I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 315: : The ancient sun **** who may not have fallen

The Lord of Dawn has long since fallen...

This sentence lingered in Jiang Hao's mind like a curse. His heart was unstoppable. Astonishment arose. He regarded him as his greatest enemy in the alien world, and the **** who was cautiously guarding the embankment had already fallen?

It's like people who have been killed and the whole family work **** the mountain to practice martial arts in order to avenge them, intending to kill their enemies after they are No. 1 in the world, but they heard that their enemies died before they reached No. 1 in the world?

And what made him even more horrified was that such a powerful divine power of Lord of Dawn would quietly fall in his own kingdom of God?


In the next second, Jiang Hao thought of a question. If the Lord of Dawn had fallen a long time ago, who was the Lord of Dawn who shot him twice and presided over the attack on the abyss?

The kingdom of God where he lives is in the Seven-fold Heaven Mountain, and the ruler of order that also places the kingdom on the Seven-fold Heaven Mountain is the first deity born besides the original seven gods. His birth opened the prelude to the second era. Would the mighty gods know that the gods who were neighbors with him have already fallen?

There is also the lady of the night who has met with the Lord of Dawn. The great divine power of God level 19 will not see that the **** who is dealing with him is not the Lord of Dawn himself?

Jiang Hao asked:

"Are you sure that the Lord of Dawn has fallen?"

"I'm very sure."

The God of Twilight sighed and said: "Like the Lord of Dawn, I am born from the fallen body of the Lord of Dawn, a **** who has crawled out of the star realm..."

"we are brothers……"

"He was born before me, inherited the dawn and the scorching sun, and I inherited the dusk..."

"There was a special feeling between me and Him. When He fell, no one found out on the main plane, but I sensed..."

"In order to prove that my induction was not wrong, I went back to the place where I was born to search for his whereabouts, and finally proved that my induction was not wrong!"

If the Lord of Dawn falls, who is the Heavenly Mountain? Ms. Dark Night... No, Ms. Dark Night has never called the "Lord of Dawn" as the Lord of Dawn... Jiang Hao thought silently in his heart, feeling that the gods hanging high in the starry sky of the alien world became more and more weird.

Are the gods, who seem to be aloof and glorious, really have infinite power? Are the glorious gods who are sung by countless believers really themselves? The kingdom of God, which claims to be able to distort the rules of the void outside the realm to the maximum, can really protect itself? Will one day be replaced with authority and name inexplicably?

A sense of crisis emerged in vain and haunted him.

"Do you know the will that caused your fall?"

"I don't know. The contact between the other party and me happened in an instant."

"But I suspect that he is the ancient sun god."

Ancient sun god? Didn't he fall? Even the power of the sun is lost.

The **** of twilight continued:

"I have always suspected that the ancient sun **** did not really fall. As a great divine power of **** level 19, the ancient sun **** died in the collapse of the Nether Empire. The reason why all the believers died is too nonsense."

"Believers are only the source of divine power, not the life of the gods. Even if the believers die, the gods will only fall to the bottom of their divine power and will not fall."

"My inheritance from the memory of the Lord of Dawn shows that the Lord of Dawn was born from another sun in the main plane, and this sun is the body of the ancient sun **** after his death."

"According to the rule that gods will be attracted to the astral world after death, the ancient sun **** should fall into the astral world after death, instead of transforming into another sun and staying in the main plane forever."

"So I suspect that he abandoned the power of the sun and appeared in our sight as other gods, or abandoned the identity of gods and transformed himself into other forms of life. After all, there are always some in the void outside the territory. The form of life is even the gods."

The other sun in the main plane was made by the ancient sun god? Jiang Hao was taken aback for a moment. When he entered the other world, he saw two suns, but when he left the main plane and observed from the void outside the domain, he discovered that two huge spheres were rotating around the main plane.

At that time, he thought that the other sun he saw in the main plane was the projection of a powerful kingdom of gods on the main plane, because this kingdom was so powerful that it could compete with the sun.

But now it seems that it is the corpse of the ancient sun god?

He pondered and asked:

"What you mean is that the ancient sun **** did not die, but was hidden. It was the chief culprit that caused the fall of you and the Lord of Dawn."

"This is just my suspicion."

Jiang Hao nodded, then tore his other arm and threw it into the island of gods.

After the arm entered, it immediately changed into divine power, penetrated into the island, and was absorbed by the **** of dusk.

The Twilight God, who had received new divine power supplements, asked politely.

"Can you save me?"

He hesitated and added: "I am willing to be your obedience to God."

Selling oneself is his only and biggest bargaining chip.

To be my obedience is indeed a very tempting bargaining chip. The more gods that join the gods, the higher my grasp of the authority of the'king of the gods'. Maybe one day I can rely on this authority. Ascend to the God of God at level 20, and the kingdoms of the gods are merged together, can create a complete plane, improve my grasp of the authority of the "creation", and also bring the power of the gods together to resist the possibility The existing risks.

There are many benefits, but there is a problem here,

"As far as I know, your church is still on the main plane. In the eyes of your believers, the God of Twilight still lives in the kingdom of God."

The "God of Twilight" is still there. Even if Jiang Hao secretly helps the God of Twilight to establish beliefs, these beliefs may not point to him. In doing so, it is easy for the "God of Twilight" to find out his His eyes were drawn to his body.

Although I don't know how powerful the other party is ~www.NovelMTL.com~, it can make the Lord of Dawn fall quietly and without interest, and it can also make him fall quietly and without interest.

"Your Majesty, although I am the **** of twilight, I also have the power of'sunset','sunset' and'healing'. In order to prevent the **** who killed me from noticing my existence, I hope I can heal The identity of the **** appears."

"You can absorb faith as the **** of healing, but after you return, I hope you can separate the authority of ‘healing’. Of course, I will compensate you in other ways."

Healing authority can complement the ‘medical’ authority he gave to Fiona Russell, strengthening her divine power and raising her **** level, of course, provided that she can ascend to the throne of God.

A voice soon came from the island of gods,

"Thank you for your generosity!"

ps: A new book for a newcomer: If you are given a treasure map, what kind of treasure do you hope to find? The answer lies in everything: "My Treasure Map Is Amazing"

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