I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 313: : Premeditated

"God is merciful. He has brought seeds to the world, so that we can get a good harvest and avoid famine..."

Antonio stood on a rock, preaching doctrine to the villagers who gathered.

The doctrines he said were not very depressing, but the words he said were all spoken to the hearts of these villagers.

Coupled with the golden wheat waves like miracles, it is particularly attractive.

"He is the protector of the peasants and the support behind all laborers..."

"The dependence behind us? This means that when officials come to collect taxes, can we reject them like those farmers who cultivate wheat for the nobility?" The village head with chestnut hair looked at him and asked.

"God only guarantees reasonable behavior. It is not a reasonable behavior to resist taxes. God does not encourage such behavior."

Antonio quickly denied.

If other kings know that they encourage the peasants not to pay taxes, the agricultural church will not want to go to other countries to develop believers.

He immediately added: "But it is reasonable to resist unreasonable taxes, and God encourages this behavior."

"After we don't believe in the **** of cool officials, is the high belief tax imposed on us by officials an unreasonable behavior?" the village chief couldn't help asking.

It turned out that this tax was called a tax of faith. Antonio nodded, "Of course it is unreasonable."

Seeing this pastor say this, the village chief became excited, "Then will you be our backing?"

You don’t want to fight taxes a long time ago. Antonio stared at this three-sentence village chief who did not pay taxes. He controlled his facial expressions and said with a god-stick tone: "God is the support of all believers."

He did not attack the village chief again.

Helping believers to fight against taxes can easily attract the hostility of the rulers and kings of the kingdom, but it is different to resist unreasonable taxes. Why should the believers of the **** of agriculture pay more taxes?

Believers are treated unfairly. Isn’t it more reasonable for you as a pastor to be a believer?

As for the city of Burgundy and even the kingdom, whether he will do anything to him, he is not worried at all. An unknown kingdom on the mainland has no way to take him, and if the temple of cool officials intervenes...

He longed for the temple of cruel officials to intervene, so that it would become a confrontation between the two churches, and even between the gods. The **** of agriculture behind him is a powerful divine power. The confrontation between the powerful existence of becoming a **** and the powerful divine power above the **** level 15 is undoubtedly an act of seeking death.

Hearing what Antonio said, the village chief seemed to have taken a reassurance, and prayed, "Thank you for the help of the gods, thank you for the help of Mr. Pastor."

"Praise the great **** of agriculture..."

The villagers shouted one after another, who did not believe?

Compared with the **** of cruel officials who let them pay taxes, the **** of agriculture who brought them a good harvest and helped them is obviously more worthy of their belief.

As they praised the **** of agriculture, the sound of footsteps in the distance approached quickly from far to near.

"The tax collector is here again." After seeing the other party's clothes, the village chief quickly asked Antonio to reconfirm it while he was not near. "Will you really help us if we don't pay unreasonable taxes?"

You really intend to fight taxes, Antonio muttered in his heart, his face is extremely sacred, "The believers of our lord should not bear the taxes that they should not bear."

After hearing the words of the pastor, the hanging heart of the village chief also fell.

They don't want to pay taxes for a long time.

Over the past few decades, Burgundy City has to pay more and more taxes. In order to build the temple of the **** of cool officials, it is necessary to increase the temple tax, to clean the Burgundy City, to increase the cleaning tax, and to combat foreigners. Robbers have to pay a tax against robbers...the tax increases every year.

Moreover, after these taxes were added, there was no reduction or exemption. The temple of the **** of cool officials has been built for decades, and the temple tax has to be paid every year, and it is not allowed to ask.

Last year, his son was kicked by the tax collector when he asked him a question. He lay at home and rested for half a month.

I blessed myself with the tax collection of the graceful magic of the wind, and when I saw the heavy golden wheat in the field, I was startled at first, and immediately walked up and asked, "Is this the wheat planted last year or the wheat planted this year?"

"This is the wheat planted this year. To be precise, it is the wheat planted in the last few days."

Antonio took a slanted step, walked to the front, faced the tax collector, and said in a tone full of magic sticks: "They believe in the Lord, so the Lord performed miracles to give them the joy of harvest."

The tax collector didn't notice Antonio until this time. He looked at his white pastor's robe, hesitated for a while, and asked, "Which church's pastor?"

"Agricultural Church!"

Agricultural church?

The church where the grownup wants me to charge more taxes?

The tax collector took a breath, suppressed the cringe in his heart, and said boldly: "This priest, you know that in Burgundy, believers who do not believe in the **** of cruel staff need to pay an extra amount of faith. Is it taxable?"

"I know." Antonio nodded slowly and said frankly: "But I think this is unreasonable."

"It can be believed that the tax is formulated by the City Lord's Mansion."

"Before you came here, the Church of Dawn, the Church of Justice, and the Church of Order all agreed with this law."

"If you do not accept the faith tax, then I will expel your agricultural church in accordance with the laws of the city of Burgundy."

"At that time, both you and your **** will leave Burgundy."


A silver-white lightning fell out of thin air, hitting about a centimeter in front of the tax collector's feet, and the electric snake spread in all directions.

The tax collector screamed, shaking his hands and feet unconsciously, provoking an unknown dance.

"This is a punishment for your disrespect to my God~www.NovelMTL.com~ Antonio said with his eyes open: "My God is the true God. According to the Continental Convention, the Church of the true God is qualified to preach anywhere on the main plane, anyone or The church must not be expelled. "

"Go back and tell the person who instigated you to come over, if you dare to charge unreasonable taxes on the followers of my god, I, Antonio, the legendary agricultural druid of class 22 will visit them personally."

"Either I will kill them or they will kill me."


In the kingdom of God, Jiang Hao slowly let go of his raised hand.

After Antonio moved out of his role as a legendary professional, he might have to settle down for a while with the opponent's bloodline warlock level of only 14 or 15.

"Take advantage of this gap, I should go to the star realm to visit Ieta Cavendil."


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