I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 314: : Astral

   The star realm is the tomb of the gods and the place of eternal sleep. There is no matter here, it is a void world composed of pure thoughts and dreams.

   When Jiang Hao descended into the star realm, what he saw was a vast silver sea.

The soft gray cloud moved slowly in the distance, the strange black band of light violently twisted in the air, no matter the top and bottom, only the gray and white strands of light continued to roll, swept by him like distant stars. However, huge gray rocks drifted in the vast empty silver ocean, just like those plastic garbage bags on the blue star that were thrown into the ocean.

  Below the ocean, vast elemental columns emitting colorful rays of light spew out from the silver ocean from time to time, forming a spectacle like a fountain.

   After entering the star realm, Jiang Hao obviously felt that his feelings with the main plane had become blurred. The roots spread from the believers, and the lines of faith that connected him seemed to disappear at any time.

   And those beliefs that were transmitted along the line of belief seemed to be isolated by something, and began to become intermittent.

   Feeling this situation, Jiang Hao thoughtfully transmitted his divine power, only to find that his divine power was blocked by something and could not be transmitted outside the star realm.

   Fortunately, this time I came here as a clone, otherwise Antonio will become an agricultural druid with a professional level of 0, and he will have to make a joke at that time! Jiang Hao flew onto a huge gray stone.

   He was in a daze as soon as he fell, and his body began to appear alienated.

   Both eyes cracked open, the golden eyeballs in the eye sockets ejected in the explosion, and a huge opening was opened on the left half of the cheek, exposing the golden flesh and the teeth that looked good at first sight.

   A fine and greasy tentacles stick out from his body, and one after another without eyelashes grows under the abdominal muscles wrapped in clothes, looking at everything that can be seen in the line of sight with indifferent and ruthless eyes.

   At the same time that his body changed, countless chaotic murmurs appeared in his mind, one after another, they impacted his consciousness and polluted his thoughts.

  If it is completely contaminated, this clone will break away from the subject's control and become an independent existence, and then because it is constructed from divine power, it will automatically disintegrate and disappear when it runs out of divine power.

   is pollution from faith. Is the gray stone I stepped on solid pollution? Jiang Hao raised his hand, and the divine power that emerged turned into brilliant white lightning, tearing the silver ocean of the star realm, and hitting the gray stone under his feet.

   After being hit by the lightning that turned into divine power, the gray stone did not collapse into pieces like other substances, but shrank a circle.

   The pollution from faith and the divine power transformed from faith have a neutralizing effect? All Jiang Hao thought about, the divine power in his body emerged.

   Then, dozens of brilliant white lightning struck down, and the gray stones under his feet shrank rapidly until they disappeared completely.

Legend has it that after the gods fall into the star realm, the corpse of the **** will float in the silver ocean of the star realm. Slowly, gray stones will appear around the floating corpse. Over time, it will form a unique spectacle in the star realm. The floating island of gods.

But according to what I see now, the so-called gray stones gathered around the corpses of gods should be pollution from beliefs. However, the strange thing is that gods in other worlds never directly absorb beliefs, but use their authority to Faith is transformed into divine power. Where does this pollution come from?

   Jiang Hao thought for a while, and projected his gaze onto a floating island of gods. He walked up, intending to ask the gods who have lived in the star realm for an unknown number of years.

   He spread his divinity over and sent out friendly greetings,

"Hello there."

   As if his divinity was stimulated, the island of the gods trembled, and pieces of gray stones fell off from it and floated into other areas along the silver ocean.

   After a while, this huge island of gods stopped shaking.

   In the next second, a huge and weak voice penetrated the thick gray stones, directly entangled his divinity, and spread over, "Save me...Save me!"

I just say hello, you ask for help, not afraid that I am an evil god, um, he is really not afraid...After all, he has fallen, and he will still be like this again. Jiang Hao thought about it and decided to go with this The poor **** had a chat,

"who are you?"

   "I am Ingnare Marlow, the **** of twilight."

   The huge and weak voice became quieter, as if talking to him had exhausted all of his strength.

  Ingnari Marlow, the **** of twilight?

   Hearing this name, Jiang Hao set off a stormy sea in his heart.

  The **** who fell here is the **** of twilight Ingnaremaro, then in the main plane, who is the **** of twilight that bestows magical skills on believers?

   His body in the kingdom of God cast his gaze on the main plane, which was quickly confirmed.

This **** who claims to be the **** of twilight, Ingnaremaro, is most likely true, because the church of twilight on the main plane uses the **** of twilight when praying~www.NovelMTL.com~ instead of the one of twilight. God Ingna Remarlow.

   The latter points to a specific god, while the former points to a vague god, which is more manipulable.

   He tore off his arm, turned it into pure divine power, and teleported to the deepest part of the island of gods.

   Soon, there was less weakness in the voice of the twilight **** who had absorbed the divine power, "Help me..."

   "Who caused your fall? Do you know who the **** impersonating you in the main plane is?"

"I do not know."

   The God of Dusk gave an answer that surprised Jiang Hao.

   Without waiting for Jiang Hao to ask another question, the God of Twilight explained the reason, "I fell suddenly. At that time, my body was sleeping in the kingdom of God, and only the clone was responsible for leading the development of the Twilight Church..."

"I suddenly felt a will with infinite brilliance descend on me. I fell before I could resist. When I fell into the astral realm, I saw that He took over my kingdom of God and let the main plane face. No one found my fall."

   "The will of infinite glory? Is it the Lord of Dawn?" Jiang Hao asked in surprise.

   In the alien world, the one who is in touch with the light seems to be the Lord of Dawn.

   And He has the motive to do so.

   It's just that Jiang Hao didn't understand how he managed to let a weak and other divine power fall without resistance in his own God's country. He believed he could not do this.

   "It can't be Him." The Twilight God said firmly.


   "Because the Lord of Dawn has already fallen!"


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