I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 329: : Wealth Coin

The cold wind outside the house blew in through the open door, the fire in the fireplace swayed out, and the light inside the house dimmed.

Level 37 professional...the devil...Earl Sustham felt a little hot inexplicably, he tugged at his collar, and the biting cold wind blew in through the airstrike of the collar, making him cold again. stand up.

"Don't be nervous, I am an honest and kind devil. I follow the teachings of Ms. Fortune and abide by absolute neutrality. I don't have the evil taste that the devil generally possesses, and I am interested in teasing and torturing others. I am only interested in gold coins. , I mean the kind of gold coin that is forged from the soul. As long as you blow it in your mouth, you can hear the soul’s wonderful wailing. It feels really great.” Yarlin in dark clothes A gold coin was taken out of the pocket of his clothes.

He put the gold coin to his lips and blew it gently.

In the next second, the harsh howl pierced the soul of Count Xiurstrom.

He felt like he heard the sound of scratching the glass with his nails. There was a feeling of numbness in his heart and bones after he lost consciousness.

"Forget it, humans who have not reached a certain level of professional level are not used to listening to such beautiful voices."

forgotten? I think you did it deliberately... Count Shurstham's body was shaking unconsciously, and the damage caused to him by the howling sound was carved into his bones. As long as he remembered it, he felt that his whole body had lost his strength.

He took two deep breaths in secret, deliberately suppressed his thoughts, so that he did not think about the sound he had just heard, and then Earl Sustham looked at Yarlin and asked in a low voice.

"What is your real purpose for looking for me?"

The corner of Yallin's lips reveals his eight white teeth, "Where there is war, there is me. I am the war merchant Yallin, Your Majesty, do you need my goods?"

War merchant? Hearing Yallin's words, Count Xiurstrom was a bit at a loss for a while. He had heard of slave merchants and plane merchants. What is a war merchant? Mercenary?

He asked as soon as he thought,

"Does war merchants mean mercenaries?"

"Providing mercenary services to customers is only part of my business." Yarlin put on his top hat back and politely promoted: "In addition to providing mercenary services to customers, I also have arms deals, and I go up to the floating city. Down to various types of magic scrolls and magic scrolls, as long as you can afford them, I have them here."

Earl Hustrom said in a daze:

"Floating city? The floating city of Netheril era? You sell this?"

"Yes." Yarlin replied: "As long as you can afford it."

"Can you tell me the price?"

"Ten thousand gold coins."

Ten thousand gold coins? Is it so cheap? As soon as this thought came to Count Hustrom's mind, he suddenly thought that the gold coin in the mouth of this devil merchant named Yarlin was a gold coin made of soul.

He took two deep breaths and asked,

"How can I get the gold coins in your mouth?"

"One gold coin per soul, of course, the premise is that human beings willingly sign the contract and voluntarily hand over the soul to the devil Yallin after death." Yallin said politely.

soul? Worthy of being a devil... The thoughts in Count Hustrom's mind turned, and he smiled bitterly at Yarlin.

"I don't have a soul in my hands, and I can't give it to you."

The souls of believers belong to the gods they believe in. No one can make up their minds. He asks people to sign a contract and voluntarily hand over their souls to the devil. One or two is okay. You can use them to cover up with the devil as a reason. , Will definitely attract the attention of the church, maybe even the gods will pay their attention to it.

The unbelievers do not have a soul to belong to, and their souls who do not believe in gods are free, but the question is, where can he find so many unbelievers.

"Can you tell me what products you don't need to buy from the soul?"

Yarlin did not speak immediately.

He took out a box from the inside pocket of his clothes. His fingers, which looked a little dry, clasped the box and opened it gently, revealing sheets of parchment inside.

"The mercenary contract, from the professionals on the main plane to the angels and gods on the Seventh Heaven Mountain, to the demons and demons on the lower planes, as well as the Asian whales, Zulian worms and all kinds of people in the void of the outside world. There are all races, their lowest level is 20 and the highest is 37."

"As long as you purchase the contract, the corresponding mercenary can be summoned. The duration depends on the strength of the summoned creature. The strong creature lasts for a short time. On the contrary, the weak creature lasts for a long time."

"Generally speaking, the summoned creatures will strictly obey your orders, but even the most virtuous angel will fall, so the summoned creature will have a small probability of backlash."

He looked at the expressionless Earl of Shurstham and added: "The probability of backlash is really small, so small that it can be ignored. Of course, the probability of backlash for chaotic creatures like the devil is a little bit higher. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Earl Sustham asked in a silent voice.

"Anything else?"

"Of course there is."

Yarlin introduced it hard,

"The magic scroll, down to the falling meteor, up to the big cracking technique, the mystery lock, and the magic recorded in the magic net that can be used here, and it can be instantaneous as long as it is torn. It is safe and easy to use."

"The scroll of divine art, except for the divine descending art, we all have..."

"In addition, I also provide intermediary services."

"Rare magical materials, biological flesh and blood, gems and minerals..."

"Slaves of various higher races..."

"And the grace of the goddess..."

"As long as you want ~www.NovelMTL.com~ I can find it for you. Of course, I will charge a small intermediary fee."

After listening to Yarlin's narrative, Count Shurstham's heart rose and fell like waves on the sea. He was silent for a while and asked, "What currency should I use to buy these commodities? Gold coins?"

"Wealth coin."

Fortune coin? The pupils of Count Hustrom were full of doubts.

"what is that?"

"A kind of credit currency issued by the goddess and about to circulate in the planes." Yarlin replied.

Count Hustrom asked immediately: "How can I get wealth coins?"

Hearing the other party’s question on the key point, Yallin sketched a polite smile on his face and said: “At the moment, there is only one way to obtain a large amount of wealth coins, and that is to permanently mortgage the right to issue money to the Kingdom of Slade. goddess."

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