I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 339: : Balzeb promoted

Beria also stole a color-resistant scroll from Nesus Hell?

Balzeb froze for a moment, then showed a funny expression.

"Unexpectedly, in the nine hells, Beria, who behaved like a loyal dog of Asmodeus, actually took the opportunity to bite his master."

"Sure enough, no devil in **** is not cunning and treacherous."

Are you scolding yourself? Jiang Hao started to complain.

"But the news you brought confirms my thoughts. The color-resistant scroll is indeed a trap set by Asmodeus. If I follow the route it specifies for us to promote, maybe even I don't know how to die." Balzeb said lightly.

After speaking, he murmured to himself, "Anyone like Beria stole the scroll of resistance to color, which shows that this trap is aimed at Beria rather than me. After all, it knows me well. I know that with my ingenuity, I will definitely not step into this very obvious trap, so the trap it set against me should not be this..."

"It seems I will be promoted in advance..."

Although a lot of preparations have not been completed, theoretically speaking, the success rate of promotion after waiting for a period of time will be higher, but it has a feeling that if it waits for a while, the viper of Asmodeus will take it in one bite. Eat it.

With his thoughts flickering, Balzeb looked at Jiang Hao and asked, "His Royal Highness Drew, the **** of agriculture, will you still honor our deal?"

Jiang Hao smiled slightly.

"of course."

"Then you can start cashing out now."

Balzeb slowly opened his arms, and a pair of angel wings suddenly opened behind him. The white brilliance spilled over the entire battlefield, and the blood that filled the air was stained with a sacred taste.

It turned out to be the light of the Seven Heavens Mountain, didn't Balzeb's soul degenerate after he fell into hell? After abandoning the body of the devil monarch, he was able to regain the brilliance of the Seventh Heaven Mountain... If it hadn’t been for me to know that it was being promoted to the true god, and it still had the authority of'bloody', I would doubt whether it was the Seventh Heaven Mountain. The spy who entered the Nine Hells! Jiang Hao looked at it and muttered in his heart.


Lightning flashed across the sky, and the patter of rain water splashed down from the sky.

These brightly colored rainwater fell on the ground, spreading the ground into the color of blood, and under the action of some invisible force, gathered together to form a blood-colored lake.

Balzeb was standing on the lake, his white wings were stained blood-red by the rain a little bit, and the strange thing was that apart from the pair of pure white wings, no part of his body was infested by rain.

When he opened his angel wings, the priests and believers of the **** **** scattered around received the oracle at the same time, and they started to take action.

Pastors wearing scarlet robes opened the portal in front of them, got in, and reached the predetermined location with the help of the power of the teleportation, and then knelt on the ground, praying religiously.

"Praise you, the seventh king of the devil;

"The perfect master without defects;

"The great blood **** Balzeb!"

The pulse of prayers converged, and the invisible line of faith extended from them, sank into the void, and connected with the gods they believed in.

Then, in front of them, an altar was raised, and the twisted incantations painted with blood gave people an unusually evil feeling. As long as they looked at it, they would be overwhelmed by endless blood.

Seeing the altar appear, these priests walked up one by one, then took out a red dagger, and slammed it into his chest.

Then they closed their eyes and prayed.

"The great bottomless abyss;

"The birthplace of all evil and chaos in the multiverse;

"We are here to offer you the most sincere sacrifice;

"Pray for your strength to come!"

As soon as the voice fell, these priests felt that they had a connection with a plane in the void outside the domain. A certain chaotic and evil consciousness opened its eyes and cast its gaze over.

The priests only felt that they were being stared at by some indescribable, incomprehensible, evil and filthy sight, and their hearts spontaneously feared.

Although they had already thought of sacrificing for the faith in their hearts and for their own gods, when they were watched by the will of the abyss, the courage in their hearts disappeared cleanly.

But before they flinched and left, the will of the abyss descended.

In an instant, the bodies of these priests melted into a pile of blood like wax figures, but in the next second, dark arms stretched out from the blood, and when they turned their eyes, the demons were afraid from the blood. Came out.

After these newborn demons came out, they did not leave the altar and followed their own will to enjoy the delicious soul, but under the influence of the will of the abyss, they tore their flesh and blood and stood on the altar to write.

Countless twisted spells were formed under the actions of the devil, slowly superimposing a blood-filled plane in the abyss with the main plane.

Those **** waters flowed out of the abyss quickly, and everything they passed was infested with blood.

The Will of the Abyss...Balzeb actually communicated the Will of the Abyss and poured a lot of blood into the main plane to complete the world's recognition of him? Jiang Hao's body cast his gaze from the kingdom of God.

In his eyes ~www.NovelMTL.com~ the main plane is like a rolled out map. At this time, hundreds of red dots appeared on the map, and each dot is an altar linking the abyss. It is the channel through which the will of the abyss invades the main plane.

How did it hide so many churches from the main plane and the gods behind the churches? To connect to the abyss, you can’t just put out an altar.

"Maybe it wasn't that it had concealed the sight of the gods, it was just that other gods found out that they didn't say it..." Jiang Hao sensed dozens of gods who had cast their gazes on Balzeb and did not respond. A faint enlightenment appeared.

Balzeb has reached an agreement with many gods, otherwise these gods will not just watch, and the time when this agreement is reached should be before my promotion to the true god, otherwise I will not be unconscious. In fact, to a certain extent, I am also one of the gods who have reached an agreement with Balzeb.

Seeing the completion of his arrangement, Balzeb closed his eyes, gently touched the line of faith that connected him and the believers, absorbed the beliefs passed on and transformed them into divine power, and then opened his mouth to spread his voice throughout. The whole main plane,

"I, Balzeb, the **** of blood..."

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