I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 331: :I said

Strength is really the catalyst of ambition. After buying a bunch of weird creatures to increase his strength, the Earl of Saustrom, who only wanted to be a king to enjoy himself, began to expand his territory.

In the gods, Jiang Hao, sitting on the **** seat, watched what happened on the main plane, and the corners of his mouth cocked.

Ms. Fortune worked hard after finding the direction of promotion... The devil named Yallin was just a devil who believed in Ms. Fortune, but inside, Ms. Fortune was the spokesperson of Ms. Fortune in hell, equivalent to the kind of Pope, and hidden. It’s pretty good. If I hadn’t been staring at the goddess and witnessing the oracle coming down with my own eyes, I would have thought it was just an ordinary believer...

In addition, the power accumulated by the old gods over hundreds of thousands of years is really terrible. The mutant wind elemental creatures, the mutant Ridley people, and the pure white armors born of self-consciousness, possessing both the undead and the light at the same time... these weird The creature doesn't know where he got it.

There are so many races in the void outside the territories, so many other gods besides the Lord of All-Knowing cannot know how many races there are.

Although the gods have the ability to know everything, they will automatically obtain some information about the other party when they see or perceive the other party, but this will take effect only when they see or perceive the creature itself, and many races in the void, they From the beginning to the end, he did not appear in the sight of the gods.

"With the help of Ms. Fortune, there is basically no need to worry on the side of the Slade Kingdom. Even if the churches of other gods intervene in, it will not affect anything. I have to say that even in another world, wealth is swayed. The power is also quite terrifying."

"The artisan and the steam church are developing very steadily. The goddess of the forest and the goddess of spring water have both shrunk back. Without the support of these two gods behind their backs, the attack of the druids has obviously decreased, um, inside. There is also the credit of Antonio, the pope I intended to promote agricultural druids in the Temple of Nature and Nature's Fury, which directly led to the division of the druid community."

"What I have to do now is to find a way to get rid of the six devil monarchs suppressed in my kingdom of God."

"These six devil monarchs have been in my kingdom of God, and need to consume a lot of divine power to suppress them. This drags down my power of the kingdom of God. If someone invades at this time, the power of the kingdom of God that I can mobilize will be too small. It can be ignored."

"The strange thing is that after the devil monarchs left, there has been no movement until now. Is it scared by me, or is it the devilish love of the plastic flower, or is it secretly plotting some conspiracy?"

Questions flashed in Jiang Hao's mind. After sealing the six devil monarchs, he was ready for the remaining devil monarchs to rescue his companions, but until now, he has not waited for the devil monarchs to rescue them. Companion.

——After the devil monarchs returned to hell, nothing happened.

Suddenly, a large amount of black mist emerged from the west of Jiang Hao's Kingdom of God.

In a short while, the mud on the west side disappeared.

Jiang Hao cast his gaze over, only to see the lord of the nine layers of hell, Asmodeus, who was locked by the chains of the rules of the kingdom of God, stood up in the black mist.

Because the surrounding land had disappeared, Asmodeus seemed to be standing on a floating rock.

It seemed that he felt Jiang Hao's gaze. The devil monarch, who was dressed in red and black, was 13 feet tall, had dark skin and hair, and had blood shining in his pupils, looked in Jiang Hao's direction.

Its gaze passed through the layers of rules in the kingdom of God, and fell on Jiang Hao.

"During the time when the six devil monarchs were imprisoned by you."

"Abyss Demons are in the Plains of Ten Thousand Abysss. The Fissure of Blood and Avnas defeated the devil. As long as they defeat the devil in the Scorching Hell, they will completely win the blood battle."

"At that time, the devils of the abyss will invade the planes and threaten the pastures of the gods through the passage on the **** battlefield."

"Such consequences, have you thought of it?"

Was the devil defeated in the **** battlefield? The purpose of Asmodeus is to allow demons to invade the planes? Jiang Hao's spirit suddenly tightened after listening to Asmodeus' words.

The birth time of the blood war is untestable. The initial blood war was that the devil and the devil were fighting for the Plains of the Abyss. The blood rift, Avnas and Burnt Hell exist in the four planes, and they can enter the passages of other planes.

——Although many high-level demons and demons have the ability to teleport, lower-level demons can also be teleported to other planes through sacrifices, portals, etc., but it needs to be millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions. The demon of the plan is teleported to other planes, only through these naturally existing plane channels.

In order to compete for these channels and conquer the entire multiverse, demons and demons have launched a **** battle for hundreds of thousands of years.

In the long years, the power of the abyss and **** has distorted the nature and rules of these four levels. All creatures except the gods have found themselves in the **** battlefield after killing others, they will absorb the strength of the opponent and strengthen their own strength. Even the lowest coward can skip the growth stage and evolve directly into a Balo Balo after lucky enough to kill a Balo Balo.

Then a more frenzied war broke out.

There are a large number of demons and demons dying at every moment, and a large number of demons and demons have joined the battlefield. In addition, there are also travelers and outer planes drawn by power from the main plane. The powerful existence of the face, the void creatures in the void outside the domain, and the angels and gods who kill evil.

After the devil in the **** battle is defeated, the devil may rush into **** in one rush, and completely wipe out his old enemies, but it is more likely to organize an army to conquer those planes that are extremely weak but extremely beautiful in their eyes.

Jiang Hao smiled and said:

"Haha~www.NovelMTL.com~ Although I don’t know why Asmodeus allowed the devil to defeat the devil in a **** battle, and what is its purpose, but first hehe, it’s right.

Thinking in his heart, Jiang Hao's lips curled and he laughed.

"You seem to underestimate the power of the gods, Your Highness, the **** of Purgatory, Asmodeus."

Asmodeus, who was imprisoned by chains, narrowed his eyes slightly, "Which ancient **** are you incarnation?"

Although his identity as the **** of purgatory is not a particularly secret secret, and there are several gods he knows, among them, there is absolutely no **** of agriculture, a new **** who is only a hundred years old.

There is another person who thinks that I am the incarnation of an ancient god...If Cyric the Dark Sun does not have the authority of ‘lie’, I think I should have the authority of ‘lie’ now...

Jiang Hao controlled his facial expression and said with a smile:

"His Royal Highness Asmodeus, the devil has no chance of breaking out of the bottomless abyss, that's what I said."

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