I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 355: : Can't wait

In the agricultural kingdom, after the **** of twilight regained his stolen belief, authority and kingdom, Jiang Hao immediately made a gesture of support, and the surging divine power agitated.

Although I don’t know how the virtuous snake will react after its stolen power is taken away, it is nothing more than two reactions, one is to treat as nothing happened, and the other is to mobilize its own power to deal with the **** of dusk. .

The former will make the good snake suffer a lot of sorrow, and the latter will make the good snake expose himself, even if he puts a vest on himself, it will still make the gods wary of him.

So what will he choose?

A thought flashed through Jiang Hao's heart.

When Jiang Hao made a supportive gesture, the God of Twilight also made a defensive gesture. Although he was protected by the great divine power of the suspected God with level 19, he is not a little white rabbit. How can he be so weak that he puts all hopes on him? I don’t work **** others.

He, who has retaken all his divine power, has the confidence to hold a powerful divine power with the help of the power of the kingdom of God.

His gaze stared at the direction of the Seventh Heaven Mountain, that glorious and eternal plane was like a complete crystal, without any fluctuations at all.

"He gave up?"

"He knows that there is great divine power protecting me, so he gave up making unnecessary attacks?"

Thoughts flashed continuously in the mind of the twilight god, and the heart that mentioned his throat slowly fell, with an excited smile on his face.

It's great to have a great divine protection!


In the Seventh Heaven Mountain, a figure shrouded in golden light uttered a groan after the authority of the'God of Twilight' was regained. With the help of the incomplete authority of light, it reached 18, and the **** level extremely close to 19 is being lost.' After Twilight's authority, there was a downgrade phenomenon that could not be contained.

His **** level was reduced to level 17 after an instant.

After this phenomenon occurred, the boundless brilliance vented from the top of the Seventh Heaven Mountain, which was extremely splendid and dazzling.

Amidst the brilliance, a feathered snake that didn't know how long it was tens of thousands of miles long emerged.

This feather snake hovered on the Seventh Heaven Mountain, hiding in the extremely brilliant light.

Behind the feathered snake, hundreds of feathers the size of a mountain ranged slowly, and the pupils erected like crystals mapped out a giant wheel system constructed by the central plane and 16 outer planes.

He raised his head, his hovering body moved slowly, preparing to escape from the light of his body that had been hiding for millions of years, and regaining the power he had taken away.

But at this moment, in the feathered snake's pupils, there was an extra figure in the plane giant wheel constructed from a central plane and 16 outer planes.

An old man wearing a gorgeous robe and holding a snow wooden Atyn.

He slowly raised his head, revealing blue eyes, with a calm expression,

"It is also my wish to let destiny develop in the direction he envisioned."

"Good snake, can you satisfy my wish and not interfere with him in any way?"

The good snake looked at the uninvited guest who suddenly appeared in his sight, fluttered its wings suddenly, and the extremely brilliant brilliance condensed, and the torrent of countless rays of light immediately drowned the old man.

At the moment the light came, the old man's expression was still gentle.

He whispered slowly, and his voice reached the ears of the virtuous snake,

"Naturally, I can't stop you, but... when the **** of agriculture falls, it is when the power of the evil camp that is in my hands and behind Chaos returns to the embrace of the evil snake."

"I don't think you would like to see Him wake up earlier than you expected."

"Please think about it."

"The creator of this universe-the supreme good Serpent."

In the next second, the light that did not contain any power and nature other than light completely swallowed the old man, even the clone constructed with the divine power of a great divine power was assimilated into a part of the light in the brilliance.

The light burst out and then disappeared, only the eternal virtuous snake entangled the Seventh Heaven Mountain with a deep roar,



"The good snake has no response? Is he planning to eat this boring loss? Is it really important to him to hide himself? It is so important that he does not want to expose himself even if he has the authority of his mouth?" Jiang Hao In the kingdom of God, while staring at the movement of the Seventh Heaven Mountain, he started thinking.

If hiding yourself is really so important to the good snake, many plans for the good snake can be implemented.

Just as he was considering whether to target the virtuous snake, the **** of twilight approached his kingdom from the outside.

"His Royal Highness, I intend to integrate my kingdom of God into your kingdom of God."

The gods of the gods generally integrate the kingdom of gods.

On the one hand, doing so can better show that you are a **** united under the banner of the main **** and show your loyalty to the main god. On the other hand, this can make the gods safer.

Invading the kingdom of a **** and invading the kingdom of a **** are two concepts.

The latter will be beaten as soon as they enter.

"...The kingdom of God." Jiang Hao sat on the **** seat and thought.

His original plan was to integrate the kingdoms of the gods within the gods. The advantage of doing so was that it would greatly strengthen the power of the kingdoms of gods and suppress even more powerful enemies.

But after learning that the Lord of All-Knowing planned to act on him, this idea was discarded by him. For such a great divine power as the Lord of All-Knowing, the kingdom of God that incorporates several gods is full of loopholes.

"Not for the time being." Jiang Hao opened up the kingdom of God, welcomed the God of Twilight in, and said to him with a smile.

The **** of twilight hesitated,

"Is it because His Royal Highness doesn't want to reveal his identity for the time being?"

I didn’t even think how to tell you, you found an excuse for me... Jiang Hao nodded slightly and his tone became vague.

"I have an enemy~www.NovelMTL.com~ He is staring at me."

This enemy is the Lord of All-Knowing.

"I understand."

The **** of twilight nodded, no surprise.

Any **** will have enemies, this is determined by the essence of the gods, even if it is an absolutely neutral **** like Ms. Fortune, there is Max, the thieves dominating, as the enemy.

It’s just that Max died very early,

"I will build my kingdom of God near your kingdom."

"When you decide to show your own identity, I will incorporate my kingdom of God into it."

Gods are indeed honest creatures, even without any constraints, and never thought of breaking their vows, but I don’t know why I feel that he is a little impatient? Jiang Hao thought to himself and nodded his face.

"I will notify you when the time comes."

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