I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 356: : Robbery

The figure of the **** of twilight slowly disappeared in front of Jiang Hao. After the **** of twilight left, he knocked on the handrail of the **** seat, and another golden rain began to fall in the kingdom of God.

Ever since he knew that the Lord of All-Knowing might have had a black hand on him in a secret place, he had been on guard for twelve minutes, for fear that he would be calculated by the Lord of All-Knowing unknowingly.

After not discovering any abnormalities, he closed his kingdom of God and was ready to complete what Ms. Dark Night explained, but at this moment, a prayer with a specific vocabulary caught his attention.

The name of this particular word is ‘sos’.

It was a word agreed upon by him and the reserves of the pronuclear gods.

When reservists encounter an emergency, they can pray to the **** of agriculture, as long as they add ‘sos’ to their prayers, they will receive attention from the gods.

He quickly locked the coordinates of the prayer sound, and then cast his gaze over.

In his sight, Afram Krell stood in a world of blue ice and snow and prayed, "Let famine away from our **** of agriculture, the **** of fertility, the **** of fertility, and the protector of all the peasants, His Highness Mount Drew , The goddess of ice and snow hopes to meet you in person...sos."

"Repeat, sos!"

And beside him stood a goddess.

The goddess of ice and snow.

"Is sos used like this? I asked you to use sos to trigger my attention, but I didn't say that sos is used like this. Do you have any misunderstandings about sos?" I heard Avram Krell on sos Jiang Hao couldn't help but slander in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, he grasped the trace of connection made when Afram Krell prayed to him, and projected his consciousness.

Feeling a familiar breath falling from the sky, Afram Krell did not do any resistance, letting this power enter his body, his eyes exuded a strange brilliance.

"Salute to you, Your Majesty Drew, the great **** of agriculture." The ice goddess who saw the change in Afram Krell's breath had already understood that the person he was looking for had appeared.

"Hi, my dear Ice and Snow Goddess, Hilcinthia," Jiang Hao asked politely, "His Royal Highness wants to see me?"

The Ice and Snow Goddess nodded and stated her purpose, "I want to ask His Highness to be a testimony and to ask His Highness some questions. Of course, I will pay equivalent rewards for this."

Jiang Hao nodded slightly and said:


"Afram Krell hopes to replace the ‘Ice and Snow’ power in my hands with the ‘Entertainment’ power and me. His request is to transfer the power to him as soon as possible. I hope that His Highness can testify for me.”

Jiang Hao asked thoughtfully.

"You can't believe him?"

"Yes, I can't believe him. To be precise, I can't believe in all blasphemous priests."

For the gods, every blasphemous priest is a thief who steals the divine power. In his heart, the thief has no integrity at all, so he hopes that I can be a witness and give myself a layer of insurance? Jiang Hao thought of this and nodded softly.


There was a smile on the face of the goddess of ice and snow, "When Afram Krell suggested to me to replace ‘ice and snow’ with ‘entertainment’, he told me that entertainment is the authority that allows me to be promoted to a powerful divine power."

"And when I knew the authority of'entertainment', I also foreseen that the authority of'entertainment' would occupy a very important position in the next era."

"What I want to ask is, how long does your Highness think the next era will last? Will it be like the Third Era, losing even civilization?"

The goddess of ice and snow wants to be promoted to a powerful divine power by mastering the authority of'entertainment', but feels that the authority of'entertainment' is too closely related to the next era. She is afraid that when the next era is destroyed, she will be greatly reduced because of the importance of the authority of'entertainment'. There was a demotion phenomenon... He wanted to be promoted but was afraid of risks... Jiang Hao thought for a few seconds, then smiled and said:

"I can't give you an answer to this question."

"After all, I am not a **** who masters prophecy and cannot predict what will happen in the future."

"Thank your highness."

With disappointment, the figure of the ice and snow goddess slowly disappeared.

Jiang Hao smiled and watched her disappear, and made a prediction about the location of the black dragon Bamas.

"Forbidden Mountains!"


On the side of the Forbidden Mountain Range, the roaring steam train made a heavy roar, passing along the railroad tracks and the majestic mountains side by side.

In the carriage, a conductor wearing a white hoodie and a red vest in a bar walks through the aisle, and the neatly placed pieces of yellow and black bread emit a light fragrance.

"It's selling bread, freshly baked bread, do you want bread?"

Many people in the steam train compartment swallowed their mouths while smelling the aroma.

In all fairness, the aroma of this bread is not very fragrant, and the color does not look particularly good. It is totally incomparable with the homemade ones, but anyone who has been tortured by hunger for hours, sees that even the taste is different. Such good bread will have an appetite.

However, many people swallowed in the carriage, but none of them paid for it.

On the one hand, the bread in the steam train is one to three times more expensive than the bread on the outside, and it is also bread. The bread on the outside is bigger and better-looking than the bread in the train. It can be obtained by the same reason, and the materials may be more expensive. Well, on the other hand, they feel that they can bear it any more, after all, they are just hungry, not about to starve to death.

"Hello, bring me a piece of bread."

A voice rang in the train.

Someone bought bread? Someone actually buys bread on the train? Is he so rich? A passenger heard the sound and couldn't help looking at the direction in which the sound came from.

He immediately saw a man in a black robe ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ took out a card and handed it to the conductor.

"It turned out to be a bank card."

The passenger couldn't help but look sideways.

A bank card is a card issued by an institution called a bank under the goddess of wealth. It is said that only people with a large amount of money are eligible to hold it.

According to the legend, putting money into a bank card not only does not need to pay a custody fee, but you can also get interest.

Although the interest is not much, it is a status symbol.

But why do people with bank cards come to take the steam train? Shouldn't they send it directly? The passenger became curious.

After the man in the black robe took out his bank card, the conductor suddenly looked grim, and a scar emerged, spreading straight down from his forehead, and thin black scales appeared on his body, facing the robe. The man yelled.


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