I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 351: :tomb

Be careful and omniscient...

Jiang Hao sat on the **** seat, meditating on the last reminder of Ms. Heye in his heart, and felt a shadow in his heart.

Ms. Dark Night will not remind me for no reason, he should have noticed that the Lord of All-Knowing has made some actions against me! And there is no explicit statement because once it is said, it will be perceived by the Lord of All-Knowing? The omniscience of the Lord of All-Knowing has reached the point that even if it is the great divine power of the same **** at level 19, once he mentions his honorable name instead of the name of the god, he will still be perceived by him?

He suddenly thought of the darkness that spread out when he met with Ms. Night, and it was so dense that it could not be overcome. At the beginning, it was a miracle caused by the overflow of Ms. Night’s divine power, but now it seems that Ms. Night uses her own divine power. Block the omniscience of the Lord of All-Knowing?

Thinking about it, Jiang Hao felt that the shadow in his heart had grown a lot.

Immediately, he thought about the purpose of the All-Knowing Lord.

It is impossible for such a great divine power as the Lord of All-Knowing to stare at me for no reason. What is his purpose? believer? I don’t have any believers on the main plane...artifact? The divine tool in my hand is not necessarily the eye of the true god...Agricultural authority? But agriculture looks important and is closely related to the lives of the planes, but in fact, the potential is limited, and the powerful divine power that reaches the **** level 17 if it survives, it is a tasteless for him.

Is it fate? This is possible. On the one hand, the power of destiny has a very high potential, even in the power that allows the gods to be promoted to **** level 19, it is also a very powerful authority. Once captured, it can greatly increase his power. On the other hand, fate It can also complement omniscience, after all, destiny can be said to be omniscience of the future.

"My idea is to control destiny secretly, but for Omniknow, there is no difference between secret and Mingpai..." Jiang Hao sighed in his heart and began to think about how he would deal with the Lord of Omniknow.

Among the great divine powers of many gods at level 19, the last thing he wants to face is the Lord of All-Knowing. Without him, the Lord of All-Knowing is all-knowing.

This is the same as when a landlord who is playing a fight with a landlord opened a card to hang out, and others opened a perspective when he was eating chicken.

"But the more I'm afraid of something, the more it will come. I don't want to understand omniscience, but He came to me..."

"If He wants to master destiny, the most convenient way is to wait for me to complete the mastery of destiny, but I have not been promoted to God level 19 for a moment, and corrode me. If I am promoted to great divine power later, He wants It's almost impossible to erode me."

"But it is also possible that the erosion of me was completed ahead of time. The advantage of this is that the risk is less, but the disadvantage is that he may have to do it himself in the future..."

"From the reminder of Ms. Night, the Lord of All-Knowing has already started to move, but I didn't notice these actions. This shows that his actions are very secretive? It is to lay out the place where I did not notice, and do it to corrode me. Prepare? Does this mean that his plan is to erode me when I am promoted? After all, for him, he who has omniscience is in the dark, I am in the light, and the chance of failure is almost negligible."

As his thoughts flashed, Jiang Hao tapped on the handrails, and the rules of God's country suddenly found changes. The surging divine power turned into golden rain, and the whole kingdom of God was dripping down.

Strands of black aura rose from his kingdom of God, gradually contracted, and then squeezed out.

These are the flesh and blood and energy left behind by the devil monarch’s suicide. His instinctive plan is to let the kingdom of God slowly absorb and digest these flesh and energy, and strengthen the power of the kingdom of God, but it is better to reject it now, so as not to The power of the Lord of All-Knowing is hidden inside, and the kingdom of God will suffer from indigestion if eaten.

Then, these raindrops fell on Jiang Hao's body, and evaporated quickly after getting wet.

"Neither myself nor the kingdom of God has been corroded..."

"The clone needs to be checked, but the clone must be called back first. Although it can be checked in the air, if it is really corroded by him, I may be deceived by him, but maybe I can change it..."

"Members of the gathering should pay more attention to them. Maybe the means of the Lord of All-Knowing will be used on them, and then they will enter my kingdom of God after they are promoted to the gods...Especially Afram Krell, he once He is the bishop of the Lord of All-Knowing, and it is too easy for the Lord of All-Knowing to exert influence on him..."

"Be careful of Asmodeus. Although he keeps saying that he and I are allies, this ally is probably made of plastic..."

His mind moved, he was about to let his separated clone dissipate on its own, and then recreated it, but he stopped as soon as he moved.

"Will the Lord of All-Knowing be alarmed by checking yourself at this time? Let him know that I have discovered his movements. In this way, he is bound to perform more secret movements, or simply kill him directly to avoid accidents."

"This possibility is very high... it is not very big, it is certain. After all, He is omniscient. Maybe he knows exactly what I am thinking at this time... It is really one thing to have a **** with omniscience as an enemy. A not very pleasant thing..."

"However, I am not without the chance of a comeback. I can try to win over Asmodeus. After all, there are no eternal friends, only eternal interests, and there is something like that... Well, I can't think about it, maybe I think about it. He knew it."

Jiang Hao thought, turning his gaze to the main plane.

"Fiona Russell has entered the mausoleum..."


Under the dim candlelight, a stone staircase stretched all the way down to the depths shrouded in infinite darkness.

Fiona Russell raised her hand ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and released an illumination technique. A gentle white light came into her eyes, but she was swallowed by darkness when she turned her eyes.

"He was reduced by his father's supernatural power, and the light, including the eyes, was to prevent anyone from peeping at his mother." The gray-haired old man, Malor Ingnari said respectfully.

Say it earlier, say it earlier, I won't lose the lighting technique, it will be a shame... Fiona Russell was in a mess, and she wanted to put her hand on her face and hide her face from being seen.

After a while, Marlor Ingnari looked at Fiona Russell with her own golden brilliance, and said respectfully: "Madam, may I go in or do you go in?"

Can you not be so respectful to me, I feel uncomfortable being treated like this to me... Fiona Russell started to complain.

It is really stressful to be treated so respectfully by a **** son of a god, the lowest professional grade is also legendary, and the old man who can be her ancestor is so respectful.

Facing the old man’s respectful inquiry, she responded with a smile,

"I'll go in first."

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