I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 316: :Pollution

There is another **** who needs help in the resurrection, and a huge expense... But once the **** of twilight returns, the number of pronuclear gods will increase, and the gathering of gods will strengthen the power of the church, even if it is When I was not in another world, there were gods who could stand up and preside over the overall situation... Jiang Hao thought in his heart, predicted the position of Iyetta Cavendil, and then began to roam the star realm.

During the journey, all kinds of wonderful scenes that could not happen in the material world came into his eyes, which opened his eyes. And the one he encountered most was that the gods turned into the islands of the gods after their death.

Some of these islands are as big as a square, and some are surprisingly big, looking like a continent floating in the air.

And every time he encounters an island of gods, Jiang Hao will step on to visit those gods sleeping in the star realm.

Although most of these islands have existed for too long, the gods in them ran out of power and fell into a deep sleep. Even if Jiang Hao transferred his divine power into it, there was no sign of waking up.

But the remaining small part of the island also let him know a lot of secrets about the gods.

The **** of justice is the vest of the ruler of order...the **** of prophecy has not really fallen...the **** of purgatory is the incarnation of the lord of the nine hells, Asmodeus, and Asmodeus is the **** in the true sense. ... the secrets among the gods were spoken from the mouths of the gods active in the ancient ages, opening a corner of the treacherous world of the gods.

As a price for obtaining these secrets, Jiang Hao's body only has a head left. Fortunately, this clone is made of pure divine power, even if there is only one head left, it does not affect his actions.

In the silver ocean of the star realm, a head slowly approached an island of gods that was barely picked up.

As he approached, a familiar voice came from this island of gods,

"His Royal Highness."

Before Jiang Hao could speak, the voice of the **** who could only be promoted sank and asked.

"Are you here to take back Langinus, the Gun of Killing God?"

"Sorry, I lost this weapon when I woke up."

"I know." Jiang Hao nodded gently.

He is no longer a newly promoted deity. After exchanging secrets with many ancient deities with his divine power, he understands that when a deity falls, except after he himself will fall into the star realm due to the special rules of the multiverse, other items will be lost. Beyond the astral.

"Do you want to be resurrected?"

"I think."

Iyetta Cavendil’s voice sank, "Since I fell into the astral world, my consciousness has been flooded with the whispers of countless believers every day. In these whispers, I myself began to split and become distorted. When I don’t know myself, I have to use a deep sleep to fight against the pollution from faith and prevent more myself from appearing in my brain."

"But what scares me the most is the unchanging scenery of the star realm. Before going to sleep, there is a silver ocean, after sleeping, it is a silver ocean, today is a silver ocean, and tomorrow is a silver ocean, even the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow... It's a silver ocean."

"No one talks to me, I can only take on all this quietly by myself, full of loneliness."

"So Your Highness, I want to leave, I want to return to the colorful main plane."

After speaking, he laughed at himself, "But your Highness, I have failed, I have failed your trust, and I have nothing to exchange with you."

Equivalent exchange is the rule of gatherings.

And he has lost everything.

"But you still have a future." Jiang Hao looked at Iyetta Cavendil and said, "I will provide your clergy with divine power and magic in your name on the main plane, gather faith and accumulate strength for you, After you return, you must connect your kingdom of God to my kingdom of God to prevent possible enemies from appearing."

"Thank you."

Iyetta Cavendil said silently in his heart.

"Also." Jiang Hao reminded, "Be careful of the God of Prophecy, he has not really fallen."


"The tax revenue of our city of Tadelgada has always been the bulk of the Kingdom of Slade, and an important part of supporting the kingdom's finances, without exception."

"Outsiders call us Tadelgada the brightest jewel in the king's crown."

"But since last year, our number one in Tadelgada has been snatched away by the barbarians in Burgundy."

"The adults in the city are very angry, so they ordered our tax officer to inform you that starting from today, that is, this moment, you need to pay a first tax to let Tadelgada take the first place."

"The first tax is calculated according to the head, and each person pays ten silver coins every month, double the number of people who are not followers of the **** of cool officials..."

"Don't think about evading taxes, and don't think about running away. You should know that you can't escape."

In a village outside Tadelgada, a tax officer promoted the newly formulated tax policy to the villagers who gathered.

In order to make his own words more convincing, the tax officer directly moved out the priest of the **** of cool officials. "The big figures in the city have gone to the temple of the **** of cool officials to ask the priest to take action, remembering each of you’s souls, once someone Try to escape, and the punishment of the gods will come and drive your souls into hell."

"But the tax official, ten silver coins are too much."

The village chief said bitterly.

Ten silver coins a month, they worked so hard to farm the land, and they earned one or two hundred silver coins throughout the year, plus the previous taxes, they couldn't live anymore.

"Is ten silver coins a lot? Maybe a lot, but since the barbarians of Burgundy can pay so much money, I believe you can too."

How can this be compared.

The village chief almost cried. The reason why Burgundy can pay so much is because after they passed the steam train last year, a large number of businessmen gathered ~www.NovelMTL.com~ the economy was booming, and Tadelgada There is no steam train in the city.

The tax officer tightened his collar and pulled the hat on the front of the car. "Well, you guys, don't say anything extra. Rather than wasting energy arguing with me, it's better to think about how you can raise this tax."

"If you can pay more taxes this time than the barbarians in Burgundy, maybe the big men in the city will be exempt from your taxes next year if they are happy!"

"Oh, tax officer, I'll give it to you."

"thank you very much."

The village chief in coarse cloth escorted the tax officer away, then returned to the village sadly, and said to the villagers who had been waiting

"You heard what the tax officer in the city just said."

"Everyone said what should we do?"


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