I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 354: : Successful return

When the mighty prayers sounded on the main plane, in the main prayer hall of the church headquarters at dusk, a black-rimmed white robe was draped in a white robe engraved with the pope, who was about to fall into the dark horizon, suddenly opened his eyes, The anger of the face,

"What happened? Why is there such a grand ceremony of praying to our lord?"

Why, such a grand ceremony, would I not know?

The pope of the evening church clasped the sceptre in his hand and said to the darkness in the main hall that was not shrouded by light: "Go, investigate this matter. I want to know who bypassed me to hold such a grand event. ceremony."

In the darkness, there seemed to be some kind of power shaking, and then, a night elf wearing black leather armor and long ears was thrown out of the darkness.

The elf's unique handsome face faced the pope, and red blood flowed out of his eyes.


The scepter in the Pope's hand stopped just as soon as he waved it, "It's you, Son of God, Malor Ingnari, you planned this action!"

To be able to hide from him to perform such a grand ceremony, there are only a few people in the church who have this ability. The son of God, Marol Ingnari, is one of them, and he appears here at this time. Who did it? Yu.

"It's me." Marlor Ingnari admitted humbly.

"Why are you doing this?"

The pope held the scepter tightly and looked at the former son of God with vigilant eyes.

"Of course it is to welcome the return of his father."

"Welcome the return of God? Isn't God in the kingdom of God?" the pope whispered.

"Why cheat me."

Marlor Ingnari raised his hand, grabbed his chest, and grabbed a golden heart. At the same time, his body changed. Below the neck, the old flesh and blood gradually turned into a faint yellow light. In the change, a transparent bell faintly outlines in the light.

And his facial expression became cold, and the broken gold that adorned the azure blue eyes suddenly expanded until it occupied all the pupils of the eyes.

"As the person closest to God, I don't believe you didn't notice the strangeness of my father."

"Glen Rossis, you have betrayed your Lord."

"You are actually a sinner."

The pupils in the pope's eyes shrank, and he instinctively raised the scepter in his hand and aimed it at Malor Ingnari.

In an instant, various illusions began to invade Malor Ingna's consciousness, and his body was automatically covered with a series of negative states such as weakness, poisonous curse, deepening pain, and petrification.

Then, the Pope performed the big prophecy again, and a holy voice came from his mouth,

"In the name of the God of Twilight, I expel the product of this unexpected and unforeseen divine power in front of me..."


The hands of the bell jerked for a moment.

The next moment, the pope's tall and straight body went down, his old face was suddenly full of gully, and his exposed face, neck, and wrists were densely covered with dead spots.

He had little time for himself to be taken away by Malor Ingnari.


The hands of the bell beat again for a quarter of an hour.

The Pope of the Twilight Church, the person closest to the God of Twilight in the legend, died in this way.


When the mighty prayers on the main plane sounded, some of the gods cast their eyes on the void outside the domain.

The God of Twilight, as a **** split from the Lord of Dawn at the same time as the Lord of Dawn, was very active on the main plane in the early days, and miracles appeared very frequently.

But one day the **** suddenly fell silent, no more miracles, no longer appearing in the sight of the gods, if it weren’t for the church of Twilight that was still functioning normally, the priest of the God of Twilight could still release divine arts I wonder if the **** of twilight has fallen silently.

For a long time, they have become accustomed to the silence of the Twilight God, and now the Twilight God suddenly made a big move, which immediately made some of the gods curious.

In the Kingdom of Twilight, the "God of Twilight" stood up from his seat, and a large snake with pure white feathers was reflected in a pair of golden pupils. He stepped out one step, and countless feathers fluttered behind him.

But in the next second, the void near the kingdom of God changed, and the rules all over the void were distorted by a certain force, and a projection of the kingdom of God appeared around him, covering him in.

Jiang Hao sat on the **** seat, looked at him, smiled and said:

"This road is temporarily closed to traffic. If you need to walk through, you have to wait a bit!"


When the mighty prayer sounded, in the star realm, the **** of twilight slowly raised his hand and swallowed a golden ball of light. The surging divine power agitated from his body, and it was almost shattered. His connected island of gods shattered all the stones made of pollution from faith.

He walked out of the star realm step by step.

When he walked out of the star realm, the lines of faith quickly connected to him, and the power of faith emerged like a tide, poured into his body, and strengthened his divine power.

He was originally the master of these beliefs, but he fell into the star realm before and was blocked from the transmission of beliefs, and his divine body and authority were eroded and stolen by the virtuous snake, so he was blocked.

But now, the real owner has appeared, and these forces will naturally return to the original owner.

In the next second, He appeared above the main plane, with a delighted expression on his face like a knife.

"I, Ingnare Marlow, the **** of twilight, are back."

A huge voice swept across the main plane~www.NovelMTL.com~ At this time, whether it was a believer of the Twilight God, a priest, or a descendant with the blood of the Twilight God in her body, they all felt an extremely clear figure emerging from their bodies. Inside my mind.

Some people looked around blankly, and didn't understand what had happened. Aren't the gods all there? Some people's faces changed drastically, a terrible guess appeared in their minds, and others had tears of joy in their eyes.

But no matter who it is, no matter how they feel at the moment.

At this moment, they all made a common move.

"Praise the **** of twilight, Ingnare Marlow!"

The extremely clear name and name pointed to the **** of twilight at the same time. In the distant void, Jiang Hao’s projection of the kingdom of God had just been torn apart, and the face of the “god of twilight” who was a divine power clone of Jiang Hao changed greatly. The authority and divine power that he had stolen began to shift, and the eroded divine body was split inch by inch, and even the kingdom of God was disintegrated.

In the blink of an eye, the ‘God of Twilight’ and the Kingdom of God standing in the same place dissipated into the void.

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