I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 345: : God's Birthday

They won't even be heard...Yes, your Highness is a god, who can watch his conversation with others in front of the god... Fiona Russell thought to herself that the sudden tension she had just appeared was ridiculous, and she immediately I thought of the news revealed in Jiang Hao's words.

The light shines on the main plane, and the God of Twilight who responds to the priest is not the real God of Twilight, but a fake? If this news spreads, the church at dusk will go mad, as well as the Ingnari family, they will definitely go mad...After the interruption, Fiona Russell is now much calmer than before, and she even started to calm down. What will happen if something goes public?

"The Twilight Church will definitely hunt down the'rumour-maker' and pursue the truth while pursuing it, but the truth is true, which means that more than half of the priests of the Twilight God will collapse, and they will lose their pastor level. , Will become ordinary people, and the remaining people will also be demoted because they shake their belief in gods, unless they can get the grace of gods."

"After such a thing happens, the strength of the evening church will be greatly damaged. Other churches will definitely take the opportunity to plunder believers. Some countries will be turbulent, and maybe wars/wars of gods will be triggered."

"The Ingnari family will also chase down the'rumourers' in anger, but they will certainly not have the situation like the Dusk Church."

"On the one hand, the Goddess family is different from the church. The Goddess family relies on the blood flowing in the body, which has little to do with whether the gods are in the starry sky or not. On the other hand, the Ingnari family is rumored It is not loved by the God of Twilight, and rarely receives enlightenment, which shows that this family does not depend on the gods.

"But the Ingnari family will definitely try to resurrect the God of Twilight. After all, that is the source of their blood. In this way, the conflict of beliefs will intensify."

Fiona Russell's eyes turned slightly, "The situation has become more and more unstable recently. Is this the disaster that accompanies the change of epochs? It's too dangerous."

She pondered for a while, and then said the problem in her heart.

"His Royal Highness, do you know when the epoch change will be completed? When will the sixth era come?"

"When the Sixth Era will come depends on you." Jiang Hao looked at Fiona Russell and said meaningfully: "You are the driving force behind the arrival of the Sixth Era."

Am I behind the scenes? It sounds like I am very good... Fiona Russell felt inexplicably that she had been given a stimulant, and she became excited in her heart.

Seeing her appearance, Jiang Hao's mouth curled up, and then said with a smile: "I look forward to the day when I meet you in the void outside the domain."

After speaking, Jiang Hao's figure slowly became transparent until it disappeared.

"I'm also looking forward to it, Your Highness." Looking at the place after Jiang Hao disappeared, Fiona Russell put her hand on the trouser leg and gave a farewell gift slightly.

After a while, Fiona Russell took the potion and went to the branch of the Arcanum Symposium in Kirchnewl.

"Good day, Miss Fiona." The pharmacist at the Kirchnur branch of the secret medicine seminar watched Fiona Russell come in and greeted with a smile.

Recently, this lady often came here to buy books and materials related to pharmacy, and he was also familiar with this aristocratic lady who was not bad for money.

"Do you want to buy books or materials this time?"

"Neither." Fiona Russell held the medicine bottle and shook it in front of the pharmacist. "I..."

She paused. Since she was going to collect beliefs for the former **** of twilight and the current **** of potion, she couldn't say that she made it by herself. Otherwise, the reputation might fall on her, although it can be passed through that she is a potion. It is also very troublesome for a nobleman to change his beliefs rashly.

Fiona Russell thought for a while, and changed her words: "...I have a friend who made a potion and plans to make a deal with you using this potion and the method of making potions."

I have a friend? This friend is yourself.

The pharmacist spit in his heart, he sees many people like this kind of foolish friend.

He thought about it for a moment, then he considered the words and said:

"Miss Fiona, I admire your talent for developing a bottle of pharmacy when you just started to learn pharmacy. To a genius pharmacist like you, you have never appeared in our secret medicine seminar, but we secretly The number of medicines in the medicine seminar is very large, and there is no urgent need for new medicines. Therefore, every new medicine must be reported to the people at the headquarters for discussion."

"If you have to sell this potion and its production method, I can report it on your behalf, but the result may not be so ideal."

"It was my friend who developed the potion, not me." Fiona Russell corrected his statement first, and then introduced it. "The name of this potion is the gift of the **** of potion. It can be restored to a certain extent by taking it during the battle. The amount of mental and physical strength, and the temporary strengthening of strength, as for the side effects, the side effects are temporarily unclear."

"How much is a certain amount?"

Pharmacists are interested. The medicines that can restore the strength and spirit of professionals are best-sellers, second only to those medicines that can be hollowed out by the noble brother.

"Equivalent to half of the magic and physical power of an 11th-level druid professional."

More biased towards the spellcasting profession? Not bad... The pharmacist nodded. All spellcasters have money, especially Faye. Apart from the church, Faye is the richest on the mainland.

After thinking about it, he asked again, "Why is it called the gift of the **** of medicine?"

"Because my friend was inspired by the **** of medicine to create this medicine."

"The enlightenment of the **** of pharmacy?" The pharmacist was startled for a moment, "True god? Or half god?"

"True God."

Fiona Russell nodded lightly, and added in her heart: It's just a fallen true god.

The pharmacist immediately stood up straight after hearing this.

"I will report this medicine to www.NovelMTL.com~ I believe the people above will pass the review as quickly as possible. Can I ask what your friend wants to get?"

"first name."

Fiona Russell said slowly: "My friend hopes you don't change the name of this potion."

first name? Does this name have any special meaning? The pharmacist thought for a while, nodded and agreed.


Niald, the fief of the Ingenari family, uniformly dressed in blue sky robes, held up torches and lit oil lamps one after another.

The dim light illuminates the city of Niold, which has just entered the night, as if entering the dusk.

Today is the birthday of the **** of twilight, and all the members of the Ingenari family have returned to Niord to prepare for a grand celebration.

At this time, this ancient city ushered in a visitor in a trench coat.

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