I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 340: :Creation Double Snake

Jiang Hao's Godland, 13 feet tall, dressed in red and black, Asmodeus opened his squinting eyes after Balzeb shouted out his god's name.

It slowly stood up from the ground, causing the chains that stretched from all directions and pierced its body to make a rattling sound. Jiang Hao, who was sitting on the **** seat, retracted his gaze toward the main plane, gently Ringing on the armrest of the **** seat, under his control, more chains stretched out from the void and penetrated its body.

"Balzeb communicates with the will of the abyss and invades the main plane in order to be promoted to the true god."

"Such behavior, do you have to let it go?"

The ethereal voice of Asmodeus penetrated the air in God's country and passed to Jiang Hao's ears.

Jiang Hao put a smile on his face when he heard the words, "I believe it won't really be left alone with the will of the abyss."

The **** of blood sounds like an evil god, but whether it will degenerate into an evil **** depends entirely on Balzeb himself, just like the **** of war.

——Obviously war has nothing to do with justice. It is conceptually biased toward neutrality and behaviorally biased toward evil. Theoretically speaking, the **** of war is either the **** of the neutral camp or the **** of the evil camp, but the **** of war in reality is sevenfold One of the good gods of Heavenly Mountain.

From the behavior of Balzeb, the possibility of the Yakong Protoss who had not completely fallen after falling into the nine levels of **** from the Seven Heavens Mountain was not very likely to fall into the Cthulhu camp.

The theoretical basis for this is that the altar positions chosen by Balzeb for the promotion of the true **** are all desolate places with no one.

Of course, the most important thing is that there are dozens of gods watching Balzeb at this time. If it really intends to let the will of the abyss erode the main plane, the gods who are mainly concentrated on the main plane of these believers have long been alone. God sent it back to hell.

"Heh... when will the gods believe in the devil?"

Asmodeus lowered his head and laughed.

As soon as the voice fell, the lord of the nine layers of **** exploded suddenly, and the fleshy pieces mixed with blood were thrown into the air. In the next instant, these flesh and blood gathered together at a swift speed and changed into Asmodil again. The appearance of Si flew out.

Looking at Asmodeus who was about to leave the kingdom of God, Jiang Hao spoke in a low voice.

"No flying!"

He exerted his authority to manipulate the rules of the Kingdom of God.

In the next second, countless rules changed, and Asmotiers in flight fell instantly.

Afterwards, Jiang Hao’s voice played vigorously in the kingdom of God,

"Transmission is prohibited!"

"No walking!"

The voice of sacred majesty spread throughout the country, and along with his voice, there were also the drastic changes in God's domestic rules and the fierce burning of his own divine power.

Asmotiers, who was about to walk with his feet up, was held in place by the rules.

A colorful bubble flew out of the void and landed on Asmodeus, covering it inside, so that even if its body could be separated and reorganized, it would not be able to escape from the control of the kingdom of God.

After finishing this, Jiang Hao said, "I have an agreement with Balzeb to help it block those who try to attack it when it is promoted, so please stay in our kingdom for a while and wait for Balzeb. Go out after being promoted."

"I don't intend to prevent it from becoming a true god." Asmodeus spoke in a low voice, and then it turned its gaze to the main plane.

"Look, it is about to become a god."

As he said, the corner of his mouth twitched, and a smile appeared, "And I, I am about to succeed."

Jiang Hao's heart beat when he heard the words, he cast his eyes on the main plane, only to see Balzebu's body exuding golden light, and the sacred flame emerged from nothingness. It was fed by faith and ignited the whole of Balzebu. Body, it showed a painful look in the flames.

Jiang Hao, who has experienced this situation, knows that Balzeb is being burned by the sacred fire. If it cannot withstand the pain of the soul being burned, blurred or even lost consciousness, the sacred flame will immediately burn its soul. Exhausted, only an empty body of Balzeb will fall into the astral world in the next moment, becoming an island of gods floating in the tombs of the gods.

But soon, the pain on Balzebu's face disappeared, and an invisible thought was revealed from its body, and with the help of the power of the'bloody' authority, it was projected into the planes.

At this moment, most people no longer have secrets for it.

At the same time, Balzeb's body began to rise, and it began to leave the main plane, throwing into the embrace of the void outside the domain.

When it is completely out of the main plane, it is Him.

"Be careful."

Jiang Hao passed his voice to Balzeb's ears.

Asmodeus saw his movements but didn't have the slightest idea to stop him. He was in the bubble and said without any haste: "Do you know that the nine hells are alive?"

Is the nine **** alive? Jiang Hao's eyes were startled. He once observed the nine layers of **** with the help of the Lord of Hell's personality, and discovered that the nine layers of **** were transformed by the body of the evil snake.

At that time, he had guessed that the evil snake was still alive, that the devil was the creature that it bred to plunder the energy of other planes, and the devil king was the leader of these creatures.

It's just that there were some illogical aspects in this guess that he didn't figure out, so after turning his eyes, he left this guess behind.

But now it seems ~www.NovelMTL.com~ is this guess correct?

No emotions can be seen in Asmodeus’ scarlet eyes, “The twin snakes of good and evil are ancient gods born in a chaos. They represent the two extremes of order, both good and evil, which are the second order. The ultimate manifestation of Yuan is also the great divine power of God level 19 at birth."

"In order to be able to go one step further and be promoted to the God of God of God level 20, the two snakes of good and evil worked hand in hand to create this multiverse together, with the intention to become the "God of Creation".

"They bit each other's tails, forming a ring, constraining chaos with the power of the ultimate order, separating chaos into various elements, and stabilizing them."

"In the chaos, they created the initial, multiverse embryonic form-a giant wheel composed of a central plane plus 16 planes representing various other camps."

"This central plane was later called the main plane, and the 16 planes representing the other camps were called Joseph Garden, Bliss Mirror, Chaos Sea, Noisy Tunnel, Gray Wilderness, Harmony Field, Wild Heart, and Clock Nirvana. The mechanical mirror of the rock, the twin paradise of the twin Eden, the paradise of the peaceful kingdom, the four element planes of earth, water, wind and fire, and the tombs of the gods."

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