I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 350: : Be careful and omniscient

Mysterious girl...

When Jiang Hao heard Ms. Hei Ye say this name, he felt that he was powerless to complain. It turned out that he himself was helping the Nether Empire to create a Shadow Demon Net to replace himself.

This almost incredible thing is still true.

Firstly, there is no need for Ms. Night to lie about this kind of thing. Secondly, the mysterious girl who knows the magic net best in the world and is absolutely integrated with the magic net. He has the ability to help the wizards of the Nether Empire create new demons. network.

But the question is, why did he do this? Why ‘kill’ yourself?

He hesitated for a moment, but still asked this question.

"Why did he do this? Didn't he know that once the Shadow Demon Net appeared, it would erode his authority and cause division?"

"This is an attempt."

Ms. Dark night responded.

Jiang Hao heard the words and immediately listened.

Ms. Dark Night continued: "Replace the old magic net with a new magic net, let it take on the responsibility of restraining the chaotic elements of the multiverse, and let Karthus assume his own duties, authority, glory, name of God, and even all."

This is the purpose of the mysterious girl? Transfer your responsibilities to the new magic net, transfer your power, glory, authority and everything to Karthus? What is his purpose in doing this? Could this be what she said ‘let her own sense of existence disappear from the multiverse’? Jiang Hao thought silently in his heart for a while, then spoke out his doubts.

"The mysterious girl told me that after the gods are promoted to **** level 19, there are two directions for promotion. One is to strengthen their sense of existence in the multiverse, and the other is to make their sense of existence disappear from the multiverse. Does the mysterious girl’s approach? Is it related to the latter?"

"Yes it is."

Ms. Dark Night gave a positive answer, "I hand over my responsibilities, authority, glory, god's name, and even everything to others, so I can escape from the multiverse."

Therefore, the collapse of the Nether Empire was directed by the mysterious girl, and Shadow Magic Network was created with the help of the mysterious girl. The reason why Arthas had the idea was also arranged by the mysterious girl. The reason why it happened and then became crazy. Pursuing and killing the remnants of the Nether Empire was completely because of his failure...

Jiang Hao couldn't help but slandered, and a picture appeared in his mind:

One day, the emperor felt that he was dying, so he began to train the prince and gave all the power of the country to the prince. Then one day, the emperor found that not only would he not die, but that he would live a hundred years, so the prince became a prince. Nails in the eyes and thorns in the flesh, I can't wait to get rid of it and then quickly.

Then, Jiang Hao realized a possibility, he frowned slightly and asked:

"He failed?"

Although the mysterious girl is still active and a series of actions after him, the possibility of the mysterious girl's failure is relatively high, but there is another possibility to explain this situation: that is that Arthas successfully assumed the mysterious girl. His authority, divine power and kingdom, as well as all his information in the multiverse, are active in the multiverse under the name and image of a mysterious girl.

But if this is the case, is he or she?

Inexplicably, he thought of a picture circulated in the main plane, a male mysterious girl wearing a blue split skirt and a black cloak.

That picture was widely circulated on the main plane, and the mysterious girl never reacted to it.

"Yes, he failed!" Ms. Night nodded slightly.

"On the one hand, his connection with the multiverse is too deep. Although Karthus has assumed most of the connection, there is still a small part connected to him, making it impossible for him to leave the multiverse."

"On the other hand, as Karthus, who was selected by him to contain his own god's name and authority, when he took over everything he could not bear, the disintegration of his huge divine power and information, the transferred god's name and authority Back in his body again."

"After the failure to escape from the multiverse, the mysterious girl entered a peculiar state where she could not respond to believers, could not transmit divine power, could not absorb the original force, but did not fall, and still occupy the authority. He had to fall once to get rid of this. In this state, as a price, his **** level dropped from 19 to 18."

If Harry Taylor knew the truth, he would definitely rush to find the mysterious girl for revenge... But the mysterious girl's current level is actually 18. Can it be considered his weakest time now? Jiang Hao thought to himself, and then asked another question.

"Is the Lord of the End of Everything and the Lord of Calamity similar to the mysterious girl at the time?"

Ms. Hei Ye said in a cold voice:

"They chose to cut off their connection with the multiverse first, and then transfer their responsibilities, authority, glory, god's name, and even everything to the replacement."

"In terms of progress, the chief dying of all things is faster than the master of calamity, and he has found a replacement."

A substitute for the Lord of the End of All Things? Jiang Hao suddenly thought of the Death Church active in the Western Byron-Strader Kingdom. At that time, he felt strange that a **** who did not have the authority to die was actually the **** of death? But now it seems that the other party may not have the authority to die.

I just don’t know if the **** of death knows that he is the substitute for the Lord of the End of All Things, or does he not know that he is the substitute of the Lord of the End of All Things?

However, the original plan to expel the Church of Death was to be discarded. Assuming that the Lord of the Dead is truly separated from the multiverse, then Death will inherit everything from him and will undoubtedly become the new Lord of the Death. I did not It is necessary to shuffle the church power of the West Byron-Strader Kingdom to offend a person who may become a **** of level 19 in the future...

Maybe I can make friends with the future Lord of All Things. If the current Lord of All Things can smoothly escape from the multiverse, I will reap the friendship of a great divine power. If the current Lord of All Things fails... …A little risk of investment failure is completely acceptable.

Jiang Hao thought to himself, and heard the voice of Ms. Hei Ye.

"Do you have any questions you want to ask?"

Asked so many questions~www.NovelMTL.com~ got so many answers, it's time to pay... Jiang Hao shook his head, "Thank you for your teaching, I have no more questions."

"I hope you can seize the power of the Five-Colored Dragon Queen Tiamat from the hands of the Five-Colored Dragon Creator, and then transfer it to me."

Ms. Dark night made her request.

Creator... The lady is eyeing the authority of the five-color dragon queen Tiamat? But why didn't he do it himself? Although the five-color dragon queen's reputation is widely spread in the main plane, and the combat power is superior, ordinary gods are not his opponents, but for the lady of the night, it should not be difficult to seize his authority.

After turning his thoughts slightly, Jiang Hao nodded gently and said:

"His Royal Highness, please wait for my good news."

After he finished speaking, the pervading darkness faded, and the lady in front of him began to fade until disappeared. Only one sentence remained, echoing in his ears,

"Be careful and know everything!"

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