I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 323: : A gift for you

Remember in one second【】

The fifth **** of the nine hells, Stegia.

Several devil with blue and white complexion and long horns followed an old man behind him, walking on the ocean full of ice floes and icebergs.

These demons feel that they have met the devil.

After the teleportation channel was opened, before they could teleport to the main plane, the magician who didn't know their name teleported over, and then controlled them without saying a word, forcing them to surrender their real names.

The real name is a characteristic possessed by some creatures in the multiverse. It represents the essence of the creature and the uniqueness of the creature.

Once the real name is mastered by others, it means that the master can exert influence on the master.

And it just so happens that the devil is one of the creatures with real names.

Although they tried their best to resist, but after being tortured, these demons still surrendered their real names and became servants of the other side.

Iolum, regarded by these demons as the devil, wandered on this plane dominated by cold and ice, and his feet in purple pointed shoes stepped on the hard iceberg.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, he is standing on a cold ocean, but in his own eyes, he is standing on the back of a huge, twisted snake that cannot be described in words.

This giant snake lay in the void with its eyes closed, and the scales on its body stood upside down. Like a hill, the black feathers on the mountain fell off and floated, and there were tiny wings growing behind it. Gently shaking, every shock will cause an energy storm in the nearby void.

"This is the essence of hell." Iolum sighed.

Although in some ancient legends circulated on the main plane, the nine-layer **** is a plane created by the gods to fight against the bottomless abyss.

——The gods influenced the demons with incomparably great powers, transformed the chaotic evil demons into lawful evil demons, and ordered the most powerful angel in the Seven Heavens Mountain, Smotiers, to fall into **** and become incarnate The lord of the nine layers of **** launched an endless **** battle against the bottomless abyss to prevent the power of the devil from spreading to all planes.

But as the archmage of the Nether Empire who had fought against hell, Iolum knew that this legend was false.

The demons of the Nine-Layer Hell did fight endless **** battles with the demons of the Bottomless Abyss, but the Nine-Layer Hell was definitely not created by the gods to fight the abyss.

In fact, before the Bottomless Abyss appeared in the multiverse, the nine-layer **** had already appeared. Like the Seven-fold Heaven Mountain, it was regarded as a higher plane by many powerful beings in the outer void, and it was all darkness, The level where evil converges.

Many ancient evil gods placed their kingdoms in the nine levels of hell, conscripting the demons of the hell, in order to contend against the good gods of the Seven Heavens Mountain and their angels and gods until the bottomless abyss appeared. The evil gods moved their kingdom from **** to the abyss.

Soon, Iolum's sight fell on a huge iceberg:

It was a huge iceberg that could be called a lofty iceberg. The translucent ice cube reflected the silver moonlight, and a group of twisted and blurred black shadows twisted on the iceberg.

When he saw this group of shadows, the group of shadows also found him.

A certain whisper that can distort and tear the spiritual will abruptly sounded in Iolum's consciousness, frantically polluting his consciousness, and obvious bluish black marks appeared on his wrist exposed from his sleeve.

Looking at the shadow, Iolum's voice rang faintly:

"Long time no see, Prince Levestus."

When he was still the archmage of the Nether Empire, he had driven the floating city into **** many times and fought with the devil monarch of hell.

So he is very familiar with the devil monarchs except Asmodeus.

As soon as his voice fell, the black shadow in the iceberg shook and condensed into a pair of blood-colored eyes without eyelashes in the ice.

"It's Iolum, ah, it's been a long time indeed. Over the past few hundred thousand years, you seem to be like those ancient evil creatures wandering in the void outside the domain, hiding in a place where the gods did not notice."

Iolum pulled the dark pointed hat on top of his head, his voice faint, "The gods have made me realize their power."

"Heh." Prince Leavistus condensed a mouth in the ice cube and sneered. "The archmage who used to be proud and declared that the so-called gods are just more powerful creatures would even talk in this tone. From the gods, have you succumbed to the gods?"

"You are not the same." Iolum did not deny. "I have betrayed Asmodeus and swore that once he is freed from the seal, he will once again ask Asmodeus, the ninth layer. You, who the Lord of Hell avenged, are now the running dog of Asmodeus and are under its command."

Unlike the extremely chaotic creatures such as demons, the demons are strictly hierarchical, and powerful demons have very powerful control over lower-level demons, but just as the abyss of extreme chaos has the order that the strong is king. Hierarchical demons also have demons who try to commit crimes.

A group of demon monarchs who were unwilling to have Asmodeus, the lord of the nine hells, united to rebel, but the rebellion failed in the end. As one of the rebels, Prince Levestus was sealed here Among the icebergs, the dominant position of the fifth **** was once occupied by other devil monarchs.

"I'm not the same as you." Prince Levestus retorted immediately, "I have never surrendered to Asmodeus."

"Your behavior is different from what you are saying now.

^0^Remember in one second【】


"Believe it or not is your business, I don't need to explain too much to you."

Its eyes fell on Iolum, and the gloomy voice rang again, "Iolum, what is your purpose for entering **** this time?"

"It's been a long time~www.NovelMTL.com~ I want to give you a present." Iolum smiled.

"Present?" Prince Leavistus was puzzled by his words.

"Yes, it's a gift."


Iolum stretched out his hand with a lot of age spots and snapped his fingers. Then, a huge door appeared in the sky filled with silver moonlight, and a floating city full of obelisks squeezed out from behind the door. .

"This is the floating city of Karthus. It fell into my hands after it crashed. It took me thousands of years to save enough materials to repair it. Now I will give it to you."

Iolum's figure slowly disappeared.

In the next second when he completely disappeared, the power source magic core of the floating city began to heat up. After exceeding the critical point, the expanding fire burst out with it as the core, and a bright mushroom cloud rose.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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