I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 346: :symbol

On the street in Niold, a sturdy man with a black boxing glove on each hand was climbing on the shoulders of his companions to speak.

"Aaron, I told you that just last night, I saw a black dragon with my own eyes..."

"The black dragon is very fierce. The horns on the top of its head extend back to form a crown. A scar on the eye and face spreads straight down from the forehead, and has been submerged into the long beard of the lower jaw. It is very powerful at first glance. ...."

"Although I was very scared in my heart at the time, when I thought that I was a descendant of the God of Twilight, with the blood of the gods flowing in my body, I could not shame my ancestors, so I drew my sword and aimed it at That black dragon, guess what happened in the end."

"It ran away."

The man laughed, "It was scared off by me."

"Villewim, did you drink just now?" Aaron, who was climbing on Villewim's shoulders, complained, "Didn't you tell you not to drink? Every time you finish drinking, you will say something about it. if."

"Aaron" Villewim murmured, "I didn't drink. If you don't believe me, you can smell my mouth to see if there is any smell in it."

"Purification." Aaron gave him a blank look. "Don't think I don't know. You like to use purification techniques to purify yourself after drinking. No one can find evidence of your drinking after purification."

"Then I will swear to do it in the name of the gods."

Villewim raised his hand to swear, and Aaron next to him quickly reached out and held him down, "I believe it."

Swearing an oath in the name of God is tantamount to the truth.

At this moment, he saw a man with a dark complexion, a bald head and a windbreaker walking towards him. There was a scar on the man's face. The scar spread straight down from his forehead, looking very fierce.

He stood still only a few steps in front of them,

"Hello there."

The man in the trench coat looked at Villeweim and Aaron and pointed to the ancient castle in the distance, trying to make his tone gentle, "I can't get in there, can you take me in?"

"I will pay you."

Villewim turned his head and glanced at the direction the man in the windbreaker was pointing, and his face sank, "Outsiders, this is not where you should be."

As soon as he finished speaking, Aaron grabbed the conversation and said, "Do you know where it is?"


The man in the windbreaker nodded, his tone slowing down, "That is the place where the God of Twilight once lived as a mortal, and now it is inhabited by your patriarch Yaniz Ingnari."

"Since you know what it is, you should not allow outsiders to enter there." Aaron said.

"My master asked me to give you something to your patriarch." The man in the windbreaker showed a smile that was terrifying in their eyes: "So please take me to see your patriarch."

"Can't you understand human language?" Villewim said impatiently, "No outsiders are allowed to enter there."

Aaron held Villewim and told him not to speak.

In fact, he also thinks that Villevím is right. This outsider seems to really not understand human words, and he hasn't heard such an obvious rejection yet, but Villevím's tone of speech is really hateful.

"No one who is not a member of the Ingenari family is allowed to enter there, even if we take you in, you will not be able to enter."

"No, as long as you promise to take me in, I can go in."

"Well, I promise to take you in."

"thank you."

The man in the windbreaker smiled fiercely on his face.

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of the man in the windbreaker gradually became transparent, and after turning his eyes, he disappeared without a trace.

"Disappeared..." Aaron's face sank. Niold was blessed by the family's legendary professional, and the flight was forbidden to teleport. How did this man in the windbreaker disappear?

Villewim was also aware of this problem. He and his brother Aaron looked at each other and walked to the castle. It was not only the residence of the patriarch, but also the stronghold of the family. All the high-level professionals were there. They have to tell the patriarch what they have encountered.

At the same time, they still had a thought in their hearts, but they agreed that the weird man in the windbreaker would take him in...

The moment they stepped into the castle, there was an extra bald man in a trench coat in the patriarch’s study.

"Finally come in."

"There is divine power here...it is really troublesome to come in without disturbing these divine powers."

"Who are you?" Yaniz Ingnari frowned.

As the place where the God of Twilight once lived as a mortal, this place became a holy place in the hearts of believers after the God of Twilight was promoted to the true god. It was filled with the power of God. Anyone who did not have the blood of the God of Twilight in his body. He couldn't get in, and now an outsider suddenly appeared, he immediately realized that there was a problem with the divine power.

"It doesn't matter who I am." The man in the windbreaker stretched out his hand, a piece of information turned into a symbol, and floated up, "This is what my master asked me to give you."

"What is this?" Yaniz Ingnari asked calmly.

"I don't know... well, now that the things are delivered, I should go too."

"I don't like the divine power of the true god, I don't like it very much, um, except for my master."

The figure of the man in the windbreaker slowly became transparent until it disappeared.

Aaron and Villewim, who knew where the patriarch was, walked to the study together. Suddenly, a voice rang from the bottom of their hearts.


Aaron and Villewim's bodies stiffened at the same time, is he in his own body?

"The things I want to deliver have already been delivered, so please send me away again."

"By the way, Villewim, I was not scared away by you."


In the castle study ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Yaniz Ingnaru looked at the place where the man in the windbreaker disappeared in amazement. A colorful symbol with overlapping shadows floated on it.

He lowered his head, did a divination on himself, then stretched out his hand and held the symbol.

In an instant, his body stiffened.

After not knowing how long, Yaniz Ingnari lowered his hand, slowly left the study, found a dusty door, pushed it open, walked in, and disappeared inside.


"Bamas did a pretty good job."

Jiang Hao withdrew his gaze.

Niold’s castle has the divine power of the **** of twilight. Once he enters, it will arouse a reaction and attract unnecessary attention, so he asked Bamas to pass the message on his behalf.

The result is not bad.

"Now it's time to convene a gathering, so that the new and old members of the future gods can meet together."

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