I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 332: : Lord of Hell by Maradomini

After Jiang Hao finished speaking, he looked at Asmodeus for an instant.

The latter closed his **** eyes after hearing what he said, and his tall body stood there like a wooden sculpture.

Overplayed? Jiang Hao's thoughts turned like lightning, and immediately he got up from the seat of God and left his country.

After losing the master's control, the seals imposed on the six devil monarchs began to weaken, and the chains formed by the rules of the kingdom of God began to become illusory and transparent.

After discovering this, Bayer, the lord of the **** of Avnas in the nine hells, Dispat, the lord of the **** of Diss, the lord of the Minauros Negrasia, the lord of the **** of Maradomini, Balzer Bu, Mephisto Felice, the lord of the **** of Kania, unanimously acted together, and their accumulated power exploded suddenly, shocking the kingdom of God.

In the process of turbulence, a lot of brilliance was thrown out by the kingdom of God, setting off Jiang Hao's kingdom like a real star.

With the exception of Asmodeus, the other demonic monarchs tried to break my seal after the power of the kingdom of God was weakened. This shows that Asmodeus is the only one who allows the devil to defeat the devil in the **** battle? The other devil monarchs do not know or are not in harmony with it? Jiang Hao, who had answered the question in his mind, immediately returned to the kingdom of God.

With the auspices of the gods, the kingdom of God began to change. The illusory and transparent chains returned to their original appearances, suppressing the violent eruption of **** power, and the rippling divine power turned into ripples and gently brushed. Passing the kingdom of God smoothed the shock in the kingdom of God.

The devil monarchs who had just dragged their chains to fly over the kingdom of God were pierced by more chains extending from all directions, and the power from the ground pulled them back again.

The kingdom of God returned to calm in an instant.

Jiang Hao's eyes fell on Asmodeus, and he thought about it.

"Just now I deliberately created opportunities for these devil monarchs to get out of trouble, but Asmodeus didn't move at all."

"From this point of view, Asmodeus is really willing to be imprisoned in the kingdom of God by me, the purpose is to let the devil rush out of the abyss? Let the devil wreak havoc in the multiverse?"

"What good will it do for it?"

"It is the lord of the nine hells, not the lord of the bottomless abyss..."

"It seems that I want to try to communicate with those devil monarchs to see if I can get the purpose of Asmodeus from them..."

"Relatively speaking, the devil knows the devil better."

The thought flashed in Jiang Hao's mind, and Balzebu, the lord of the **** of Maradomini, was taken into his **** seat by invisible power.

Balzeb was originally the Yakon Protoss who lived in the Seventh Heaven Mountain, but he fell into **** and became a devil for unknown reasons.

In the long battle, Balzeb was promoted to the great devil step by step, and was recognized by the nine hells, and ruled the Maradomini hell.

Like other devil monarchs, Balzeb also possesses an ambition to sub-grams, his eyes are always peeping at the person of the lord of the nine layers of **** in Asmodeus, wanting to replace it.

However, like other demon monarchs, it was punished by Asmodeus for failing the rebellion and turned into a huge black slug.

After reviewing its information in his mind, Jiang Hao’s gaze fell on Balzeb’s body, and the rules descended, blocking possible peeping from all levels.

He opened his mouth and made a deliberate, majestic voice,

"The Devil in the Plains of Ten Thousand Abyss, Blood Rift and Avnas were defeated by the demons, and the remaining demons gathered in the Burning Hell to make the final resistance."

Looking at Jiang Hao, Balzeb twisted his body and made a "hum" sound, and then there was no sound.

Isn't it important for the devil monarch to lose the **** battle? Jiang Hao changed a word to stimulate Balzeb, "And this is exactly the purpose of Asmodeus."

Balzeb curled his lips and said, "You want to ask me what its purpose is."

Jiang Hao's face froze for a while, and immediately controlled his expression, and responded:

"Yes it is."

Balzeb laughed at the words, "Why should I tell you?"

"Although I don't like Asmodeus very much, to some extent I and it are enemies, but in this matter, I and its interests are the same."

Jiang Hao heard the words and said:

"We can make a deal."

"You tell me the purpose of Asmodeus. I will lift your seal and set you free."

"I am very interested in your deal."

The black slugs in front of Jiang Hao squirmed twice before turning into a tall young man with a pair of gray angel wings spread out behind his back, "But what I want is not freedom."

"Although I am not like Mephisto Felice in the avatar flying all over the sky, but there are several avatars walking in the planes, the freedom in your mouth is not attractive to me."

"I want you to help me block possible attacks when I am promoted to the true god."

After the **** of purgatory and the **** of cool officials, has another demon lord trying to be promoted to the true god?

Jiang Hao looked at Balzeb in front of him and shook his head:

"I can't help you block the attack. This behavior will deflect my camp."

"Don't worry, our devil monarch and the gods have a tacit understanding. They will not prevent us from being promoted to the true god. What I am talking about is that there may be things that happen with a very small probability. The reason for doing this transaction with you is purely. I want to put a safety lock on myself."

Jiang Hao continued to shake his head~www.NovelMTL.com~ The small probability that the devil said was actually a high probability.

"What if you add Maradomini's personality as the lord of hell?"

The personality of the lord of **** in Maradomini? Balzeb intends to abandon the identity of the lord of **** and appear in the planes as a true god? And it has completed its grasp of authority, and will it be promoted to the true **** soon?

——After giving up the status of Lord of Hell of Maradomini, Balzeb was just an ordinary great demon, and his strength had dropped by more than one level. If he could not immediately be promoted to the true god, he would definitely not be able to stop his enemies.

Jiang Hao glanced at Balzeb thoughtfully, and the thoughts in his mind turned.

Since the gods have acquiesced to the devil monarchs to spread their faith on the main plane, they will not deliberately prevent Balzeb from being promoted to the true god. Attacks may occur, but the probability is not very high, and the intensity will not be too high. I need to guard against it. It should be an attack from outside the true god, such as the demon lord, such as the devil lord.

"I accept this deal."

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