I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 349: : Visiting Lady Dark Night

Outside the moon that kept rotating around the main plane, a golden figure appeared here, and then stopped.

After he descended, changes took place on the unchanging moon. Part of the moonlight that was spilled gathered into a woman covered in black veil, and the night sky was draped on him like a piece of clothing, in the gloomy color, a round The crescent moon and dots of stars adorned it together.

After he appeared, the darkness that could not be melted away like a thick ink filled. Jiang Hao realized that through the darkness, his vision could not see the outside world, and even the line of faith between himself and the believers became Blurred.

But Jiang Hao didn't panic in his heart.

He put his hand on his chest like a gentleman, and made the etiquette commonly used by other nobles, "Dear Lady Dark Night, thank you for your care during this time, thank you very much."

"I just used you to trouble that snake." Ms. Night's voice came from behind the black yarn.

His voice was like moonlight, soft and deserted.

"But it's an ironclad fact that you helped me." Jiang Hao responded.

Regardless of the deeds, no matter what reason Ms. Night helped herself, it is always true that He helped herself.

Soon he started talking again,

"His Royal Highness, can I ask you a few questions? Of course, you can ask me the same request, and I will do my best to complete it."


Ms. Dark night nodded and responded.

"Thank you, madam."

Jiang Hao thanked him, and after thinking about it for a while, he asked his first question.

"What is the force?"

"The original force is the original root of the universe, the beginning of all things, and the mother of all things..." Ms. Heye gave the answer.

Sure enough, it was one... Jiang Hao compared what Ms. Heiye said with his own cognition and came to a conclusion.

He organized the language to ask,

"Which gods do you control the force of the three major camps?"

In fact, what he wanted to ask was, did Lady Dark Night master the force? But this kind of questioning that peers into the opponent's strength may be misunderstood, so he asks questions in a roundabout way.

"The force of the three camps is not accurate." Ms. Hei Ye gave Jiang Hao's unexpected answer, "The force changed after the ancient Chaos God split into two extremes of order and chaos. The ancient Chaos Gods Use the origin of order and the origin of chaos to call the force after change."

"Is there any difference between the Force after the change and the Force before the change?" Jiang Hao asked in a low voice.

Ms. Night and the God of Twilight inherited from the Lord of Dawn and had similarities and differences in the description of the Force, so he wanted to understand the differences as much as possible and in more detail.

Ms. Dark Night was interrupted and did not show any irritation, "The nature is different."

"The ancient gods that absorb the origin of order will gradually move closer to the direction of order, and the ancient gods that absorb the origin of chaos will gradually move closer to the direction of chaos."

"Pollution? Erosion?" Jiang Hao's doubts deepened.

It sounds like the ancient gods are being eroded and contaminated by the force.

"Yes, it's pollution and erosion." Ms. Dark night affirmed Jiang Hao's guess. "The ancient gods affected the force, and the polluted force in turn polluted the ancient gods."

"After absorbing too many sources, the ancient chaos gods inevitably broke out more fierce wars. In order to win the war, the ancient gods used the power of the source to create a large number of lives used to kill the enemy, the original angels and the original The devil was born."

Speaking of this, Ms. Night said in a meaningful way: "Asmodeus is the first primordial angel created by the joint efforts of the ancient gods of order."

Asmodeus is an angel? This is very similar to the legend circulated on the main plane. Sure enough, the ancient legend that can be spread widely on the main plane has more or less the truth... Jiang Hao muttered in his heart.

"During the long war, many ancient gods have fallen. After the twin snakes of good and evil developed the idea of ​​being promoted through creation, they worked together to kill the remaining ancient gods and the creations of the ancient gods. Only a small part of the ancient gods The gods and the original demons escaped from their sight, and they returned to the multiverse many years after the birth of the multiverse."

The original demon...returned to the multiverse after the universe was opened...Ms. Dark Night refers to the bottomless abyss? If so, it explains why the Bottomless Abyss can **** the force from the evil snakes. They were originally the masters of the force... But why their reputation is not obvious? Is it the same as the Lord of the End of All Things? Jiang Hao quickly thought of a little, and said the question in his heart.

"The prince of Chaos, Obox, was attacked and killed by Chaos. After Chaos, he launched a war that swept across the multiverse. He was defeated by the elves and gods. After escaping to the bottomless abyss, he was attacked by Dagon and Dagon in a digital attack. The steam swamp cuts off the connection between it and the other dimensions of the bottomless abyss, closing this dimension."

Ms. Hei Ye explained his questions to Jiang Hao like a good teacher, “After seizing the ancient gods’ control over the origin of order and chaos, the twin snakes of good and evil began to create the world. They used the body of the ancient gods to create the original ’S main plane and sixteen outer planes."

"Because they consumed too much power in the process of creation, they felt fatigued and separated their heads and tails, rushed to the poles of the new multiverse respectively, and entered a state of sleep and began to restore their strength."

"In this process, the origin of order and the origin of chaos were affected by them and the new multiverse, and transformed into the forces of the three camps of good, neutral, and evil."

"The forces of these three camps are intertwined, collided and merged~www.NovelMTL.com~, allowing many planes, creatures and gods to be born, and the multiverse began to be perfected."

"At present, it is the good snake who masters the power of the good camp, the evil snake, the queen of Chaos, and the Lord of All-Knowing master the power of the evil camp, and the mysterious girl who masters the power of the neutral camp."

It’s very different from what I imagined. The gods who master the power of the evil camp actually have the omniscient master, while the gods who master the power of the neutral camp are only the mysterious girl, the master of disasters and the master of all things. The position draws neither faith nor the original power. Is their divine power born out of nothing? Jiang Hao thought for a while and asked a question that had been buried in his heart for a long time.

"I have been in contact with Harry Taylor, a mage who belongs to the Nether Empire who is stranded in the Plane of Shadows. I heard him say that the reason why Nether Empire can create the magic net is because of you, the Lord of Calamity, the God of Knowledge and The help of a mysterious woman."

"I want to know who this mysterious woman is?"

Ms. Hei Ye glanced at Jiang Hao and chuckled lightly.

"He is the mother of all magic, or, in other words, a mysterious girl."

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