I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 335: :oath

As the power of **** converged, a faint black mist filled the air.

Under Jiang Hao's manipulation, these black mists gathered together to form a huge cloak that enveloped the entire Maradomini hell.

The positive energy radiated from the sun fell on the black fog, causing the black fog to melt as quickly as the ice and snow placed next to the stove.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Hao didn't care. With the help of Maradomini as the lord of hell, he constantly mobilized the power of **** to thicken the cloak in the sky to resist the attack of the lord of dawn.

Under his control, the battlefield quickly evolved into a war of attrition.

Perhaps the power of **** is not as good as the divine power of the Lord of Dawn in nature. To eliminate the divine power of the Lord of Dawn requires more power, but the power of **** is endless.

After discovering that'Balzeb' had successfully resisted the Lord of Dawn, the devil monarchs who had been roaring in the air on other levels of **** took their actions one after another. , Rushed towards the cloak in the sky.

The serpent passed through the cloak and faced the sun of the Lord of Dawn. The terrifying light shone on these serpents, showing signs of corrosion on them, and a large number of pits appeared on the surface of the serpent.


A big snake approaching the sun opened its **** mouth, swallowing the sun in one mouthful, and a moment of darkness appeared in the sky above hell.

In the next second, countless rays of light pierced the serpent, and in the endless light, the serpent quickly disappeared without a trace.

And Jiang Hao seized the gap and changed the shape of the cloak in the sky, changing it from a cloak into a steam pot, and then put the big snake together with the sun into it and put the lid on.

The boundless light disappeared from the sky above hell, and the eternal blood color once again became the main theme of this world.

It seemed that he found himself separated by endless time and space, and there was no other way than a demon monarch who lived in **** and was almost equivalent to a god. The huge energy from the outer void began to fade.

In Jiang Hao's perception, the sun in the steam pot was rapidly disappearing after losing the energy transmitted from the Seventh Heaven Mountain.

After the sun disappeared completely, Jiang Hao stopped mobilizing the power of **** and stood still muttering.

"Has the Lord of Dawn's hatred of evil reached such a point? A demon monarch prays to him and will also punish him?"

As his thoughts turned, Jiang Hao felt that the three demon monarchs, Prince Levistus, Beria and Maman, descended into the **** of Maradomini from other levels.

"Balzeb, why did the Lord of Dawn lay down the divine punishment?" Prince Leavistus opened the portal and came to Jiang Hao, questioning him.

There are many gods that hate evil, and good gods generally hate evil, but there are very few gods who hate them until they see demons and demons who will pinch them to death like bugs.

The Lord of Dawn is one, and the former God of Justice is one.

But neither the Lord of Dawn nor the God of Justice have set a precedent for imposing divine punishment on the devil monarch in the nine hells.

"Asmodeus' plan was discovered by the good gods of the Seventh Heaven Mountain." Jiang Hao thought, and snapped the pot on Asmodeus' head.

If it hadn't been for Asmodeus to plot the ‘evil’ authority, he would not pray to the Lord of Dawn; if he did not pray to the Lord of Dawn, he would not punish God.

Therefore, he has no burden on Asmodeus's head.

Asmodeus' plan was discovered... The demon monarchs who had been transmitted trembled after hearing these words, and subconsciously wanted to leave the Nine Hells and go to other planes to avoid the limelight.

Although the devil monarch can display the power equivalent to the gods in the nine-layer hell, although in the eyes of many people, the nine-layer **** is the same high plane as the seven-layer heaven mountain, although they dare to besiege the powerful and divine kingdom of God, but They knew in their hearts that there was a bottomless gap between themselves and the good gods on the Seventh Heaven Mountain.

Moreover, they now only have four devil monarchs, so they can use their heads to fight more than ten good gods.

Looking at these devil monarchs, Jiang Hao suddenly said in a erratic voice, "In order to grasp the power of ‘evil’, Asmodeus released the abyssal demon, why should we bear the consequences?"

"Balzeb, do you want to violate the agreement with Asmodeus?" Prince Levestus, who turned into a black mist, opened a pair of scarlet eyes from the black mist, "Don't forget, we will The essence of **** has sworn."

oath? Asmodeus, known as the most cunning devil in the multiverse, actually believes in the agreement with the devil? Would you believe the oath made by the devil lord?

In the multiverse, no oath is completely inviolable. It does not matter whether you swear by the **** of contract, or swear by your own nature or some great will. The difference lies in how much you need to pay when you break the oath.

"But the vows need to be kept only when they are in our favor, don't they?"

Jiang Hao said after taking a look at Prince Leavistus.

Although I don't know what the agreement between Asmodeus and the devil monarchs is, what the enemy creates must be destroyed.

In addition, as a demon monarch who has betrayed Asmodeus, its character makes it reasonable to make provocative actions after Asmodeus leaves.

"The oath now is extremely unfavorable to us. With just a few of us, it is impossible to resist the good gods of the Seventh Heaven Mountain."

"It may not be long~www.NovelMTL.com~ Each of us here will have to face the coming of two or three, or even more gods."

"Don't forget, the nine-layer **** is not the main plane, and the gods can exert their full power here."

"Balzeb, do you want to betray Asmodeus? It seems that the last big liquidation has not taught you enough lessons." Beria gave Jiang Hao a cold look, and his figure slowly disappeared.

"The last time you were just turned into a black slug, you may not have such good luck next time."

"Balzeb, I will support you like the last time." Maman's body quickly became transparent and disappeared in place.

Prince Leavistus took a look at him, centered on him, a black mist quickly fleeed away.

The attitude of the devil monarchs toward Asmodeus has changed a lot. They seem to be more in awe of the lord of the nine hells? Jiang Hao thought for a while, and suddenly came across a piece of information, and he was taken aback.

"It turns out that they are still the same as before..."

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