I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 341: :Think carefully

Isn't this 15 planes?

After Jiang Hao listened, he subconsciously thought of it in his heart, and then stopped as soon as his thoughts turned. As soon as Asmotiers said it may not be true, it is the devil, and the devil is very good at lying. They always He likes to tell the news that the nine points are true and the other is false. If someone completely believes them, then this person will wait for bad luck, and he will peel off if he is immortal. Secondly, he suspects that this is for himself The trap set, the devil who is good at conspiracy set a trap in a place that it can't notice, as long as he is curious, he will step into it.

A strange look appeared in Asmodeus’ scarlet eyes.

"But they underestimated the difficulty of creating the universe. After creating the prototype of the multiverse, the twin snakes of good and evil found that their power was exhausted in the process of creating the universe. They were aware of this and quickly separated. The snake rushed to the highest point of the universe, which was still in its embryonic form, and the evil snake rushed to the lowest point of the universe, and then fell into a deep sleep together."

"The amazing thing is that after they fell asleep, the energy and matter attracted by them gradually converged into two extreme planes, the seven-layer heaven mountain and the nine-layer hell."

The double snakes of good and evil are still alive. Jiang Hao’s pupils have changed. The authority to create the world is his next goal after mastering the destiny, but Asmodeus tells it that the double snakes of good and evil are actually Still alive?

No, what Asmodeus said was wrong... Jiang Hao thought for a while and said:

"If the good snake is still alive, there will be no good **** in the Seventh Heaven Mountain, and you will not be able to try to control the power of ‘evil’."

The rule of the alien world is that when a certain'authority' is mastered by the true god, that authority and its downward splitting and changing authority will no longer be mastered by the new god. If the good snake is still alive, the good **** is impossible. Promoted to the true god, Asmodeus cannot try to grasp the authority of'evil'.

"How do you know that the **** of goodness is the **** of goodness?" Asmodeus looked at Jiang Hao for a while, and said: "And how are you sure that what I want to master is'evil'?"

Jiang Hao's whole body was horrified.

Asmodeus' words reminded him of what the God of Twilight had said to him: The Lord of Dawn had already fallen.

Assuming that what Asmodeus said is true, and the good snake did not fall, is it the good snake that caused the fall of the Lord of Dawn and appeared in the multiverse in his face? It is further speculated that the reason why the Lord of Order, the first **** born in the Second Age, did not notice the fault of the Lord of Dawn was not because he did not notice, but because he also suffered erosion and became a virtuous snake. An avatar? And further speculated, are the good gods of the Seventh Heaven Mountain really still themselves? Will they have long since become the incarnations of good snakes?

Suddenly he thought of the ancient sun god, the sun **** of **** level 19 fell inexplicably. Is the culprit the good snake?

If it’s a good snake, it can be explained. With the ancient sun god’s **** level, there are only a few who can cause him to fall... I originally thought it would be the lady of the night, after all, this ancient goddess looks like the sun god. The relationship is not very good, but now it seems that the suspicion of the good snake is greater... Jiang Hao thought for a while, glanced at Balzeb, who had entered the void outside the domain, and found that he was building his own kingdom of God, so he was relieved I chatted with Asmodeus, trying to get some information out of it:

"What you want to master is not'evil'? Then why do you want to release the abyssal demon?"

Asmodeus's scarlet eyes had a tinge of infiltration, "If you want to know, don't you know if you just glance at the rift of blood?"

Hearing this, Jiang Hao cast his sight on the blood rift. In his sight, countless angels, gods and abyss demons were fighting in the blood rift.

The powers of light and filth are intertwined, and the sacred and depraved dance together.

Countless demons rushed past all levels of the abyss, and at the same time, countless angels, gods and men rushed out from the Seven Heavens Mountain.

And in the outer layer of the blood rift, one by one demon princes and some evil gods living in the abyss appeared beside the Seventh Heaven Mountain, and they collided fiercely with the blazing dazzling sun transformed by twelve gods emitting divine rays.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Hao had a sense of understanding in his heart, "Your purpose is to hold the good gods of the Seventh Heaven Mountain?"


"From the very beginning, my purpose was not to control the power of ‘evil’. Now that the evil snake is still there, how can I control the power of ‘evil’? My real purpose is to control the power of ‘original sin’.”

"I know that Beria will not trust me, just like I will not trust them, so I just made a simple concealment of my purpose. , I will definitely dig deep into my purpose. I put the real purpose on the surface. They will not believe it, but will think about the purpose that does not exist at all."

"If they can't dig out anything, they will be nervous and uneasy, and then the **** of cool officials will appear in front of them."

"According to the original plan, I will let the **** of cool officials collude with other devil monarchs to betray me, stab me, and let me fall, so that they will be promoted to the true **** with peace of mind, but your presence has given me better select."

"I deliberately pretended to be imprisoned by you, so that they would feel at ease. In their perception, even me, there is no way to break free from a powerful divine kingdom in a short time, plus me Use the personality of the lord of the nine hells to influence their thinking, giving them a sense of crisis subconsciously ~www.NovelMTL.com~ so there will be the next scene."

The second after Asmodeus finished speaking, voices came from all over the main plane.

"I, Maman, the gluttonous god."

"I, Leavistus, the **** of sex."

"I, Mephisto Felice, the **** of sorrow."


At the same time, in Jiang Hao's kingdom of God, the imprisoned devil monarchs committed suicide one after another. After death, their bodies became transparent until they disappeared.

"Look, they see Balzeb succeeded, so they can't wait one by one."

"Those idiots have begun to become gods, and the good gods of the Seventh Heaven Mountain are dragged by the evil gods. The gods of the neutral camp can't stop me, so the harvest time is here."

The corners of Asmodeus' lips twitched, and slowly opened his hand, and slammed it against his head, and its head exploded like a watermelon.

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