I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 324: : Welcome to my country


Prince Levestus, who had been eroding Iolum in secret, and wanted to transform the most powerful wizard of the Nether Empire into a devil, had bright red and dazzling fire in his eyes.

The ice cube it hosted melted into at a high temperature of unknown degrees, and then quickly turned into water vapor and disappeared into the air.

The huge energy and the radiation released when the magic core exploded almost instantly tore through the black mist that formed the demon lord Prince Levistus.


Prince Levistus' voice was full of anger, and the black mist that was so thick that it turned into a solid liquid poured in from the void outside the domain, converging into a huge and vague devil monarch.

"Prince Levitus really took back the power he projected onto the planes and the void."

Iolum, who appeared in the fourth floor of the Flegxos in the Nine Hells, pulled the dark pointed hat on his head and retracted his gaze on Prince Levestus.

He never thought of fighting head-on with the devil monarch.

Every devil monarch is equivalent to a god, and the level of **** it rules is equivalent to the kingdom of gods, and it is too bad to fight the devil monarch in hell.

And his purpose is to force the devil monarch to take back the power he has projected, so as to reduce the pressure on the **** of agriculture and create opportunities for him to fight back.

There is no need to waste time on Prince Levestus.

While thinking about it, Iolum came to the palace where the demon lord Beria, who ruled Flegxos, lived, and once again summoned a floating city.

This is the floating city of Silin Snow.

Unlike Karthus's floating city, Silinxue's floating city has not been repaired, so it quickly fell to the ground after it appeared, making a huge noise and dust in the sky.

But this does not prevent Iolum from detonating the core magic core of the floating city.


Prince Leavistus, who traced from the sixth floor to the fifth floor of hell, saw this scene, his body shrank inexplicably, and he instinctively made a defensive move.

"Who dared to offend the great Beria?"

The sound of anger came from the depths of the palace, and the dim light gushed out.

In the light, a vague figure appeared.

Iolum didn't respond, he just appeared in Minauros, the third layer of hell.

As soon as he appeared, the gaze from the depths of **** fixed on him, and a blue-black arm stretched out from the void and grabbed Iolum.

Seeing the big hand reaching out, Iolum stood there and sighed.

"The devil lord reacted much faster than before. I used to take people into **** and fight with Dispat for more than half a month before the other devil lord intervened. Now I blew two floating cities. , You are already ready, when will **** be so united..."

"But three demon monarchs have returned to hell, and my goal has been achieved..."

Losing three demon monarchs, the remaining six demon monarchs are mainly able to suppress the agricultural **** with a **** level of 16, so he should pack up his things and return to the mechanical realm of clock and watch Nirvana and continue to hide.

The big blue-black hand grabbed Iolum, and with a slight force, the powerful force squeezed the mage into a vague pool of flesh and blood, but the next moment, these flesh and blood quickly blurred and became transparent until they disappeared.

Maman, the lord of the third hell, looked at his empty hand and roared,


"Damn mage, sooner or later I will capture your soul in hell, and let you **** punishment."


The power of **** is greater than I thought, and it can be said to be endless...The **** is still so, I don’t know how powerful the Seven Heaven Mountain is. After all, the Seven Heaven Mountain is suppressed by its own power. The bottomless abyss and the nine levels of hell, although there is the merits of the gods, it is also because **** and the abyss are not compatible...

In the gods, Jiang Hao knocked on the handrails of the gods, and controlled the rules of the gods a little bit to suppress the invading **** power on the edge of the gods.

From the outside, the surface of Jiang Hao's kingdom of God was completely polluted by the dark power of hell. Devils rushed out of the transmission channel between the kingdom of God and hell, and then experienced various lightning strikes, fires, freezing and poisonous fog. After that, he died in the kingdom of God.

And their bodies and souls after death have deepened the erosion of the kingdom of God by hell.

But the kingdom of God is still full of acres of farmland filled with the joy of harvest, and the slate is also green and green, and there is no sign of pollution.

Although the power of **** is strong, **** must also follow the rules. After all, energy and matter operate according to the rules is the iron law of the multiverse.

But even if **** erodes like this, my kingdom of God will sooner or later be contaminated by the power of hell, and then I will be exposed to these devil monarchs... Jiang Hao's heart turns like lightning.

It’s just that Gui knows that in the face of this situation, he has no good solution.

At this moment, the giant snake entwining the kingdom of God suddenly dimmed, and the phantom that was almost condensed into substance began to become illusory.

"The power of **** has declined." Jiang Hao raised his head, his gaze fell straight out of his kingdom. The nine devil monarchs who originally surrounded his kingdom have left one, and only eight remain.

Soon, the phantom of the giant snake entwining the kingdom of God dimmed a lot again, and the figure of the giant snake began to shake.

"Another demon lord has left."

He sat on the seat of God and made a prediction.

Iolum entered the **** and detonated the floating city, and Prince Levestus’s lair was taken away...He was playing around Wei and saving Zhao, but with his power, I’m afraid I won’t be able to get away for long. Once Iolum is expelled , I am afraid that the devil monarch who has left will immediately return to preside over the erosion of me, so I only have a little time and must be a fatal blow.


With the return of another demon monarch to hell~www.NovelMTL.com~ The power projected from **** quickly disappeared, and the phantom of the shaking giant snake began to collapse and disappear.

"It's now!"

The kingdom of God, located in the void outside the domain, burst out of radiant brilliance, and the bright and dazzling rays of the sun pierced the thick darkness of the outer layer.

The kingdom of God swelled with lightning speed, engulfing the six devil monarchs surrounding the kingdom of God, and then contracted faster than it swelled.

After these unreacted demon monarchs fell into the kingdom of God, countless silver-white lightning bolts fell from the sky, bombarding these monarchs, and the mighty rules turned into chains, penetrating their bodies, and trapping them firmly.

Jiang Hao, who had done all this, leaned on the god’s seat and looked at these devil monarchs with ease, with a leisurely tone.

"Welcome to my country."

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