I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 330: : Invasion

On the border between the kingdoms of Slade and the kingdom of Ambritz, several shield soldiers in white leather armor hid behind the makeshift fortifications, and took out the tobacco that was very popular in the kingdom of Ambritz.

"These tobaccos from the faraway Bauhinia Kingdom are really good, but they are a bit expensive. I can only buy three boxes of one month's salary. Whenever I can lower the price."

"If this kind of tobacco is cheap, we won't be able to buy it." Another shield soldier gave his companion a glance. This kind of'grass' is very popular in the Kingdom of Ambritz, even if the price is so high, the goods arrive. After that, it often sells out very quickly. If the price is lowered, he can't guarantee that he will be able to buy it. In the days without tobacco, it is terrible to think about it.

"That's right." The shield soldier who spoke first, dangling cigarettes and spitting out a smoke ring into the air, said with a smile: "I heard that the country is mobilizing troops, and it will soon be launched against the Kingdom of Slade. The war is over, when I have to cut a few more heads on the battlefield to exchange money, otherwise my wealth will soon be emptied of tobacco, **** Patia, **** of a bitch, who sells tobacco so expensive……."

"I hope the Kingdom of Stlade can hold on for a long time, and don't surrender as soon as the fight is over, so I won't be able to exchange much money."

"I hope so too..."

While they were speaking, a thick dark cloud cast a shadow that just included them in their location.

Feeling the changes in the surrounding light, these shield soldiers tightened their bodies at the same time, turning their heads one after another, looking around, looking for the source of the abnormality.

Two or three seconds later, these shield soldiers finally found the shield soldiers in the sky. They stood up straight and made the same choice, leaving the shadow cast by the dark clouds.

——Countless battles in the past told them to be alert to any abnormal situation.

After they made the action, the heavy dark cloud in the sky swelled, and in a blink of an eye they were once again included in the shadows.

A series of silver electric snakes wandered in the dark clouds, and the huge elements around them gathered together under the drive of some invisible force.

Amidst the flashing lights, a creepy feeling hit the hearts of several shield soldiers, and they felt locked in.


Several flashes of lightning tore through the air and accurately hit the shield soldiers.

The shield soldier who was hit was blackened in the blink of an eye, and the erected hair was bursting with smoke.

Silence soon returned to the field after the shield soldiers fell to the ground.

After a few seconds, the swollen dark cloud shrank back to its original size, and a dark gap appeared in the middle of it. A red, erected one eye was slowly squeezed out of it, making a dull sound.

"Four more heads..."

"14,831 short."


To the west of Ambritzet, the silver moonlight was softly falling down.

Under the light, a classical foreign town stood on the ground, and the houses full of Ambritzite style revealed dim candlelight, which was extremely quiet.

In the mid-air filled with moonlight, wisps of invisible wind blew up and gathered into a transparent figure wearing a cyan coat.

"The small town in the Kingdom of Ambritz... it's time to harvest again."

The outline of the transparent figure disintegrated inch by inch, and the invisible wind blew away from him, turning into a sharp wind blade, blowing towards the small town in the distance.

In the small town, the candlelight at dusk went out one after another, dull muffled sounds continued one after another, and dark red blood spilled out of the house.

Soon, the quiet town became more quiet.



The two dark giant swords were repelled by a huge force at the same time, and two knights riding on horsebacks, holding giant swords and wearing bright silver armor, left their beloved mounts together.

In the next second, the sharp rays of light split their mounts into pieces of varying sizes.

"Human power, is it so small?"

In the light, a pair of pure white body armor appeared.

"Damn it, who is this guy?"

A young man with blond hair embarrassedly threw the dark red cloak in front of him, blocking the oncoming light.

Behind the skin, the palm of the young knight holding the giant sword was dripping with blood, and Jun Yi's face was full of anger.

They were the knights of the Kingdom of Ambritz, and they were ordered to go to the front line to prepare to attack the Kingdom of Slade, but only when they came out of Nishizawa City, they encountered this guy whose whole body was covered by armor and did not even show his eyes.

The other side attacked them without saying a word.

"Young master, be careful, the other party has no breath of life." Another middle-aged knight stared at the pure white armor with a vigilant look. Compared to the young knight, his condition was much better.

No breath of life, undead? Magic puppet? Two words flashed in the young knight's mind, and his eyes became more solemn.

"The knight's fate, let me give it to you."

As soon as the voice fell, the pure white armor raised his arm, and endless sharp rays of light radiated from its body.

The young knight hurriedly folded and hid behind the middle-aged knight, the latter's expression was stunned, and immediately raised the huge sword to block it in front of him.

The next moment, the light swallowed them.

When the light disappeared, everything disappeared.


In the capital of the Kingdom of Ambritz, in the eastern part of Nishizawa, the intelligence officer Cyris rushed into the palace and found the king.

"Your Majesty, it's not good."

"what happened?"

Seeing that his intelligence was so anxious, King Andriflincis had a bad premonition instinctively.

"Just received news~www.NovelMTL.com~ The Kingdom of Stryder declared war on us on the grounds that the light of freedom would illuminate Ambritzert. Their troops crossed the border and launched an attack on Lobida. "

"Ponta Delga, Cabinto, and Loso have all surrendered to the Kingdom of Strand."

After listening to Serris's words, Andriflincis's heart beat violently.

He knew that the intelligence officer rushed in so anxiously that something must have happened, but he never thought it would be such a big thing.

The Kingdom of Strlade invaded, and the cities of Ponta Delga, Cabinto, and Loso announced their surrender, which meant that the city of Nishizawa was directly exposed to the opponent's vision, and no obstacles.

More importantly, the military forces of the Kingdom of Ambritz were concentrated in those three cities. With the surrender of those three cities, his army either rebelled or died.

With a plop, Andriflincis fell to the ground abruptly, holding his heart tightly with one hand, and the color of pain was squeezed out of the older facial features.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

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