I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 334: : Whistleblower

I can't beat others, but can I let others beat me? This seems to be fine... Jiang Hao tapped on the handrail on the **** seat, thinking about it.

Asmodeus's purpose is clear, but how to stop it is a problem. His own boss is collaborating with the enemy, and his lethality is a little weaker than that of his own boss except for the boss, who are spies.

Perhaps it is possible to inform the Seventh Heaven Mountain... The promotion of the Lord of All-Knowing has led to the fall of the platinum dragon **** Bahamut and the justice **** Tier, leaving the gods of the heaven mountain behind. They will definitely not want Asmo. Tills became the master of evil, allowing the Cthulhu camp to add another great divine power.

"But you need to pay attention to the method of notification. If I personally notify the gods of Heaven Mountain, believe it or not. The most likely thing is that I just set foot on the Seventh Heaven Mountain and greeted the anger of the Lord of Dawn."

While he was thinking, Balzeb interrupted his thoughts and asked,

"I told you the purpose of Asmodeus, so can you tell me how you can stop it?"

Jiang Hao glanced at him and asked, "What will you pay for this?"

"I just wanted to satisfy my curiosity. I didn't expect you to want to make a deal with me. Gods are really stingy creatures." Balzeb gave Jiang Hao a contempt, and then closed his eyes.

"I will leave this body here. After you transform my body into your own clone, you will automatically acquire the status of the Lord of Hell in Maradomini."

"Of course, the premise is that you don't want to purify my body with divine power."

Suddenly, Balzeb, who was standing in front of Jiang Hao, lost the breath of his soul, and the contempt on his face was frozen on it.

Walking so fast, it’s very peaceful at first sight... Jiang Hao muttered in his heart, the divine power on his body burned, and the golden light fell on Balzeb’s body like a sticky mist, and the latter gradually became lively in the light. Up.

It opened its eyes, stood on the spot, squeezed its chin and said, "I am Balzeb. I am the lord of Maradomini, the seventh floor of the nine hells..."

"As a kind and upright devil, how can I watch Asmodeus' evil conspiracy come true..."

"I want to expose its conspiracy, I want to inform..."

After thinking about it, Jiang Hao changed his clone Balzeb into a light and threw it into hell.


The main plane.

The young man with snow-white shoulder-length hair was barefoot, and put on snow-white loose clothes under the service of the beautiful maids. His purple eyes turned slightly, and his heart muttered.

"Are the gods so despicable now? Who is the devil?"


Nine levels of **** is a higher plane where evil converges. Every creature born from here is an extremely cruel and cunning evil person.

Before the Bottomless Abyss was born, the nine-layer **** was the home base of the evil gods. Ancient evil gods such as the five-color dragon queen, the spider lady, and the crow queen all occupied a certain level of the nine-layer hell.

In ancient times, paladins in the main plane often entered the nine hells in order to fight evil.

Most paladins will die on the journey of fighting evil, but there are also a small number of paladins who have grown up in the process of fighting evil and become legendary professionals.

However, with the birth of the bottomless abyss, these paladins set the target of fighting evil in the abyss. After all, the chaotic evil demons are more hated by the paladins than the lawful evil demons.

After Jiang Hao entered the seventh **** of the nine hells, Maradomini did not immediately inform him. Instead, he first mobilized his personality to see that after he seized Balzeb's body, the status of the lord of **** was still there. Not on myself.

For the gods, authority is closely integrated with the soul, and the existence of the **** is not important. If others just seize the ****, there is no way to occupy the power.

After mobilizing his personality, he immediately felt his surroundings "live". The surface filled with mines, stone fields, salt passages and ruins faded away, revealing the dark red flesh and blue blood vessels inside.

The gray sky turned into a corridor with layers of wrinkles, dark green mucus full of decay and foul smelling all around him.

The whole world was squirming.

The essence of the Nine-Layer Hell is actually a giant snake. Is it true that the legend of the creation of the twin snakes is true? If it is true, then the Seventh Heaven Mountain should have been made of a good snake... I don’t know if the legend that Asmodeus is the incarnation of an evil snake is true, the possibility is not very big... Jiang Hao Xixi After thinking about it, it is not necessary to make up his mind, not to fight the lord of the nine-tiered **** head-on.

Although from the situation of his fight with Asmodeus, after leaving the hell, the power of the lord of the nine levels of **** is just like that, any powerful divine power can easily suppress it, but I am afraid that it will be Play tricks to show that the enemy is weak.

These demons are very sinister.

Thinking about it, Jiang Hao withdrew the power surrounding him, and used his own personality as the lord of **** to dissipate the power shrouded in Maradomini's hell.

He wants to inform the Lord of Dawn that these forces will hinder the Lord of Dawn's perception.

After doing this, he moved into action.

"Great Lord of Dawn Amon Aito, the evil Asmodeus wants to release the demons of the bottomless abyss to corrode all planes, in order to complete his grasp of the authority of ‘evil’."

This is the experience he got from Ian Albert, which can attract the attention of the Lord of Dawn.

On the gray and gloomy sky, a demon lord repeatedly prayed to the Lord of Dawn. During this period, he mentioned key words such as Cthulhu, False God, and Sun God, the mad Lord of Dawn Amon Aito.

After repeating the prayer to the Lord of Dawn again, Jiang Hao's voice stopped abruptly.

He looked up at the sky, and a huge sun appeared above **** in his sight.

The sun is thousands of meters in diameter~www.NovelMTL.com~ The flames on the outside keep beating, and the pure brilliance full of positive energy keeps swaying down, purifying the evil forces of hell.

After the sun appeared, the nine layers of **** were just like blasting a pot.

The higher demons living in the Maradomini **** fled like a mouse that saw a cat, while the lower demons were purified in the light and turned into a pile of ashes when they turned their eyes.

Prince Leavistus, Beria, and Maman roared across the plane of hell, venting their dissatisfaction with the Lord of Dawn breaking into hell.

"Don't you just pray to you? As for you want to kill me?"

"You can't kill me again."

Jiang Hao used his personality as the lord of **** to start communicating with the Maradomini hell, and the huge **** power quickly gathered.

ps: Tweet a friend’s book "I Created a Game of Reincarnation": Behind the scenes, the author’s choice of roles is quite interesting. It’s not a party or a party of strength, but a party of strength and strength.

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