I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 347: : The Force

In a different-dimensional space, the wind was howling, and a tall tree swayed the lush canopy, making a rattling noise.

Although the big tree is less than ten meters high, it feels like it's holding up the sky inexplicably.

Outside the space, a sea of ​​silver, changing into a different appearance from time to time.

Fiona Russell, who had crossed the boundary, noticed the changes in the outside world at first sight, and was stunned.

Wasn't it black as ink before, and sometimes you can see a little bit of starlight? Why is it like this now?

"This should be the star realm."

Avramkrell, who arrived one step earlier than Fiona Russell, saw Fiona Russell’s doubts and explained:

"The silver ocean is a characteristic of the star realm, and here I can clearly feel that my connection with the gods has become very weak, and the transmission of divine power has basically been blocked, and this is also in line with the characteristics of the star realm."

Astral? Tombs of the gods? Why did your Highness move the meeting place to the star realm? Fiona Russell was full of question marks in her mind.

"Good day, everyone."

Jiang Hao, wearing a diadem suit, came down, and gently nodded towards Afram Krell and Fiona Russell.

"Because Iyetta Cavendil and Ingenari Marlow can't leave the star realm for the time being, so the meeting place is in the star realm."

Hearing Jiang Hao's words, Afram Krell's heart set off a huge wave, "Iyetta Cavendil has fallen?"

Even with the help of His Highness, Iyetta Cavendil still fell. Is it so difficult to walk on the road to becoming a god?

Fiona Russell became confused when she heard this.

Mr. Mysterious man has fallen? Isn't he a god? Why does it fall? Is it annoying the high-ranking gods?

Iyetta Cavendil came in from the outside. He looked around and took the initiative to say, "As the **** of craftsmanship, I steal the power of Tritheism, and use the power of Tritheism for my own use. , But it was eroded by the God of Craftsman and fell short before the promotion."

Afram Krell trembled in his heart when he heard Iyetta Cavendil's words.

He and Iyetta Cavendil are walking the same path, both stealing the power of the gods for their own use. Iyetta Cavendil has fallen, will he be far away?

He opened his mouth, wanted to say something, and thought about it but didn't know what to say.

He chose the path himself. It was because he wanted to take a shortcut and use the power of the gods to master the power. It seemed reasonable to be backlashed.

Jiang Hao gave a chuckle, took his words, and said another thing, "The God of Craftsman has fallen."

"Thank your highness." Iyetta Cavendil lowered his head and said.

Although the God of Craftsman lost his perception of the main plane after he had finished corroding him, Jiang Hao told him the news when he arrived in the star realm last time.

The God of Craftsman has fallen, and His Highness is helping Mr. Mysterious Man to avenge... Become the reserve of the pronuclear gods, even if it is dead, there will be the Lord God’s help to avenge... Fiona Russell’s heart has a surge of revenge. Sense of security.

At this time, a twilight figure appeared in the different-dimensional space.

The big tree swaying the canopy immediately stretched out its branches to beat each other, and the branches retracted in the next moment.

Afterwards, Jiang Hao's voice rang,

"This is Ingna Remarlow."

Ingna Remarlow? God of Twilight? He actually became a member of this organization? The organization is getting stronger... Fiona Russell greeted the **** of twilight.

"Good day, my lord of the twilight."

God of Twilight? Hearing the name, Iyetta Cavendil looked over subconsciously.

As the descendants of the Lord of Dawn, the Cavendil family does not have any favorable impressions of the God of Twilight, a **** born from the Lord of Dawn. Although nominally, the God of Twilight should be the heir of the Lord of Dawn, but it doesn’t matter. Neither the Lord of Dawn nor the God of Twilight would agree with this.

Because of their unfavorable feelings, the Cavendil family has given a lot of black hands to the God of Twilight, and the God of Twilight also responds to the people of the Cavendil family with divine punishment from time to time, letting them know what God's encouragement is.

So the two are deadly enemies.

But what does it have to do with me that the Cavendil family and his being a mortal enemy have anything to do with me? We are now a member of an organization, and we will be a **** of the gods in the future... Iyetta Cavendil thought, and the thoughts in my heart disappeared.

"Good day, ma'am." Ingna Remaro looked at Fiona Russell and said, "Thank you for everything you have done for me on the plane of the Lord. His Highness has already told me about it."

"After I return to the main plane, I will hand over the authority of'treatment' to you as agreed."

Fiona Russell heard what the **** of twilight said, and immediately said modestly, "I did only very small things."

One potion is exchanged for one authority, and everyone will be jealous of this deal.

"If your Highness still needs me to do anything, please do not hesitate to say, I will definitely help."

"There is indeed something that needs your help." The God of Twilight nodded gently.

Uh... Fiona Russell's thoughts were a bit stuck for a while, would the things the gods want her to do simple things?

"I have a mausoleum on the main plane. That is the mausoleum of my wife Mary Rose. In a few days, my descendants will enter the mausoleum and take out something. I hope you can help them after they enter and keep them safe. Take out that thing smoothly."

tomb? The mausoleum of a god's wife? But why would He let me help? Is there danger in the tomb?

Fiona Russell flashed one thought after another, her eyes became cautious, "His Royal Highness, can you tell me about the situation of the tomb?"

"Yes." The God of Twilight nodded, "The tomb itself is not dangerous."

"But what I’m not sure about is whether the **** who replaced me was aware of the thing in the mausoleum after I fell. If he didn’t notice it, they would go smoothly, but if he noticed it, then they would enter After the mausoleum, it may attract the gaze of a **** and cause bad things."

The gaze of a god, this is too dangerous... Fiona Russell felt a lot of pressure. Although there is a possibility that the gods did not notice, according to the law of the goddess: "If things have the possibility of going bad, no matter what How small is this possibility, it will always happen'.

"I will pay attention." Jiang Hao said softly.

"Thank your highness."

"Thank your Lord Lord."

Fiona Russell and the God of Twilight thanked at the same time.

Jiang Hao gave a chuckle, looked at the God of Twilight and asked, "Do you know anything about the Force?"

"The Force?"

After thinking for a while, the **** of twilight replied: "I have not been in contact with the force and do not understand it, but there are some descriptions of the force in the memory that I inherited from the Lord of Dawn. I can tell you these descriptions. But I cannot guarantee the accuracy of these descriptions."

"Please say."

Fiona Russell's spirits were shocked, and she set her ears up and listened. Iyetta Cavendil and Afram Krell also made the same actions. They are very unfamiliar with the word force, but from your Highness From the dialogue with the Twilight God, it seems that the force seems to be very important?

The **** of twilight sorted out his words and said: "In the memory of the Lord of Dawn, the original seven gods were not the original gods, and those chaotic ancient gods before the multiverse was created are the original gods."

"In the era of chaos where ordinary life is still born and beliefs have not yet sprouted, it is the original force that supports the divine power of the ancient chaos gods."

"The original force is everywhere, and the ancient Chaos Gods possess a divine power far surpassing our gods by drawing on the original force they control."

"But over time, the ancient chaos gods split."

"They split into two camps of good and evil, and under the influence of these ancient gods, the ubiquitous force has also split."

"The ancient Chaos Gods of the two camps are fighting endlessly. Some of the ancient Chaos Gods were tired of endless battles and chose to be neutral, so the Force once again split."

"With the fall of the ancient chaos gods and the creation of the twin snakes starting to create the universe, the force has split again, this time they split into countless parts, forming the sea of ​​force,"

This seemed a bit like the process of two, two, three, and three generations of all things. Jiang Hao felt thoughtful after hearing the words of the God of Twilight.

"But then I didn't know what happened. These scattered forces once again gathered together and became the three camps of good, evil, and neutral. Some great gods restrained and dominated these forces."

Everything is back into three? It sounds like the multiverse is going through a cycle...

"However, I don't know which gods have restrained and controlled these forces. There is no relevant description in the memory of the Lord of Dawn."

The force of the good camp should be dominated by the good snake, part of the force of the evil camp is dominated by the evil snake, and part of the force is taken away by the abyss. The force of the neutral camp should be split into several parts, and the mysterious girl should be one of the masters. The Lord of the End of All Things and the Lord of Calamity are very suspicious, while the possibility of Lady Dark Night is very small... Jiang Hao began to think about it.

"Ms. Night can take away the power of darkness when the evil snake is sleeping, and surely it can also take away his control of the evil force of the evil camp, and she needs to share the principle of the neutral camp with the great divine powers of several gods with level 19 Isn’t the force that alone dominates the evil camp a better choice?"

"In addition, the gods, the good snakes, the evil snakes, the mysterious girls, the lord of all things, and the lord of disasters, all have one thing in common, that is, they don’t spread their faith very much. They have very few followers, almost none. ."

"And Lady Dark Night is different from them. Lady Dark Night has quite a lot of believers, and she is the **** with the largest number of believers on the main plane."

"Combined with the direction of promotion of the great divine power of God Level 19 mentioned by the mysterious girl: to strengthen my own sense of existence in the multiverse and let my sense of existence disappear from the multiverse, can I think that it supports the first way? Is it faith, and the force that supports the second path?"

There is still too little information... Jiang Hao's eyes turned slightly, "Perhaps I should visit Ms. Dark Night and thank him for taking care of me all the time."

Is the legend of the creation of twin snakes true? This universe was really created by the creation twin snakes? Fiona Russell was in awe unconsciously.

"The force was actually hidden..." Iyetta Cavendil whispered. As the true **** who was just one step closer to being promoted, he felt a trace of indignation at this behavior.

Averam Krell sighed softly.

"The world of the gods is more complicated and full of secrets than I usually imagine when I sleep."

When their minds were turning, Jiang Hao's voice came out, "You may be able to explore the secret of the Force."

"It may be used when you are promoted to God level 19."

Does the original force involve the great divine power of **** level 19? The eye pupils of Afram Krell and Iyetta Cavendil shrank at the same time, and their hearts naturally raised the Force to an extremely important position.

The Force involves great divine power, and that has nothing to do with me... Fiona Russell was in a very relaxed mood, and immediately she recalled what Jiang Hao said.

Your Highness even knows this, will he be a great divine power of God level 19? It should be, after all, an incarnation of His Royal Highness is a powerful supernatural power of God's level 15.

Fiona Russell's thoughts kept turning.

After the Twilight God finished speaking, he fell silent and didn't have any thoughts about what Jiang Hao said.

Perhaps a long time ago, he was still full of vigor and illusions about the promotion of gods, but the long years have wiped out these illusions. He realized that it is very difficult to promote his gods. Subconsciously think that he can't complete this kind of promotion.

For this reason, He has no feelings about what Jiang Hao said~www.NovelMTL.com~ After you find the secret of the Force, you can use it to exchange some help with me. The level of help depends on the value of your secret. "

"Besides, I want to give you some tips." Jiang Hao glanced at them and continued: "Maman, the **** of gluttons, Levitus, the **** of sex, and Morpheus, the **** of sorrow. Tofelis... these gods have been determined to fall, and it is Asmodeus to replace them."

"Asmodeus was the lord of the nine levels of **** before, and now he is the lord of the evil **** of original sin with the **** level 18. If you find a priest praying to the gluttonous god, then I suggest you stay away from him, but if you find The pastor is praying to Maman, the gluttonous god, then maybe you can gain something."

Hearing this reminder, the hearts of the four people present unanimously shook.

The promotion of the seven gods, even the gods buried in the star realm can feel it, but these seven gods have all fallen after being promoted? And it was Asmodeus, the famous demon lord who caused the fall?

It is too dangerous to be promoted to the gods, do I really need to take risks? Averam Krell, who was shocked by the news one after another, was shaken.

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