I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 322: : Bator Hell

"The followers of the **** of agriculture get out."

"The followers of the **** of cool officials leave Burgunchester."

"Go to death, the running dog of the **** of agriculture."

"The mob of the **** of cool officials is not worthy to live in this world."


Tens of thousands of people shouted slogans at the entrance of the temple and fought.

One of them is a devout believer of the **** of cruel officials, who has received the'will of God' to expel the faith of the evil **** from the kingdom of Stlade. The other is attracted by the slogan of'believe in the **** of agriculture without paying taxes' and want to live. I want to stop paying harsh and heavy taxes and want to fight for a future.

Both sides broke out amazing combat power, and they were evenly matched for a while.

The guards who rushed to the ‘battlefield’ stepped in, trying to stop it, and soon turned into a blossoming bubble in the wave, completely engulfed by the crowd.

Looking at the scene of the ‘group frame’ outside, the bishop’s face sank while standing inside the Temple of Cool Officials.

His original plan was to let the believers shout the slogan of expelling the agricultural church, and then let the nobles give orders, and finally let the Clerk Church act in accordance with public opinion. In this way, the root cause lies in the believers. According to the mainland convention, the gods cannot be free The believers of his gods gave the punishment, but the result is that the "expulsion of the agricultural church" public opinion conference turned into a fight between the two believers?

The agricultural church has long been aware of their plan, so it has made targeted arrangements early? One thought after another flashed in the bishop's mind, and his expression became more and more gloomy.

After thinking about it, he turned around and told the priest beside him,

"Notify our people and let them order the expulsion of the agricultural church."

"Also, hold a ceremony to bring those adults from hell."

After receiving the news from the Temple of Cool Officials, the nobles in the City Lord’s Mansion were full of anxiety. Although the Temple of Cool Officials only asked them to give orders, and then all things were left to the Temple of Cool Officials, but the problem was that this order would offend agriculture. The church.

The agricultural church is the church of God. As long as the **** of agriculture does not die, the agricultural church will exist forever.

After offending such a behemoth, he couldn't directly kill them. Maybe sometime a spellcaster would pass by to see them unpleasant, and throw a meteor fire.

Earl Moore stood on the tall building and looked at the ‘farce’ outside, and casually said to the butler behind him, "Protect the castle, and expel the agricultural church on the grounds of public opinion."

"I'm afraid not."

Hearing a familiar voice saying no to himself, Count Moore frowned slightly, he turned his head to look over, but his heart jumped when he saw his housekeeper.

The butler still looks like the butler, but he feels like someone else.

"Hello, my name is Harry Taylor, a spellcaster under the **** of agriculture." The ‘butler’ lowered his hands and said lightly.

People of the agricultural church? Because I found out that I was colluding with the temple of cool officials to deal with them, so you want to deal with me in advance? Earl Moore's spirit suddenly tense, the index finger and **** of his left hand touched the ring worn on the thumb of his right hand, and a light stroke triggered the magic engraved on it—the finger of death.

One finger of death, that is, death magic, the person hit by the death finger has the probability to die immediately. The higher the resistance to the death magic, the lower the trigger probability. Conversely, the lower the resistance to the death magic. Higher.

The gray light fell on Harry Taylor, and disappeared without a trace in the next moment.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the person in front of him laughing.

"Hehe, play instant magic in front of me..."

In the next instant, he saw the same gray light falling on him, and in an instant, his eyes went dark.


"Praise you;

"The tenth king of the nine hells;

"The Forgotten King of the Devil's Pit;

"A patron of cruel officials!"

In the Temple of Cool Officials, several pastors collectively crawled in front of the huge throne and prayed devoutly. The tops of the several stone pillars erected in front of the throne suddenly burned with blue flames.

The faint blue flame is obviously fire, but it gives people a icy feeling, like frozen ice, exuding a white chill.

But after a while, this cold air filled the whole temple.

In the temple, the body of the priest of the **** of cool officials suddenly became cold, and even the blood seemed to be frozen.

Feeling this, the voices of these pastors' chanting became louder and louder.

Soon, these chills converged into several demons with blue and white skin and long horns on their heads.

But just as they were about to emerge from the main plane, an old man suddenly appeared in the Temple of Cool Officials.

Seeing this old man appear, the bishop of the temple, who was praying in a low voice, instinctively warned, and at the same time released the ability in his bloodline to perceive the old man's profession and level.

The next moment, his eyes suddenly widened, and an incredible answer emerged in his mind

Professional magician

Level 57

Level 57? This is impossible. The upper limit of the professional level of professionals is 40. How could there be a 57-level professional? It must be a problem with my perception... The bishop's thoughts turned, his mouth slightly opened, and he screamed in surprise.


The whole temple suddenly lit up, and a white barrier stood in front of the old man.

The blood transplanted in his body came from the Apostle of Light and Darkness, which is a branch of the heavenly angels, because it patrols the seven heavenly mountains and the nine hells all the year round and possesses the power to control light and darkness at the same time.

Then, the bishop stretched out his hand and grabbed the old man Lingkong, and the two talented spells belonging to the Apostle of Light and Dark were released.

"Anti-Magic Field" and "Life Absorption".

The former will cause chaos to the elements in the area, disturb the magic released by the caster to a certain extent, and increase the chance of the target's failure to cast the spell.

The latter can absorb the life of the target, consume his physical energy, and make him weak.

"Blood transplantation." The old man sighed.

"Hundreds of thousands of years ago, I discovered that the blood of other creatures was transplanted to humans, so that humans had the ability to release spells from that creature."

"However, I soon discovered that after human beings have transplanted blood, their ability to cast spells will be enhanced, but when the transplanter begins to advance to the legend, the blood transplanted into the body will limit the human journey of the legend. To increase the difficulty of his advanced legend."

"In addition, blood transplantation has a flaw."


The old man snapped his fingers, and a pair of gray wings suddenly grew behind the bishop. Then, the bishop who turned into an "angel" grew gray feathers on his body.

In the blink of an eye ~www.NovelMTL.com~ the bishop turned into a feather man piled up with feathers, and then collapsed into a pile of feathers.

"That is out of control."

"The original blood vessel and the transplanted blood vessel will have a violent conflict after meeting certain conditions, which will lead to loss of control and complete collapse."

After finishing this, he pulled the dark pointed hat on his head, smiled at the demons who were teleporting from hell, and said, "From the fifth **** of the nine hells, Stegia High Ice Devil, please say hello to your monarch Prince Levitus for me."

"No, I should go to **** to say hello to it myself."

"But I may have to borrow your transmission channel."

He snapped his fingers again, and all kinds of strange hairs grew on the priests who were crawling in front of the huge throne.


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