I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 326: : Speech

Remember in one second【】

At this time, the palace of the Kingdom of Slade became an open-air lecture hall, and the wall was clearly covered with the symbol of the **** of agriculture-a golden wheat ear.

The people of Hormuz entered the hall in an orderly manner under the guards holding wooden sticks. Soon, the palace was crowded with people and it was very lively.

It didn't take long for the nobles to walk out of the palace around Count Xiustrum like stars holding the moon.

After the slaying of the king, Earl Sustham became a king slayer, but with his pious confession, the Agricultural Church pardoned his sin in the name of God.

Although there are many people who call him a kingslayer in private, on the face of it, Earl Sustham is an innocent person.

Seeing Earl Sustham come out, the prepared magic began to rise to the sky one by one, turning into brilliant fireworks. Thousands of people in the palace began to applaud and cheer, and their heads throbbed.

When the magic was over, the cheers faded away, and Alpha Xiu Sturm was wearing embroidered gold-rimmed clothes and stockings before he stepped onto the high platform, making a deep voice in the eagerly awaited eyes of everyone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Earl Sustham..."

"Many people call me a kingslayer, and many call me a pioneer who resists tyranny. They put many malicious or boastful titles on me, and passed my name to Piedmont and New Shaque. , Passed to Ambritzert..."

"But I know, I am nothing..."

"You are the one who rescued yourself from the king’s tyranny, and you are also the one who drove the faith of the evil goddess out...Because of you, the dawn of freedom will illuminate the Kingdom of Slade, and because of you, the hope of democracy will be Born in Hormuz..."

The mage who watched the speech of Count Shurstham in the distance glanced at the corner of his mouth unconsciously after hearing the words of Count Shurstham after magic amplification.

He saw what happened in Hormuz from the beginning to the end. Naturally, he knew the truth of the matter, what people voluntarily striving for democracy, what people voluntarily yearn for freedom, shit, if it weren’t for the agricultural church to promote them, these farmers are still there. Farming outside.

This guy named Count Xiustrum is very talented in speaking... Sitting in the kingdom of God, Jiang Hao waved his divine power, mobilized the rules of the kingdom of God, suppressed the six devil monarchs, and sealed them in his own kingdom of God. Here, cut off the connection between them and **** to prevent them from attracting the power of **** to confront themselves, while watching what happened in Hormuz.

This is related to his basic belief in another world.

"Yes, people! You have done so many things, but you can do more. Does this mean that you have nothing to do? When people talk about us, will they say, We are good at gaining democracy and freedom, but let them be just a glorious moment? Will future generations blame us, saying that after expelling the faith of the evil god, we let the faith of the evil **** continue to flow in?"

"People! Let's vote. Use our hands and our will to prohibit the inflow of evil beliefs. We must legislate to restrict them and prevent them from harming our future generations..."

"People! Let's vote, use our hands and use our will to choose a king who can embrace freedom and democracy, so that our victory will not be in vain, and let the beacon of freedom continue to illuminate us..."

"Long live the Kingdom of Stlade..."

"Long live freedom, long live democracy..."

After Earl Husturm finished speaking, the audience was silent for a moment, and then thunderous applause rang out. Countless people shouted Husturm's name, their voices converging, and feelings brewing.

"Freedom, democracy... The kingdom of Strader is about to have an elected king." Jiang Hao's gaze watched what happened in Hormuz.

"The development of the Kingdom of Stryder is more interesting than I expected, freedom and democracy. Will there be capital and courts next?"

"However, it's better to call the consul or something else."

Jiang Hao stretched out his hand, tapped a few times on the armrest of the **** seat, and passed on his will.

Although the consul and the elected king are not very different in other places except for the title, the replacement of the king by the consul is itself a modification of fate.

The next thing to do is to export, but the resistance should be great... Jiang Hao slowly thought that it was the noble goddess and tyrant who directly damaged democracy and freedom.

The former is because under democracy and freedom, the influence of the aristocracy will be damaged, eroding the authority of the aristocratic goddess, while the latter is more direct. The expansion of freedom and democracy fundamentally restricts the royal power, which leads to the demotion of tyrants.

In this way, he is tantamount to offending the noble goddess and the tyrant: Fortunately, the noble goddess is not a **** who is particularly good at fighting, and the **** level is also 10, so it can be worthy of stepping on the middle divine power. The real trouble is the tyrant. This deity who has mastered the kingship was born in the Third Age. He is a very old deity, and his deity level is as high as 17, which is a genuine and powerful divine power.

However, he is not very afraid of this prestigious god: On the one hand, time is on his side, and the gap in the accumulation of divine power will soon be able to catch up, and he can pull the tyrant far away, after all, the tyrant’s believer Most of them are kings, princes and some great nobles. The quality is very high, but the quantity is not so much. On the other hand, under the democratic and free system, the power of capital will inevitably rise, and this will bring him a natural Ally: Ms. Fortune.

Ms. Fortune is a powerful divine power with a **** level of 15~www.NovelMTL.com~ He was born in the third era as well as the tyrant, but compared with the tyrant who has few believers, Ms. Fortune has quite a lot of believers, except for the main plane Lady of the Night

^0^Remember in one second【】

, Ruler of Order, the **** with the largest number of believers besides Lord of Dawn.

From the honorific titles of Lady Fortune, the custodian of wealth, the leader of free trade, and the protector of merchants, it can be seen that the lady fortune should have mastered the three of "wealth", "trade" and "merchant". Authority, I can use the authority of'capital' to form an alliance with her... Jiang Hao's thoughts flashed.

Although in the history of the main plane, this goddess who has mastered'wealth' has always adhered to the thought of generating wealth through harmony, and has never made enemies with any gods, but since the beginning of the birth of capital, every pore drips from head to toe. Blood and dirty things.

Ms. Fortune wants to be promoted to the goddess of capital, how can she not **** the blood of the enemy.

Jiang Hao knocked on the handrail of the **** seat, the divine power on his body emerged, and a divine power clone was condensed on his side, and then slowly disappeared into the kingdom of God.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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