards can actually support the great power of a **** to be promoted to the level of the gods. Presumably, in the universe called Kingdom Tianyu, elves are the mainstream! Jiang Hao's thoughts turned like lightning, and he responded with a smile,

"I am not a powerful **** in the multiverse, and in our universe, no powerful **** seems to have named our universe."

"It sounds like your universe is being merged by an extremely powerful god. During this process, the name of the universe will be confused. In order to prevent the gods from being aware of his actions, he chose to block the name of the universe. Or the cosmic will you are in is showing signs of activation. It shields your real name to prevent you from drawing strength." Corellon said thoughtfully.

"Fusion? Activation?" Jiang Hao revealed a puzzled expression at the right time.

"A powerful **** can merge with the universe to gain the power of **** level 20. The authority of the king of gods is such a way."

Corellon solved his doubts,

"When a certain **** becomes the king of the gods, he can use the power of the universe by fusion with the will of the universe, so as to exert the power of the gods at the level of 20 gods."

"The activation of the cosmic will means literally, it means that the unconscious cosmic will has produced its own conscious thinking. This kind of life will automatically become the **** of the gods at the 20th level of the gods, and it is the existence that stands at the apex of all gods. ."

"But both have a big flaw, that is, when they leave the universe, the level of the gods will be downgraded."

It turned out that after mastering the power of the king of the gods, it is necessary to integrate with the will of the universe to display the power of the gods... and the will of the universe will be activated... Jiang Hao silently noted it in his heart.

He thought for a while and asked,

"Why would you help Ms. Night?"

This is something he doesn't understand.

Ms. Dark Night must control the authority of the ‘Creator’, and Corellon is the main **** of the elven gods and the creator of the elves. Their positions are opposed and conflicting. This is why Jiang Hao lists Corellon as an imaginary enemy.

But from the perspective of Corellon’s assistance in assisting Lady Dark in attacking the orc gods, this **** seemed to have chosen to split the authority of the ‘elven creator’.

But this authority is the foundation of Corylon as the main god. Losing this authority will not only cause a drop in the level of the gods, but also cause his status in the elven gods to drop drastically.

Corellon laughed.

"If it were ten years ago, I would be an enemy of Ms. Dark Night, but your arrival has made me see some novel things. In the'Nation Tianyu' and the multiverse, I have never noticed that a little The action of boiling water will burst out so much energy."

"Although the'steam' era dominated by you has not yet fully arrived, in my predictions, I have seen enough things and got some enlightenment. Coupled with the help of Ms. Dark Night, I have succeeded. Visited the Lord of the End of All Things and gained some good knowledge from Him."

"I have made up my mind to leave the multiverse, return to the kingdom of heaven, and fully feedback my gains to my body. Therefore, the authority of the'elf creator' is dispensable to me. When the authority goes back, it will not strengthen him."

"On the contrary, helping Ms. Dark Night can repay the lady for helping me on the one hand, and on the other hand, it allows me to befriend Ms. Dark Night, the **** who may be promoted to the ‘Creator’."

It turned out that Corey Long was leaving the multiverse... Jiang Hao suddenly realized ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and continued to ask:

"The authority between the universe and the universe is not related to each other? So what happens when two foreign gods with the same authority appear in the same universe at the same time?"

The authority is unique, and the **** that holds authority is also unique, but only in this universe. Once other universes have a **** of agriculture, what will happen to another **** of agriculture that enters this universe? He is very curious about this.

"That's why I want to befriend Ms. Night."

The Elf Lord said lightly,

"If two gods with the same authority appear in the same universe, there will be two gods competing for authority. In the end, the winner will get everything, and the loser will be deprived of authority."

"Although my body has the great divine power of God level 19, I definitely can't compete with the gods."

"But generally speaking, before we enter a universe, we often separate a trace of consciousness and go in to find out the situation. After all, for us, it is only dangerous for us to compete with other gods for the same authority, but there is no benefit."

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