I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 338: : What a coincidence

Coincidentally, Balzeb also stole the scroll of resistance to color, and also stole it while it was away. You should have a common word... Jiang Hao did not hide his funny expression at all, and just looked at it with a smile. it.

After showing off, Beria, who was waiting for the shocked performance, did not wait for the picture he had expected. He frowned slightly, and immediately let go. "The scroll of resistance is an artifact of the era of resistance, because with it, resistance to color The empire will develop from a tribal alliance with only a small territory into a huge empire with power throughout the entire multiverse. Those mages also rely on the color-resistant scroll to have power on par with the gods."

"Moreover, it can be clearly determined that the scroll of resistance to color does not belong to our multiverse divine object. It possesses wonderful powers that are similar to ours in this universe."

"In the past, it has always placed this artifact in the depths of the Nesus Hell. It is very secretive. Among all the devil kings, only I, the monarch who is allowed to enter and exit the Nesus Hell at any time, can find its clues."

Jiang Hao listened to Beria's description and nodded blankly, "It sounds like you have the trust of Asmodeus."

"Of course." Beria responded with a smile, "After all, I am the only demon lord in the nine hells who has not betrayed it."

"But what it didn't expect was that I didn't betray, I didn't betray when I was not sure."

So you are sure at this time? How do you know that the reason you were able to steal the Scroll of Resistance from the Hell of Nasus was not a trap set by Asmodeus? Jiang Hao started to complain, and at this time he also noticed that Beria was far less vigilant than Balzerb. At least Balzerb was stealing the scroll of resistance and would wonder if it was Asmoti. The trap set by Paul.

"The color-resistant scroll is indeed a very powerful artifact..." Jiang Hao smiled and let his body project the color-resistant scroll and threw it to Beria.

This color-resistant scroll is not the color-resistant scroll that Balzerb has in his hands, but this does not prevent him from taking it out in the name of Balzerb at this time to remind the devil lord.

"Coincidentally, I also have a color-resistant scroll in my hand."

Color-resistant scroll? Beria looked at it with a bad feeling in her heart.

Jiang Hao smiled, and said the last sentence, "More coincidentally, this was also something I stole from Nesus Hell while it was away."

In an instant, Beria understood who this ‘it’ was referring to, and his face became gloomy in vain.

Above the hell, thunder roared.


On a battlefield on the main plane.

The young man in snow-white loose clothes carried a seven-eight-meter-long knife and swung it at random. Rows of soldiers were cut off at the waist, and the body became two halves freely falling with the gravity of the world, and the blood was sprayed with red blood. Come out, forming a faint blood fountain in mid-air.

Around him, soldiers shivered back.

As veterans on the battlefield, they have seen many scenes full of blood and blood. A heart has long been honed as hard as iron, but they can watch their comrades be cut in half in this way. Wriggling on the ground, it seemed that they wanted to struggle to get up, but they were still frightened.

Their waists are chilly, and there is a way that they will become their own comrades in the next moment.

"I always feel that I am more suitable to be the **** of slaughter, the **** of war, or the **** of fear." The boy looked at them, muttered a word on his mouth, and waved his right hand at random. The **** knife flashed across, and more blood It was sprayed out, the yellow and black ground was stained with blood, and the air was filled with strong blood.

"The devil... this boy is a devil."

I don't know who shouted on the battlefield, and the soldiers who had been terrified for a long time were defeated in an instant.

"Hey, if you ran away, how could I create a **** place here."

The young man wielded a big knife in his hand, harvesting the enemy's life on the battlefield.

On the battlefield, the blood became more and more intense.

At this moment, a meteor dragged its long tail and landed from the sky, hitting the young man's combat power.

The boy was instantly swallowed by the meteor, a huge roar came out, and the flames began to burn.


A middle-level magic recorded in the magic net, the effect is to summon a meteor to fall, and its power is higher than the general middle-level magic, because the high-level magic meteor fire rain is to summon multiple meteors to fall.

"This young man should be dead." A mage who applied Hawkeye Spell and greatly increased his sight range looked at the place where the meteor fell with vigilance, and sighed with relief after discovering that there was nothing unusual there.

"How could such a murderous person appear on the battlefield this time? Could it be that he is a believer in the God of Slaughter?"

But even the followers of the God of Slaughter are not so crazy.

"Sorry, I am not a believer in the God of Slaughter."

The voice came abruptly from behind the mage, and then a flawless white jade arm stretched out from behind him.

Suddenly, magical auras lit up on the mage's body, but it extinguished after a short while, and white jade-like arms stretched in from behind him and stretched out from his chest again.

The red blood soaked through the outstretched five fingers, making it stained with a bright red color.

Afterwards, the arm retracted, and the young man in white loose clothes appeared behind him, looking at the fallen mage, his mouth sneered.

"You are bolder than the wizards who dare to enter the nine levels of **** and hunt the devil. They are only hunting the devil, but you are here to hunt the devil monarch."

"It's just that your strength doesn't match your courage~www.NovelMTL.com~ When his voice fell, he turned his head and looked to the left.

In his line of sight, layers of golden light projected from the void outside the domain, and these lights gathered together to gradually form a golden figure.

Seeing the incoming person, the corner of the boy's mouth rose a little, "Oh, the **** of agriculture, Mountain Drew, you will come at this time. Is this mage related to you? Is he your believer or your relative?

Seeing Balzeb who had turned into a handsome boy, Jiang Hao was taken aback.

"I have nothing to do with him..."

Soon he stated his purpose,

"The reason I came is to tell you a piece of news."

"Beria also has a color-resistant scroll..."

"Coincidentally, this color-resistant scroll was also stolen from Nesus Hell while Asmodeus was away."

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