I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 319: :hell

Antonio was silent after hearing the words of Count Xiurstrom, not knowing what to say for a while.

It is definitely a good thing for a noble with a fief to vote in the church. This means that the church has reaped a group of believers and, incidentally, expanded its influence in the aristocracy.

But the problem is that the time is wrong.

The aristocracy was still rumoring that the Agricultural Church was planning to overthrow the Kingdom of Slade. The Earl of Sustham expelled the priests of the Temple of Courage, the Temple of Vengeance, and the Temple of Dawn. This is not to show that the misunderstandings are true. Are you really planning to overthrow the Kingdom of Slade?

Count Husturm thought that after he had finished talking about his actions, the pastor in front of him would gladly say to him, Count, welcome you to join the agricultural family, and then let him do things and give him the opportunity to perform, but the pastor in front of him was just silent. Without speaking, his heart sank.

In order to show his determination to the agricultural church, he offended the Crusaders Church, the Revenge Church, and the Liming Church in one go.

——Although it is said that in a noble fief, the noble is equivalent to the king. In theory, which temple is expelled will be expelled, but the theory is the theory, but the actual is reality. The pastor of the church may have to worry about it if the noble expelled the church. Will not be killed by adventurers/beasts passing by one day.

In order not to die inexplicably in the future, Earl Hustrom gritted his teeth and decided to show his sincerity to the priest.

"My pastor, my aristocratic allies are also planning to expel the pastor of his temple in their own territory and build an agricultural temple. When will my lord send some pastors to settle in the temple, the believers in our territory will wait for the pastor of your church to spread the gospel. ."

Other nobles expelled the priest of his temple together? Isn't this true to the rumors? It will be difficult for our agricultural church to go to other kingdoms to develop in the future.

Antonio opened his mouth and prepared to suggest that Count Hustrom should re-invite the pastors of the Cooler Church, the Revenge Church, and the Dawn Church. Although this will lose face and believers, it is better than enmity with these churches. After all, the agricultural church is only good. Starting to form, it is not appropriate to offend too many colleagues.

But at this moment, the voice of the gods rang in his ears,

"Don't refuse their kindness."

"Don't worry about other churches."

"If they want us to overthrow the Kingdom of Stlade, then please do what they want."

Hearing the voice of God, Antonio changed his tone, "I will send the priest to the temple."

Count Husturm settled down. He smiled and said, "Thank you, my lord, if I need to do anything else, please don’t hesitate to say, even if you want me to kill the dragon, I won’t do anything. Hesitating to charge against it, I swear in the name of the Elley family."


At first it was the belief in the **** of agriculture not paying unreasonable taxes, then the belief in the **** of agriculture not paying taxes, then the agricultural church led the anti-tax incident, and finally it turned into the agricultural church intending to subvert the kingdom of Stradd... The development of the plot above vividly showed me how the rumors were made.

In God’s homeland, Jiang Hao, who had captured all the events in Burgundy and Tadelgada in his eyes, twitched his mouth. These nobles are too good at spreading rumors. He suspects that it will spread like this, maybe it will. It is rumored that the **** of agriculture intends to unify the main plane...

But this is not without benefits. At least tens of thousands of believers have been harvested, and a group of nobles have been harvested. Maybe it can really subvert the Kingdom of Slade and turn this kingdom into its own religious state.

Although I don't care about the faith of a kingdom, I always have to consider other gods in the **** system... Jiang Hao began to think about what might happen after he did it by himself.

Suppose I want to turn the Kingdom of Slade into my own religious state, and other churches may respond... The four churches of night, dawn, order, and justice should mobilize their hands to suppress the agricultural church, but they should not There are senior church leaders involved...

The beliefs of the four gods, night, dawn, order, and justice, are not mainstream in the Kingdom of Slade. In the Kingdom of Slade, which has a population of nearly one million, their followers do not exceed one hundred thousand.

Therefore, their churches do not pay much attention to this place. This can be seen from the fact that most of the pastors sent by the four churches to preside over the temple are low-level pastors.

The fact that the church does not pay attention to it means that the gods behind these four churches should not turn their eyes. If a single believer is robbed and a war is triggered, then the world of gods will not be so peaceful...

In fact, it doesn’t matter if they cast their eyes on me. I acted in the name of expelling false **** beliefs, subverting false **** beliefs, and occupying righteousness. Although it is useless, they should be unlikely to be against me for a **** of cruel officials. , And I don’t care even if it’s against me. Everyone is an enemy anyway, um, except for the lady of the night, but his followers are all over the main plane. I should not care about this believer. The big deal is that I will let the church of the night continue to stay in Stray Preaching in the Kingdom of Germany...

My real enemy should be the **** of cool officials and the **** of vengeance... Jiang Hao's brain is spinning rapidly, analyzing the situation.

The former is the mainstream belief of the Kingdom of Slade, with hundreds of thousands of believers, and the latter is a newly emerging belief. Although the number of believers is temporarily not as good as the **** of cool officials, it has developed rapidly.

Jiang Hao wants to turn the Kingdom of Stlade into his own religious state, so that everyone in the kingdom can believe in himself, which will inevitably touch their interests and arouse hatred.

The **** of vengeance is a weak divine power. Although this **** is not a new **** who has risen in this era, it has nothing to do with the ancient title~www.NovelMTL.com~ He is not a big threat to me.

As for the **** of cool officials, he is just a false god...

While Jiang Hao was thinking, a blur of figures suddenly appeared on the periphery of the Kingdom of God, and a world unfolded behind each figure.

There is a scorched world full of rubble, and there is also a world obscured by a large black mist rising from the ground. In the black mist, there is a burning steel city everywhere, and there is a world of foul-smelling swamps full of mud and filth, biting the bones. The wind and stinging hail rule all levels. There is a world full of flames and pain. The liquid river of fire and the earth of black ash are the main theme of the world. There are desolate worlds where no living things can be seen, and the land within the world. There is a lifeless river flowing on it, and the transparent and distorted faces are highlighted in the dead river...

There are nine figures appearing, so there are nine such worlds.

Looking at the uninvited guests outside his kingdom of God, Jiang Hao knew their origins for the first time through the characteristics of the gods.

"Nine levels of hell, nine devil monarchs."

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