I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 318: : The Church of Agriculture intends to overthrow the Kingdom of Slade?

The tax officer was killed!

Like a whirlwind, this news spread first to the tax officials in Tadelgada, and then to the noble circles living in Tadelgada.

"It must be severely punished!"

Count Nemo was in his mansion, and said to the housekeeper beside him with a strong attitude: "Notify the guards and tell them to arrest the person who killed the Celtic tax officer. If there is an accomplice, arrest the accomplice. Without accomplices, grab his wife, daughter, relatives, and friends, and hang them on the central square of Tadelgada with a gallows, so that everyone can see what will happen to those who provoke our nobles."

You must kill the chickens, otherwise anyone can attack the tax officials in the future, and they will not collect taxes anymore.

"Also, inform the pastor of the God of Cool Officials that we may need their help."

The priest of the **** of cool officials is very good at tracking the traces left by others, and the relationship between the local church and the nobles rooted in the Kingdom of Slade is extremely friendly.

If the murderer wanted to escape, the priest of the **** of cruel staff would tell them it was all in vain.

"But Lord Earl, the person who killed the tax official claimed to be a believer in the God of Agriculture." The housekeeper who had worked at Earl Nemo's house for more than 50 years reminded him in a low voice.

The **** of agriculture? Count Nemo's expression became serious. He didn't know much about this god, he only knew that the other party was a new god, and it didn't take long for him to be promoted to the gods. Generally speaking, the new gods paid special attention to his followers. After all, every believer was hard-won when it first started spreading the faith.

But just because the other party is a believer in the **** of agriculture, did he spare the murderer?

Count Nemo sat on the chair, tapping the armrest with one hand, making a thumping sound.

At this moment, he heard a sound of footsteps outside, and then a man in a corset walked quickly to Count Nemo and said quickly:

"Master Earl, Cabinda, Benlag... and the residents of the six villages and the small town of Khorfakkan refused to pay taxes to the city of Tadelgada on the grounds that the new **** of agriculture did not pay taxes, and expelled us. The tax officer sent out."

"Earl Canter sent me to ask how you should deal with this matter."

Count Nemo became cold all over.

Believe in the **** of agriculture without paying taxes... Is this the slogan used by the agricultural church to spread the faith? They don’t know the importance of taxation, but they did it... they have already done a good job to start a turmoil, subvert the existing order, re-support a group of new nobles, new kings, and let the **** of agriculture Does your faith become the mainstream here? Damn, is that rumor true? The **** of cool officials is really not the true god? Otherwise, how dare the new **** of agriculture, the **** of agriculture, shuffle the cards! The more Earl Nemo thought about it, the more he felt that a conspiracy was unfolding.

The slaves and civilians were motivated to rebel on the grounds of not paying taxes, and he hid behind the scenes to provide support. Once successful, the belief in the **** of agriculture would become the mainstream belief in the Kingdom of Stlade. The Kingdom of Germany transformed into its own religious state.

"Master Earl!"

Seeing Count Nemo not speaking, someone shouted.


Count Nemo responded, his brain turned rapidly. The strength of the main plane church is the first. It wants to promote the rebellion, let alone the nobles of Tadelgada, even the nobles of the entire Kingdom of Slade. Can't stop it.

Only the church can resist the church.

If the agricultural church wants to overthrow the Kingdom of Slade, the obstacle is not the nobles, but the church of cruel officials, and perhaps the church of revenge, the church of dawn, the church of justice, the church of night and the church of order... Earl Nemo thought in his mind, The idea gradually became clear.

He stared directly at the person in front of him, and said lightly:

"Go back and tell Earl Canter that the agricultural church is leading the tax-resistance incident. As for the purpose, it is probably faith."

"Also, tell him that I am going to leave for a while, and suggest that he also leave."


The man quickly left the earl's mansion, then rode a tall horse to another luxurious mansion, and told the other party what Earl Nemo had said.

The agricultural church dominated this anti-tax incident? The purpose is faith? Earl Canter, who was over half a hundred years old, felt that a huge conspiracy was approaching.

Such a plan is definitely not formulated in a short while. The agricultural church election is launched at this time, and it is obvious that they have made sufficient preparations and have the strength to overcome all obstacles.

Under such circumstances, apart from the major churches, whoever blocks will die.

Count Canter squinted his eyes and remained silent for a while, then said to the butler beside him:

"Clean up the things at home, we will go abroad for a while."

"Also, inform the families who have been friends with us and tell them that the Agricultural Church intends to transform the Kingdom of Stlade into their religious state this time."

After the Earl of Canter packed his things and left the Kingdom of Slade through teleportation, the news that the agricultural church led the incident and intended to turn the kingdom into a religious state spread throughout the aristocratic circle of the Kingdom of Slade.

Some big nobles began to pack their things and prepare to take shelter from the limelight temporarily and watch the situation change, while the little nobles became restless. Under the influence of the nobles, those officials felt the pressure of wind and rain.


The city of Burgundy, the temple of agriculture.

Antonio sitting cross-legged on the ground is feeding his pet big-tailed red rat with food.

"Pastor Antonio." The Count Husturm who visited the door immediately asked after seeing Antonio, "I heard that the Agricultural Church intends to overthrow the Kingdom of Slade and turn it into the kingdom of God?"

Are we going to turn this place into the kingdom of God? I do not know how? Antonio frowned slightly and said, "Who said that?"

"The noble circles are spreading ~www.NovelMTL.com~Earl Sustham said sincerely: "I can act as a pioneer of the church and attack the royal family. "

The church country also has aristocrats. At this time, betting is that once the agricultural church succeeds, he might be able to turn himself into a duke, and even becoming a king is not impossible.

"No, our agricultural church did not think about overthrowing the Kingdom of Stlade." Antonio replied flatly.

No? Is it because I am not one of my own that I told me no? As soon as his thoughts were turned, Earl Sustham immediately said with a smile:

"My pastor, I am the most devout believer in the **** of agriculture."

"Before I came here, I had ordered people to expel all the priests from the Temple of Cool Officials, Temple of Vengeance, and Temple of Dawn in my fief."

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