I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 321: : Believers are fighting

Did not feel the fluctuation of the magic net... Is this true, there is no magic released through the magic net? The young man subconsciously turned his head to look at his teacher, only to find that his teacher's mouth was already open, and the opening seemed to be large enough to lay a small egg.

"Can you cast spells without going through the magic net? The magician in your mouth is the bloodline warlock?"


The old man slowly put the Jiuquan in his hand on his lips, and the mellow aroma of wheat entered the mouth. "The magician is a spellcasting class with special casting skills. It can cast spells without going through the magic net, so it can still cast spells in some dead magic areas. Heroes who don’t need to be exposed to inert elements, let alone worry about the elemental riots caused by the magic net overload.

"Moreover, the magician can be compatible with any spellcasting profession. After taking office, there is no need to abolish the original profession, and it will not affect your promotion. It can even help you improve your own profession level faster. Of course, it is related to the gods. Except for the profession, after all, those career advancements are based on your devotion and merit to the gods, not your understanding of the profession."

"The most important thing is that, unlike the conventional spellcasting class upper limit of 40, the upper limit of the magician is 50. It can break through the blockade of the magic net, allowing you to release some magic blocked by the mysterious girl."

After the collapse of the Third Era Magic Net, the mysterious girl who took over the Magic Net locked some powerful destructive magics to prevent these magics from destroying the Magic Net, and this action also caused other classes to draw closer in high-end combat power. The distance with the legal profession.

"Really?" the young man asked subconsciously.

"of course it's true."

The old man gently took out a scroll and handed it to him, "This is a job transfer scroll. If you want to change jobs, just tear it open."

"I look forward to you becoming a member of the magician."

"By the way, I forgot to say, I am the creator of the magician profession, you can call me Iolum."

Iolum smiled and said, and his figure gradually disappeared from the gathering of fortune-tellers.

"Iolum? This name is the same as the archmage hundreds of thousands of years ago. Is it his admirer or is it him?"

Suddenly, someone reacted, "Wait, how did he get in?"

At another party in Belgrade, Iolum found Harry Taylor, his student who was sending out scrolls everywhere. He looked up at the night sky and started divination.

"Our Royal Highness seems to be in a bit of trouble. He confronted the snake in hell."

Harry Taylor heard the word snake of **** and was stunned for a second, then opened his mouth and calmly spit out a name, "Asmodeus?"

"It's it."

Iolum spoke with a calm expression, "The lord of the nine hells, the incarnation of one of the legendary creation double snakes, one of the evil snakes, one of the oldest existences in the multiverse."

"Let's go, to Burgundy, where we may need our help."


The city of Burgundy, outside the Temple of Agriculture.

Black and heavy people blocked the agricultural temple, and almost everyone had a large or small sign. Some people even wrote on their clothes, foreheads, faces, and backs.

"The agricultural church gets out."

"Burgundy does not need a **** of agriculture."

"Expelling agricultural druids."


Tens of thousands of voices gathered together, covering almost the entire city of Burgundy.

"What are these civilians doing, expelling the **** of agriculture? Bold, this is a blasphemy, a blasphemy against the gods... Guards, guards? Why don't you come to expel these humble civilians? Why let them make trouble at the entrance of the Temple of Agriculture?"

In the temple, Earl Husturm became irritable when he saw the crowded people outside and the slogans yelled out of them.

As he walked back and forth, looking into the distance from time to time, he became more and more irritable.

According to previous experience, in the case of non-holiday celebrations, such large-scale gatherings, the guards have already started to drive away, but now there is not a single guard.

Could it be that all the guards in the city were bought by those guys?

After thinking about it, Count Hustrom turned around and asked Antonio.

"My pastor, what should we do?"

"Wait." Antonio sat cross-legged on the ground, holding a nut and stuffing it into the big-tailed red rat's mouth. The latter used his front teeth to crack open the nut's shell, and ate the fruit inside with a snort. Went in.

"Bourgogne Chester is Burgundy, the **** of cool officials. No foreign gods are welcome here."

"It is everyone's responsibility to protect Burgunchester."

The shouting sounded like waves covering one after another.

At the Kuli Temple next to the Agricultural Temple, several pastors looked out the window with solemn expressions. After listening to the slogan, the bishop's face suddenly changed.

"Bourgogne Chester doesn't need a **** of agriculture. Who made this slogan? Has the brain been eaten by the undead? Even the true **** dares to blaspheme? Don't be afraid of being marked by the gods and falling into the abyss after death and becoming the food of the devil?"

"not me."

"It's not me either."

"I don't know who made it."

Several pastors kicked the ball one after another. They are pastors. How could they not know that blasphemy is a big sin? Maybe the **** of agriculture will punish them.

The bishop coldly looked at the pastor who shirked responsibility below, and sneered immediately after his voice became quieter.

"I don't care who made it, and I don't care who made it, but I want to remind you that the true God must not be deceived."

"... Now inform those nobles, on the grounds of public opinion, expel the agricultural temple."

"We will take care of the rest."

He had just finished speaking when he suddenly heard a different voice coming from outside, which was louder than the voice of the people from the Temple of Cultivation Organization.

He looked over at the sound, and the pupils in his eyes shrank suddenly.

On the other end of the street, a crowd of black people is like a black river, surging slowly,

"We don't want to pay taxes~www.NovelMTL.com~Get out of the temple of cool officials."

"Bourgogne Chester doesn't need the **** of cool officials."


Thousands or tens of thousands of voices gathered together to form a huge voice, which was in opposition to the voices of the followers of the **** of cool officials surrounding the entrance of the Agricultural Temple.

Seeing these newly appeared people and the slogans yelled from their mouths, the followers of the **** of cool officials suddenly fell silent, and then, like a gushing lake, suddenly rushed towards the newly-appearing people.

And the believers of the **** of agriculture did not show any weakness. They rushed up against the black river like waves one after another.

Two black rivers collided fiercely.

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