I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 337: : The Devil of Matryoshka

The essence of the nine levels of **** has been taken away by the devil monarchs? Jiang Hao was a little stunned. How could these devil monarchs dare to make such a bold move?

The essence of **** is the same as the origin of the plane. It is the core of the plane. Once it is extracted, there will be a huge disaster in the slightest, and it will cause the plane to collapse and become fragments scattered in the void outside the domain.

The nine-layer **** is a change from the evil snake, extremely powerful, even if it is taken away, the essence will not collapse, but it will never be nothing, and the devil lord who has done the behavior of hurting the nine-layer hell, even if it is They have the personality of the Lord of Hell, and they will be backlashed by the Nine Hells.

He knew this kind of thing ‘he’ should know, so he controlled his expression and smiled:

"Of course I personally went to the **** battlefield to preside over the battle."

There were many powerful presences in the early blood wars. It is not uncommon for the devil king and the devil prince to appear on the battlefield. There have even been several gods coming to purify the demons and demons on the battlefield.

But since a certain demon prince was haplessly killed by a new demon, and the latter replaced the former as the new demon prince, the demon prince and the devil prince began to have a tacit understanding of withdrawing from the **** battlefield.

After all, the promotion they get from killing other demons on the battlefield of blood battle is too weak. Whether it is the devil king or the devil king, their promotion method is more personal promotion. The reason why they personally joined the blood battle Among them, more is to enjoy the thrill of killing, but when they find that this enjoyment will endanger their lives, they abandon this enjoyment.

And those gods, after discovering that they had absorbed the power of the abyss and hell, their sacred essence would be corroded and corrupted by the power of the abyss and hell, they left the **** battlefield and turned to support their strong men to enter the **** battle. , Enhance their strength, and these people will leave the **** battlefield after they are promoted to the legendary rank, looking for other ways to improve their strength.

Therefore, although the current **** battles are fierce, most of them are demons and demons below the legendary level. If the devil monarch participates in the battle, the demons will gain a huge advantage.

"We have an agreement with the Demon Lord that we can't directly enter the **** battle." Beria said.

Jiang Hao laughed when he heard the words.

"Agreement? Isn't an agreement meant to be violated?"

"You really are Balzeb, not something else." Beria chuckled in a low voice.

I've been suspicious of me all the time... The devil is really a cunning creature, and won't trust anyone easily. Jiang Hao sneered.

"Beria, was your brain destroyed by the **** of agriculture when you were besieging the **** of agriculture? In the entire multiverse, who can erode my Balzeb?"

Hearing Jiang Hao’s words, Beria’s facial muscles twitched slightly, “Balzeb, what you have is the authority of ‘rage’, not ‘arrogance’. There is no need to show an arrogant appearance.”

What Balzeb holds the power of ‘Rage’? But judging from its title, it should be ‘bloody’... Has it lied to me on the title? This is unlikely, after all, as long as I look at the main plane of the lie, I can find out whether it is true or not, so Balzeb deceived Beria? Jiang Hao controlled his expression and changed the subject.

"How long will you be promoted to the true god?"

"What are you asking this for?" Beria showed obvious vigilance for a moment.

Jiang Hao did not respond to this question, but said in a low voice,

"I don't trust Asmodeus."

"Who would trust Asmodeus, the most cunning and conspiring devil? It made an agreement with us to help us promote to the true **** and make a deal, in exchange for our support for it to release the abyssal demon."

Beria snorted and sneered, "Eight devil monarchs will be promoted to the true **** with the authority of gluttony, greed, greed, sorrow, rage, laziness, arrogance, and arrogance. The incarnation of the God of Purgatory is a symbol of sin. Its true purpose should be to erode us and turn us into its clones when we are promoted, so that it can truly grasp the authority of'original sin'."

"Of course,'evil' is also its goal."

When Jiang Hao heard the words, he thought of Balzeb's honorific title, "Seventh Sovereign of the Devil, Perfect Ruler without Defects, Great Bloody God".

It should have also discovered the purpose of Asmodeus, so it abandoned the authority of ‘rage’ and instead tried to gain the authority of ‘bloody’ to promote to the true god.

It's just...A sly devil like Asmodeus can make a conspiracy that can be seen so easily? Is this so-called conspiracy a trap in itself? A trap that lures other devil monarchs to the bait?

After pondering for a while, Jiang Hao decided to give some reminders.

"Asmodeus' conspiracy will not be so simple."

"Do you think I didn't know that Asmodeus' conspiracy was not so simple?"

Beria’s tone was very relaxed, "The conspiracy it set up is itself a trap. Once we see through the conspiracy and react, we will fall into its trap, and it even allows us to do it after we see through the trap. I have thought of all of his reactions, and another trap must be set awaiting us."

"Of all the monarchs in hell, Asmodeus is the most cunning."

I predicted your prediction. I predicted your prediction. Are you devil masters of matryoshka? Jiang Hao complained in his heart.

Beria waited for a while, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, "Balzeb~www.NovelMTL.com~ don't you want to know what means I will use to avoid the trap of Asmodeus?"

"You will tell me."

Jiang Hao responded calmly.

"Let’s make a deal. You promise me a condition, and I will tell you what means I will use to avoid the trap. Don’t think it’s not worthwhile. After you know my method, you can use similar means to avoid Aspen. Mortier's trap."

"I have my own means to avoid this trap, and I don't need to refer to your means." Jiang Hao said in a faint voice, "but I am very curious about your means. I can exchange it with you by my means, of course. , It’s up to you to make this transaction."

"Balzeb, you don't have to play with me, I won't be fooled... but it doesn't matter if you tell you, because you can't use my method."

Beria took a funny look at Jiang Hao, and took out a piece of parchment. "This is the color-resistant scroll. It is the artifact that Asmodeus placed in the Hell of Neissus. I took advantage of it not to steal it. of."

"It can allow me to secretly promote to the true god."

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