I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 352: : Time is quiet

After Fiona Russell finished speaking, she walked down the steps step by step. The dim yellow light gradually fell behind her. In front of her vision was the darkness that couldn't even see the steps. She could only walk cautiously and tentatively. I don’t know how many steps there are.

Frankly speaking, she didn’t want to go in, although before coming, she invited several masters to fortune and predict whether her trip was safe, and the conclusions reached were all safe, but a **** was involved. The results of the predictions are not very believed, after all, the gods can modify the results of divination and prediction.

But she had promised the **** of twilight, she could not speak without faith.

Gradually, the ubiquitous darkness completely engulfed her, following her all the time, and the footsteps belonging to Malor Ingnari gradually disappeared.

She stopped subconsciously, and Marlor Ingnari, who was following her, immediately ran into her.


Fiona Russell’s voice was full of apologetics, but after she said it, she found it was wrong. With walls all around, there was no response at all, and Marlor Ingnari behind her seemed silent. No words.

She subconsciously tightened the scroll in her hand, turned around, and tentatively spoke to Malor Ingnari:

"Sorry, Mr. Mallor, I just stopped after thinking of something."

After speaking, she stared at Marlor Ingnari.

The old man opposite her opened his mouth and moved several times.

Silence here? Can you not hear the voice you say except yourself? That's why Mr. Malor Ingnari didn't say a word? Fiona Russell thought like a light in her mind.

The opposite Malor Ingnari seemed to be aware of this problem, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and a tall figure appeared behind him.

The light of twilight radiated from the figure, piercing the darkness scattered around, and illuminating the steps and walls hidden by the darkness as well as the pale bones on the ground.

The figure of the **** of twilight?

Fiona Russell's eyes moved slightly, and she recognized the figure behind the old man.

Worthy of being a descendant of a god, even if a **** falls into the star realm, he can communicate with the gods through special rituals and borrow his divine power.

"I'm sorry." After the light dissipated, the old man said apologetically: "I thought you didn't care about the dark power that my father had drawn from the void outside the domain."

So, you know what this is, and you can solve it, but it just didn't remind me. Because you think I can solve this problem? For the first time, Fiona Russell felt that it was a burden to be misunderstood as a strong one. She really wanted to say: Mr. Malor Ingnari, although your father and I are members of a mysterious organization, I'm really not what you think.

But the old man didn't have the opportunity to speak. He looked at Fiona Russell and continued, "Madam, let me lead the way."

"This is the mausoleum my father built for my mother. I know enough about it to avoid all traps, but our real danger comes from the stars projected on the night sky on the main plane. Those powers may require trouble. You have to deal with it."

"You may have misunderstood me." Fiona Russell's voice consciously lowered, "I am not a god."

"But you can solve the gods." The old man nodded and said.

"I can't solve the gods either." Fiona Russell didn't want to make Marlor Ingener make a wrong judgment for her own reasons, such as letting him choose to wait for rescue when the gods attacked instead of communicating with the **** of twilight.

"I'm just a professional with a professional level of 18, and I'm the kind of person who has only recently been promoted. I am not a strong person who can fight against the gods in your imagination."

What the old man said to her didn’t take it to heart.

"I saw your class level when we first met, but my father said to me that it’s okay for you to handle matters related to the gods. I believe in my father’s judgment. You must have something to fight against. The power of the gods is hidden, maybe you haven't discovered it yourself, but this does not affect its existence."

Fiona Russell: "..."

After Malor Ingenari finished speaking, the figure dexterously crossed Fiona Russell and stepped on the stone stairs, stepping on the gray stone steps, all the way down.

Upon seeing this, Fiona Russell had to shut her mouth that she wanted to defend, and followed him down.

The two of them walked to the bottom of the stairs together, and the depressing scenery in their sight suddenly turned into a huge hall. The golden sarcophagus was quietly placed in the middle, and a statue of an angel with open wings surrounded the golden sarcophagus. Make defensive actions,

"These are the angels that my father snatched and sealed here from the Seventh Heaven Mountain, and the thing I was looking for is inside, and I will get it later."

"My father's blood is flowing in my body. Theoretically, these angels will not be triggered, but I am not sure if this has been touched by the evil god..."

"If I alarmed the gods and caused a punishment from the gods, I would ask the lady to stop me."

I am blocking... What am I blocking... I just hope that your Highness's gaze is watching here, and I will take action in time... Fiona Russell opened her eyes and prayed silently in her heart.

When Malor Ingenari approached the angel statue, the angel statue shook slightly. It shook very little, but it was still discovered by Fiona Russell.

Sure enough, it’s Lady Doom’s law: ‘if things have the possibility of going bad, no matter how small the possibility is, it will always happen’

She panicked.

"This is a normal phenomenon." The old man noticed the change in Fiona Russell's mentality and turned around and said.

As soon as the voice fell, the phantom of the **** of twilight behind him seemed to be alive, reaching into the golden coffin, and then disappearing without a trace.

Seeing this scene ~www.NovelMTL.com~ the old man showed a happy smile: "I got the stuff."

"Thank you for your help, madam."

He solemnly thanked him.

"I didn't do anything at all."

Fiona Russell shook her head without taking credit.

Immediately, her voice lowered, and she said to herself: "It didn't go as bad as the law of Lady Doom. Is it because Goddess of Fortune favors me today?"


Outside the void, the light projected from a star somewhere was hit by a silver-white lightning when it was approaching the main plane, and after a violent explosion, it slowly disappeared into the void.

In the Kingdom of God, Jiang Hao took his hand back and smiled faintly.

"There is no time to be quiet, but I am carrying the weight for you."

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