I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 325: :crime

On the streets of Hormuz, the capital of the Kingdom of Stryder.

The guards, dressed in dark clothes and holding wooden sticks, were holding simple wooden shields nervously, and stepped back.

In front of them were civilians dressed in all kinds of linen.

Some of these civilians held small flags, some held banners, and their eyes revealed excitement and excitement.

"Down with the evil **** of cool officials..."

"We don't want to pay taxes..."

"King Enrique stepped down..."


The loud voice screamed loudly, and under the gradually enthusiastic expression, these guards who could easily suppress the peasants in the past gradually retreated, and did not dare to attack these peasants in any way.

Since the Agricultural Church's victory in Burgundy, crowds of demonstrations have appeared throughout the Kingdom of Slade.

At first there were guards trying to suppress these farmers, but then the pastor of the Agricultural Church who came to let them know what it means to do the right thing.

Since then, no guards have dared to attack the demonstrators.

"When did these peasants have such courage, and none of the nobles showed up, nor did the professionals under their hands." The mages wearing gorgeous robes in the distance looked down at what happened here. The voice said to his companion.

"Behind these farmers is the agricultural church agitating. As for the nobles...the nobles are better than anyone, and run faster than anyone in danger." His companion lifted his chin and said in a contemptuous tone. Those nobles who stood on the wrong team in Techeng had already scared them off the court. Except for those who couldn't run and couldn't run, they all left Hormuz."

"The nobles left, and the professionals under their hands naturally followed."

The Shrine of Cool Officials in Burgundy Chester was taken over by people, and the nobles who stood in the wrong team were accidentally killed by professionals who didn't know where they came from.

The people in the agricultural church vowed to investigate to the end, but everyone knows who did it.

"These churches advertise their kindness every day, and they do things privately, one by one." The mage who spoke first said angrily. "The fools are still bewitched by them. They are willing to act as a dog of the church and hand over their faith. Gods."

His companion was silent for a while,

"In fact, we are not the same. For the material, we cooperate with the nobles..."

After saying a little, he closed his mouth and looked into the distance. The guards with wooden sticks were forced to the gate of the palace by the demonstrators, unable to retreat.

"I don't know what decision the people above will make, whether to protect the king or give up leaving..."

It is a wise choice to give up the king and leave here, but the impact is too bad. After being known by other kings, who will support an organization that will abandon itself at any time when danger comes, so as to protect the king... how can they be the church? The opponent.

"Wait for the order above, maybe we are going to die here today, I hope my soul will not fall into hell, nor into the abyss..."

As he said, he became nervous.

Although the underworld is an eternal resting place, entering the underworld to sleep is far more difficult than rising to an upper plane or falling to a lower plane.

Just as they were talking, the gate of the palace in the distance opened.

A man wearing a hood and covering his face with a weird mask appeared above the demonstrators, and he chanted in a low voice.


Suddenly, everyone saw that the people in front of them were covered by white, wriggling eyeballs, and the black pupils on their eyes looked at them quietly. Unexplained fear emerged, and these gradually fanatical fears emerged. Human reason is recalled.

But at this moment, a pious prayer sounded from the crowd,

"Praise the **** of agriculture..."

The divine brilliance spreads in all directions with the sound as the center.

The fear in the hearts of the shining people quickly dissipated, and the people in their sights also changed back to their original appearances, but they who broke free from the fear still remembered what happened just now, for a while.

After doing this, the pastor walked out of the crowd and looked at the masked man calmly, "God teaches us to have mercy on the weak and to protect believers, unknown professionals, you take action against the weak and against me. God’s teachings, please follow me to the temple and pray for atonement."

"I am weak so I am reasonable?"

The mask man sneered, raised his left palm, the flames rose into the sky, and the air around him was distorted.

The guards around saw this scene and avoided, for fear that they would be burned to death if they were caught in flames.

The masked man seized this opportunity, his body quickly became transparent, and then disappeared in front of the priest.

"..." The pastor didn't know what to say for a while.

In the palace, King Enrique was furious when he saw this scene.

In order to ask this person to disperse the crowd, he paid a huge price, although he knew that even if the crowd was dispelled this time, there would be another time. As long as the agricultural church did not fulfill its own demands, it would continue to promote the development of things.

But for Enrique, it's good to delay for a while, even one day, maybe his foreign minister can persuade the Liming Church to intervene in one day.

But in the end, he only shot once and ran away?

"Your Majesty."

Count Shurstham, wearing dark high boots, appeared behind King Enrique. He who had been humble to Enrique in the past has a little more publicity at this moment, "Accept the wishes of the people and retreat from the throne. I promise you that you can leave the Kingdom of Stlade safely."

"Otherwise, you will have to commit suicide."

King Enrique glared at Count Xiustrum. If the power in his hand did not betray him and was not cleansed by the agricultural church, the earl named Xiustrum would have died early.

"I am a believer in the tyrant~www.NovelMTL.com~ It is precisely because you are a believer in the tyrant that you have the opportunity to choose." Earl Sustham said without hesitation, "otherwise you will be killed by an adventurer passing by. Up."

Looking at Earl Sustham, King Enrique said angrily, "I will not abdicate. I don't believe you dare to kill me."

"Oh, why are you taking my wife." Count Hustrom sighed inexplicably.


King Enrique was taken aback for a moment. Before he could remember when he had captured the wife of Seusstrom, he swept a rough hand on his neck from the corner of his eyes.

Then there was a click, and the world was pitch black.

Count Hustrom, who had broken the king’s neck, stood in front of the king’s corpse and drew a symbol on his chest, gently confessing, "Great God of agriculture, I am guilty."


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