I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 320: :magician

After the appearance of the nine devil monarchs, a thin and dry body, red skin, naked, and horns on the head appeared outside Jiang Hao's kingdom of God.

The moment he saw him, Jiang Hao understood his name.

Gagos, the **** of cool officials.

Or it is the big devil Jags.

"We the devil and the gods have an agreement."

This person who is almost equivalent to the devil’s monarch’s voice comes from the depths of **** and possesses the power to deceive people’s hearts.

"We help them hold the power of the abyss, and they allow us to spread our faith on the main plane, and the Kingdom of Stlade is my sphere of influence of faith."

"Get your clergyman out of there, and promise me that you won't get involved with it again."

"Otherwise, it is war."

The gods actually have an agreement with the devil to allow the devil to spread faith on the main plane? It is no wonder that such a false **** faith as the Temple of Cool Officials can appear in Burgundy in a magnificent manner, while the four churches of justice, order, dawn, and night turn a blind eye to it! Jiang Hao frowned slightly.

According to Jaggs, the kingdom of Stlade was divided by the gods to the big devil Jaggs, so he would withdraw his clergy from the kingdom? No, he is secretly changing the concept. The gods allow the devil to spread the faith in the name of God, but it does not mean that the gods will assign the Kingdom of Stlade to him. Otherwise, the four churches of justice, order, dawn, and night Withdrawal from the Kingdom of Slade early.

Jiang Hao stared at Jaggs and responded with a smile.

"If you want war, then give you war."

Jaggs' figure began to blur and disappear, standing in the void, the figure surrounding Jiang Hao's Kingdom of God began to solidify.

In this condensed emptiness, the world behind them began to surge, contacting the kingdom of God.

As the contact took place, Jiang Hao's divine kingdom began to change.

A large area of ​​black fog appeared in the southeast, and pale hail fell in the northwest. A flame-burning steel city protruded from the northeast of the Kingdom of God. The liquid fire river ignited all areas that flowed through the south...

They are using the projection of the Nine Hells to erode my kingdom of God. The purpose is to first pull out my geographical advantage, or even convert geographical advantage into their advantage, before launching an attack? ...It's a pity, I thought they would directly break into my kingdom of God, so that I could bury them all by relying on the rules of God's country... Jiang Hao gently tapped the handrail on the seat of God. , The kingdom of God changed immediately.

An invisible barrier rises to the southeast to block the black fog. The temperature to the northwest rises sharply. The falling hail melts into water in mid-air and then quickly turns into steam. Numerous electric snakes dance in the sky to the northeast. , The roaring explosion sounded from time to time, and icebergs appeared on the southern land. As the only way to the river of fire, white steam filled the southern part of the kingdom of God...

The power of **** was instantly suppressed by the power of the kingdom of God.

Watching the **** projection that had eroded the past was suppressed, one of the demon lord raised his head, revealing blood-red eyes, with a sneered expression.

"The power of **** is endless. Can you suppress it for a while, can you suppress it for a lifetime?"

"How can I know if I don't try?"

"Hmph, then let you feel desperate!"

Dark light emerged from the void, and a huge, feathered evil snake slowly emerged, entwining the kingdom of God, squeezing the kingdom bit by bit.


A group of fortune-tellers are looking at the sky at a secret gathering of fortune-tellers in Belgrade.

"A star has disappeared from the night sky of the main plane. Has another **** fallen?" A young man in a gray robe with blue eyes looked at the vision in the sky and asked his own question.

Although the stars projected on the sky are not necessarily the projections of the kingdom of the gods, they may also be the outer planes, but as a fortuneteller, he can still distinguish whether the stars represent the kingdom of the gods or the outer planes.

His teacher looked at his students with a smile on his face and said, “It’s not disappeared, but veiled. Existence cuts off the connection between the kingdom of God and the main plane, so that its existence cannot be mapped to the sky of the main plane. ."

"As for who it is, I just took a divination and vaguely saw a huge snake."

"But because it is related to divination and gods, the result of my divination may not be correct."

"Snake? Is there any snake that can cut the connection between the kingdom of God and the main plane? Feathered snake, nightmare giant snake, or world giant snake? But these powerful snakes don't seem to be able to do this kind of thing, right."

The young man with blue eyes was even more confused after listening to the teacher's words.

"You missed the snake, young man."

A low and elegant voice came, and the young man turned his head to look, only to see an old man in a black robe walking in slowly, with a smile on his face full of age spots and wrinkles, "Vicious snakes are also snakes, and there are The strength cuts off the connection between the gods and the kingdom of the gods and the main plane."

"Evil snake? The evil snake in the creation twin snakes that created the world in the legend? But isn't the creation legend just a legend?"

According to legend, before the universe was opened up, it was endless chaos.

In a process that has not yet been known, Chaos gave birth to the original gods-Chaos Ancient Gods.

These ancient gods are divided into two camps of order and chaos according to their own preferences, and they fight endlessly with each other. Among all the ancient gods, the most powerful is the double snake of good and evil, which represents the duality of the universe.

These two giant snakes worked tirelessly to stir up the chaos. Gradually, the brilliance of the goodness in the chaos rose to the top, forming the seven-layer heaven mountain, and the darkness of the chaos that represented the evil sank below, forming the nine layers of hell. The chaos below evolved the void and the original plane.

Therefore, these two giant snakes are called creation twin snakes~www.NovelMTL.com~ are just legends? The gods have never said that this legend is false. "The old man said with a smile. "Sometimes, the gods didn't say it was fake, but it might be true." "

The young man's teacher glanced at the old man, then took a divination, and suddenly became curious, "Are you also a fortuneteller?"

"I am not a fortuneteller." The old man smiled. "I am a magician."


The young man became curious too, "Is it a hidden profession? Can you introduce it so that I can accumulate some knowledge?"

The old man smiled and raised his hand, a wisp of Jiuquan appeared out of thin air, sprinkled on his palm, and automatically gathered together without a wine glass.

"It is for magic not to release magic through the magic net, and the one who releases magic is a magician!"


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