I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 333: : Balzeb

Hearing Jiang Hao’s words, Balzeb smiled happily, the corners of his lips curled up, and he told his own situation.

"My body has been reincarnated into the main plane. I am a human being. I am eight years old now... Don't look at me that way. I am really just an empty shell of personality and strength in front of you. As for why you can’t find out, that’s because I am covered by the color-resistant scroll, which shields your perception."

Color-resistant scroll? Jiang Hao shrank his eyes and asked,

"Isn't the color-resistant scroll in the hands of Asmodeus?"

Balzeb smiled and said, "I took it while it was away."

I took it while he was away...I'll get something when he is away... Jiang Hao muttered in his heart, and put his ears to listen, waiting for him to continue describing his situation.

"My current title is the seventh monarch of the devil, the perfect ruler without defects, the great blood **** Balzeb..."

"My church is called the Bloody Church. The pastors in it are basically blood warlocks who have transplanted the blood of the devil. After I disappear, please help me take care of them, lest they die before I can be promoted to the true god, but you don’t want to. Tell them my whereabouts to prevent them from betraying me."

"After all, I am not a true god, and there is no way to check their piety through the line of faith."

"Of course, if you feel that the false **** pastor is not worthy of your identity and lose your face, you can also provide my pastors with divine power and turn them into true **** pastors..."

"No, I don't discriminate against false **** priests." Jiang Hao interrupted the whimsical spirit of the devil monarch. He felt that the reason why the Yakong Protoss in front of him fell from the Seventh Heaven Mountain must be what he usually thought was too good .

"It is said that the gods are stingy, and it seems that it is like this now."

Balzeb curled his lips and said:

"Do you want the color-resistant scroll? If you want, I can consider giving it to you. The biggest use of this artifact for me is to hide my state and prevent others from seeing that I only have an empty shell here. After I abandon this body, the color-resistant scroll will be useless for me."

"But this thing is not easy to handle. Although I entered its Nesus **** while Asmodeus was not there, I was able to take it out of its hand. Suspect this is a trap."

Stealing something from someone else's house unexpectedly suspected it was a trap... Jiang Hao started to complain.

"Of course, even if this is a trap, it does not detract from its value."

The corner of Balzeb's mouth whispered: "If you want, you can trade with me."

"I do not want."

Jiang Hao slowly shook his head.

Balzeb understands Asmodeus’ methods, so even if he knows it’s a trap, he can step in without care, but he is different. He doesn’t understand Asmodeus’ methods, so just step in. Can't climb out.

It's better to wait until it's safe enough before trading away from Balzeb's hands.

"I feel you want to, but you are too cautious, more cautious than the devil."

Balzeb said, "Complete the first transaction first."

"Do you know the **** of purgatory?"

"I know." Jiang Hao gave an affirmative answer.

"Since you know the God of Purgatory, then you should also know that the God of Purgatory is the incarnation of Asmodeus, and the title of this incarnation is: the judge of the soul, the symbol of sin, and all evil Source."

"The judge of the soul in these titles refers to the purgatory created at the end of the nine hells."

"In his doctrine, purgatory is a level that sinful souls must experience when they rise to the kingdom of the gods. Its function is to purify the believer’s sin pollution and allow the believer’s soul to enter the gods in a purer posture. In the country."

"From the perspective of Asmodeus being able to be promoted to the true **** without hindrance, the existence of purgatory is obviously recognized by the gods. I don't even say you know the reason for this."

Is it because it can wash away the sins in the souls of believers? Jiang Hao asked inwardly.

"The symbol of sin in his teaching is the original sin that leads life to sin, namely: gluttony, sex, greed, grief, rage, laziness, conceit, and arrogance."

"I'm pretty sure it has only mastered one of these "symbols of sin", or it hasn't mastered any of them at all. Otherwise, his incarnation won't be just a medium divine power."

"I don’t need to describe the source of all evil. That is the title it had before the incarnation of the **** of purgatory. Many people describe Asmodeus as the source of evil, especially the Seven Heavens. Angels and gods in the mountains, they generally believe that if there is no Asmodeus, evil will disappear from the multiverse."

"For hundreds of thousands of years, those angels and gods have never stopped the assassination of Asmodeus, trying to use this method to create a world full of kindness, hehe, they don’t need their pitiful brains to think. I thought, if Asmodeus really is so closely integrated with evil as they say, once it falls, the evil of the multiverse will disappear, then Asmodeus would have been a great **** of level 19 It’s supernatural."

Jiang Hao nodded in agreement.

The gods are the holders of authority, but there is still a big difference between the holders and the authority itself~www.NovelMTL.com~ The former can be stolen and deprived, and the fall of the gods holding authority has almost no effect on authority.

But the latter is different. It is closely connected with authority, and when the gods that are almost equivalent to authority fall, the corresponding authority will also collapse.

For example, the mysterious girl, every time he falls, the magic net will collapse, causing a huge disaster that swept across the multiverse.

"It may be that the angels' slander of Asmodeus stimulated the lord of the nine hells, or it may be that he, under the compliment of others, thought that he was really the source of evil. In short, this legendary The incarnation of the evil snake began to try to grasp the authority of'evil'."

"So it intends to release the demons of the bottomless abyss to invade many planes, allow the evil to spread in the multiverse, and then be recognized by the world, so that its incarnation, the **** of purgatory, will be promoted to **** level 19."

"In fact, relatively speaking, the devil is the best carrier for spreading evil. After all, it is equivalent to a chaotic demon. The devil is better at amplifying the evil in human hearts."

"But it is easy for the devil to defeat the devil, but it is difficult for the devil to defeat the devil. At least with its support, the devil has not been able to defeat the devil for hundreds of thousands of years."

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