I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 344: : Gift of the God of Pharmacy (2 in 1 large


Jiang Hao's heart shook. After realizing that he was playing the role of the **** of light but could not get the authority of the light, he guessed where the **** secretly controlled the authority of the light, and now he has solved the case, and it is the good snake who controls the light.

After digesting for a long time, Jiang Hao asked,

"How do you know this?"

Sitting on the seat of God, Asmodeus opened his mouth gently and spit out a name from it.


Omniscience? Hearing what Asmodeus said, Jiang Hao immediately thought of the Lord of All-Knowing, the once God of Knowledge, and the Lord of All-Knowing, who knew everything in this world. And Asmodeus united with the Lord of All-Knowing?

Soon he thought of another thing.

Where is the limit of omniscience of the Lord of All-Knowing?

Is his omniscience limited to knowing what is known or is it also known along with the unknown? Is His omniscience limited to everything that has happened in the past and present, or is it also aware of all things that have not happened in the future? Is his omniscience limited to knowing everything that happens in the multiverse or is it even aware of things that happen in other universes? Jiang Hao raised questions one after another in his heart, and made one guess after another.

His omniscience should be limited to a large extent. The reason is that after he mastered omniscience, he was only promoted to the level of the gods. He is the same level of existence as the virtuous snake, the evil snake, the lady of the night, the master of disaster, and the lord of death God level 20 above all gods.

Jiang Hao thought, and he was relieved.

If the omniscience of the Lord of All-Knowing includes the unknown, including the future, and other universes, then he should degenerate into an evil **** as soon as possible. This way, holding the thigh of the Lord of All-knowing may have more prospects for development.

Containing his thoughts, he was about to speak, and saw a smile on Asmodeus’ face.

"I and the Lord of All-Knowing are not allies. There is only one ally, and that is you."

Then I want to thank you for considering me so much. Jiang Hao slandered and turned to discuss the evil snake.

"Do you know about evil snakes?"

"At the beginning of the creation of the world, the evil snake was equal to the good snake. The two ancient gods had no difference in power, but after the evil snake fell into a deep sleep, the lady of the night descended into the nine hells and eroded the evil snake. Part of the essence has taken away the incomplete and dark authority in its hands."

"After that, the Bottomless Abyss descended on the multiverse, snatching part of the power to dominate the evil camp from it, which greatly delayed its waking speed."

"So you don't need to worry about it for now."

I think you should add to the act of bewitching the devil monarch to extract the origin of the nine layers of hell, but the dark authority that the lady of the night holds is taken away from the evil snake? Ms. Dark Night is really powerful. In contrast, the ancient sun **** was killed by the good snake. I can only say that it is Ms. Dark Night... Jiang Hao sighed in his heart, and then he asked a question.

"What is the Force?"

"The original force was the source of the power of the gods before the birth of faith. After the discovery of the faith, the gods abandoned the original force..." After a few words, Asmodeus skipped the explanation of the original force and turned to He took out a piece of parchment, "This is the way to secretly control authority...but being secret doesn't mean that you won't be discovered. As long as you keep a good eye on it, you can always find some problems. As an ally, I hope you can."

The gods abandoned the force? If this is the case, why does the evil snake draw the force to recover? The good snake secretly mastered so many gods, but did not publicize his faith in the main plane. Does it mean that he is still drawing the original power? There are also two gods with a weak sense of existence, the Lord of Calamity and the Lord of the End of All Things. Is their source of power again the original force?

But it doesn't seem right to say that the gods did not abandon the force.

The gods of the main plane are basically spreading beliefs. Apart from authority, the friction between the gods mainly comes from belief. I have never heard of anyone who will draw the original power.

It makes sense to say that his new gods may choose to believe because they don’t understand it, but those ancient gods who have existed since the Second Age cannot be ignorant of the existence of the Force, but they still chose to believe... ... Jiang Hao had various thoughts in his heart.

He stretched out his hand while thinking, took the parchment from Asmodeus, then took a glance and put it away.

He is going to use others to test whether this method is safe before using it on himself.

Although Asmodeus and him were allies before he had the power of the sun, the allies were used to pit them. With the level of cunning of this evil lord, he had no doubt that the other party had done tricks in it. Just wait for the crucial moment to pit yourself.

For example, at a critical moment when he is in power, he suddenly exposes himself and uses himself to attract the attention of the virtuous snake, while he himself takes the opportunity to do things that he can't do normally...

Jiang Hao thought to himself and said with a smile on his face: "Thank you for your help, Your Highness Asmodeus."

Asmodeus also laughed, "We are allies, you are strong, and I will be strong with you."


Kirchniur, third block.

Riding on horseback, Fiona Russell, dressed in a white knight costume and riding boots on her long legs, stepped into this famous slum in Kirchniur.

The first thing that caught her eyes was the messy and pitted ground. The adults in linen clothes with stitches everywhere were bent over and hunched over, and their faces were numb and painful, and the same Children in linen clothes are more energetic, and their faces remain innocent and lively. The burden of life has not crushed their bodies like their parents.

After Fiona Russell walked in, she dismounted, holding a whip in one hand while holding her beloved horse, slowing her pace.

Although I have entered here more than once, every time I see Fiona Russell, there is still a trace of depression in my heart.

The impact here is too great for her.

"Sister Fiona." Seeing her arrival, the people on the third block rioted. A little boy with timidity and joy on his face ran over and stopped in front of Fiona Russell, "You Do you need volunteers this time?"

"Yes." Fiona Russell nodded gently.

In an instant, the boy's eyes lit up, "Can you see me?"

Fiona Russell looked at the disproportionately colored and face-faced boy in front of him, and slowly squatted down, her face was a little gloomy, but she responded kindly, "No, you are still young."

"I'm eight years old." The little boy said firmly.

"I'm only eight years old, wait for you to grow up." Fiona Russell slowly stood up, found a slanted back chair and sat down, watching the person in front of him and slowly said, "I'll do it. I am looking for someone to test a new drug."

"This time it's the same as before. Only people over the age of 18 will be tested, regardless of gender.

"After taking the medicine, you should tell me your feelings in detail and observe for a week."

"Within this week, if there is any discomfort, please tell me. I will always be here waiting for you."

Hearing that, the adults in the third block rushed up.

Those who are still here at this time did not grab a job today. This means that they have no salary today, which means that their savings will be reduced. If they do not have savings, it will be worse, and maybe they will be hungry. belly.

Now they finally have a paid job, which of course they will cherish, and Fiona Russell’s pharmacy experiment pays a lot more than the salary of going to the station to help the merchant unload the goods, and it is easier to get, after eating it, the most Seriously, the whole body hurts for a while.

Seeing that the adults in the third block were coming, Fiona Russell took out a lot of potions from the space equipment, and handed them bottle by bottle to these people, and then watched them eat it, and waited slowly. result.

These medicines were made by combining pharmacy, alchemy, and formulas given by her Highness. They have been tested by animals and prisoners before they can be tested. They are tested here, just to test that they may appear after being taken by humans. The abnormal reaction.

After the testers took the medicine, they found a place to sit down. The third block began to become quiet, and the soldiers on patrol also became cautious when they passed by, trying not to make any noise, so as not to disturb the nobleman.

But at this moment, a man in a black trench coat walked straight towards Fiona Russell.

He stood in front of Fiona Russell with a gentle smile on his face, "Hello, can you tell me the name of your potion?"

The soldiers who happened to be patrolling here frowned, turned their steps, and walked towards the man in the windbreaker.

But soon, their faces changed.

Because the distance between them and the man in the windbreaker is not far, they can be reached by only a few steps, but they have walked dozens of steps now, and the distance between them and the man in the windbreaker has not changed in any way.


And also a high-level professional.

A thought popped out of the soldiers' minds, and their progress stopped.

Looking at the medicine in Fiona Russell’s hand, the man in the windbreaker seemed to be muttering to herself: "Antibiotics plus the power of the bull, the powder of the Merle’s gold, and the philosopher’s stone. The blood of the Orcs, the venom of the Mamba Niro snake, and the blood of some other monsters."

"Its effect is to restore a certain amount of mental and physical strength, and strengthen one's own strength within a few seconds, but there is a small probability that the user will suffer from nerve paralysis and be unable to move for about twenty seconds. Zhong, if you take it when you are physically strong, there is a high probability that you will experience dizziness caused by the upsurge of Qi and blood. In addition, pregnant women, children and the elderly should take caution."

Fiona Russell was not shocked that the man in the trench coat could tell the effect of this potion. She was shocked by another thing.

"Antibiotics, how did he know about antibiotics?"

"Do I know antibiotics are weird?" The man in the trench coat standing in front of Fiona Russell smiled at her: "Don't forget, besides you, there is another person who knows antibiotics."

"you are……"

Fiona Russell had a faint guess in her heart, who is his Highness?

"A convener of a party."

The man in the windbreaker smiled.

Sure enough, it was the Highness... Fiona Russell put her hand on her chest and performed a standard etiquette.

"His Royal Highness, good day!"

"Good day, Fiona Roaring."

Jiang Hao looked around, found a seat, sat on it, "Can you tell me the name of this medicine?"

Sure enough, it was your Highness... Your Highness actually came to me, is it because I didn't do well? Yes, I didn't do well enough, Mr. Mysterious Man has already been promoted to True God, and Mr. Paper Man is fast too. Only me, I didn't even start... Fiona Russell fell into a depressed mood.

After a short while, she controlled her mood, recovered her previous mood, and replied earnestly: "Fiona Russell's recovery potion!"

"The name of this potion is Fiona Russell's Restoration potion... The reason why it is called is because I want people across the continent to know my name and gain a lot of fame. Maybe someone will worship me. At that time I may be able to transform worship into faith."

Very interesting thought, Jiang Hao commented in his heart, and then said: "Change the name of this medicine to the gift of the **** of medicine."

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Hao felt that the girl in front of him began to feel lost, depressed, sad, and confused.

Your Highness is about to take back the authority granted to me...I am not worthy of his training...I was given up...Yes, I have no value worthy of training...I am just a mediocre girl... Fiona Russell gently Biting his lip, he firmly controlled himself and nodded heavily, "I see."

"The God of Twilight intends to use the name of the God of Medicine to gather faith on the main plane, and to return to the main plane with accumulated power. This needs your help."

"In return, after he returns, he will transfer the healing power in his hand to you~www.NovelMTL.com~ to strengthen the ‘medicine’ power in your hand."

His Royal Highness did not give up on me. Just now, everything was just my crazy thinking... The negative emotions that enveloped Fiona Russell's heart disappeared suddenly, and her tone relaxed, "Your Royal Highness, I will contact the secret medicine seminar immediately and put the medicine Give them the gift of God, and they can spread the'gift of the God of Medicine' throughout the main plane in the shortest time."

After talking about Fiona Russell, I noticed that the word Jiang Hao used just now was "accumulate power and return to the main plane", and this word is usually used to describe a fallen god.

She pursed her lips, and asked the doubts in her heart.

"Isn't the twilight **** still there?"

"That's not Him."

Fiona Russell set off a huge wave in her heart, and in the next second she realized that there were many people nearby, she instinctively looked around.

At this time, a voice came from my ear,

"Don't worry, our words won't be heard by them."

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